module update_ca !Main module for evolving CA in time, also includes !read and write restart routines, to restart fields !on the ncellsxncells CA grid use kinddef use halo_exchange, only: atmosphere_scalar_field_halo use random_numbers, only: random_01_CB use mpi_wrapper, only: mype,mp_reduce_min,mp_reduce_max use mpp_domains_mod, only: domain2D,mpp_get_global_domain,CENTER, mpp_get_data_domain, mpp_get_compute_domain,mpp_get_ntile_count,& mpp_define_mosaic,mpp_get_layout,mpp_define_io_domain,mpp_get_io_domain_layout,mpp_get_domain_extents use mpp_mod, only: mpp_error, mpp_pe, mpp_root_pe, & NOTE, FATAL use fms2_io_mod, only: FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t, unlimited, & open_file, close_file, & register_axis, register_restart_field, & register_variable_attribute, register_field, & read_restart, write_restart, write_data, & get_global_io_domain_indices, variable_exists implicit none public write_ca_restart public read_ca_restart public update_cells_sgs public update_cells_global integer,allocatable :: board(:,:,:), lives(:,:,:) integer,allocatable :: board_g(:,:,:), lives_g(:,:,:) integer,public :: isdnx,iednx,jsdnx,jednx,nxncells,nyncells integer,public :: iscnx,iecnx,jscnx,jecnx,nxncells_g,nyncells_g integer,public :: isdnx_g,iednx_g,jsdnx_g,jednx_g integer,public :: iscnx_g,iecnx_g,jscnx_g,jecnx_g integer*8, public :: csum type(domain2D),public :: domain_sgs,domain_global logical, public :: cold_start_ca_sgs=.true.,cold_start_ca_global=.true. contains !Compute CA domain:-------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine define_ca_domain(domain_in,domain_out,halo,ncells,nxncells_local,nyncells_local) implicit none type(domain2D),intent(inout) :: domain_in type(domain2D),intent(inout) :: domain_out integer,intent(in) :: ncells,halo integer,intent(out) :: nxncells_local, nyncells_local integer :: layout(2) integer, allocatable :: xextent(:,:), yextent(:,:) integer :: ntiles integer, allocatable :: pe_start(:), pe_end(:) integer :: i, j, k, n integer :: nx, ny integer :: isc,iec,jsc,jec !--- get params from fv domain mosaic for building domain_out call mpp_get_global_domain(domain_in,xsize=nx,ysize=ny,position=CENTER) call mpp_get_layout(domain_in,layout) ntiles = mpp_get_ntile_count(domain_in) allocate(xextent(layout(1),ntiles)) allocate(yextent(layout(2),ntiles)) call mpp_get_domain_extents(domain_in,xextent,yextent) xextent=xextent*ncells yextent=yextent*ncells !write(1000+mpp_pe(),*) "nx,ny: ",nx,ny !write(1000+mpp_pe(),*) "layout: ",layout !--- define mosaic for domain_out refined by 'ncells' from domain_in nxncells_local=nx*ncells+1 nyncells_local=ny*ncells+1 allocate(pe_start(ntiles)) allocate(pe_end(ntiles)) do n = 1, ntiles pe_start(n) = mpp_root_pe() + (n-1)*layout(1)*layout(2) pe_end(n) = mpp_root_pe() + n*layout(1)*layout(2)-1 enddo call define_cubic_mosaic(domain_out, nxncells_local-1, nyncells_local-1, & layout, pe_start, pe_end, halo, ntiles, xextent, yextent ) deallocate(pe_start) deallocate(pe_end) deallocate(xextent) deallocate(yextent) end subroutine define_ca_domain !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine write_ca_restart(timestamp) !Write restart files implicit none character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: timestamp character(len=32) :: fn_ca = '' type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: CA_restart integer :: id_restart,nx,ny,i integer :: is,ie,js,je,nca,nca_g integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: buffer character(7) :: indir='RESTART' character(72) :: infile logical :: amiopen amiopen=.false. !Return if not allocated: if(.not. allocated(board) .and. .not. allocated(lives) .and. .not. allocated(board_g) .and. .not. allocated(lives_g))return infile=trim(indir)//'/'//trim(fn_ca) if( present(timestamp) ) infile=trim(indir)//'/'//trim(timestamp)//'.'//trim(fn_ca) !--- register axis if (allocated(board)) then amiopen=open_file(CA_restart, trim(infile), 'overwrite', domain=domain_sgs, is_restart=.true., dont_add_res_to_filename=.true.) if( amiopen ) then nca=SIZE(board,3) call mpp_get_compute_domain (domain_sgs,is,ie,js,je) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'xaxis_1', 'X') call register_field(CA_restart, 'xaxis_1', 'double', (/'xaxis_1'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'xaxis_1', 'cartesian_axis', 'X', str_len=1) call get_global_io_domain_indices(CA_restart, 'xaxis_1', is, ie, indices=buffer) call write_data(CA_restart, "xaxis_1", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'yaxis_1', 'Y') call register_field(CA_restart, 'yaxis_1', 'double', (/'yaxis_1'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'yaxis_1', 'cartesian_axis', 'Y', str_len=1) call get_global_io_domain_indices(CA_restart, 'yaxis_1', js, je, indices=buffer) call write_data(CA_restart, "yaxis_1", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'zaxis_1', nca ) call register_field(CA_restart, 'zaxis_1', 'double', (/'zaxis_1'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'zaxis_1', 'cartesian_axis', 'Z', str_len=1) allocate( buffer(nca) ) do i=1, nca buffer(i)=i end do call write_data(CA_restart, "zaxis_1", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "board", board(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_1','yaxis_1','zaxis_1'/),is_optional=.false.) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "lives", lives(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_1','yaxis_1','zaxis_1'/),is_optional=.false.) call write_restart(CA_restart) call close_file(CA_restart) else call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Error opening file '//trim(infile)) endif endif if (allocated(board_g)) then if ( amiopen) then amiopen=open_file(CA_restart, trim(infile), 'append', domain=domain_global, is_restart=.true., dont_add_res_to_filename=.true.) else amiopen=open_file(CA_restart, trim(infile), 'overwrite', domain=domain_global, is_restart=.true., dont_add_res_to_filename=.true.) endif if( amiopen ) then nca_g=SIZE(board_g,3) call mpp_get_compute_domain (domain_global,is,ie,js,je) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'xaxis_2', 'X') call register_field(CA_restart, 'xaxis_2', 'double', (/'xaxis_2'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'xaxis_2', 'cartesian_axis', 'X', str_len=1) call get_global_io_domain_indices(CA_restart, 'xaxis_2', is, ie, indices=buffer) call write_data(CA_restart, "xaxis_2", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'yaxis_2', 'Y') call register_field(CA_restart, 'yaxis_2', 'double', (/'yaxis_2'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'yaxis_2', 'cartesian_axis', 'Y', str_len=1) call get_global_io_domain_indices(CA_restart, 'yaxis_2', js, je, indices=buffer) call write_data(CA_restart, "yaxis_2", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_axis(CA_restart, 'zaxis_2', nca_g) call register_field(CA_restart, 'zaxis_2', 'double', (/'zaxis_2'/)) call register_variable_attribute(CA_restart, 'zaxis_2', 'cartesian_axis', 'Z', str_len=1) allocate( buffer(nca_g) ) do i=1, nca_g buffer(i)=i end do call write_data(CA_restart, "zaxis_2", buffer) deallocate(buffer) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "board_g", board_g(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_2','yaxis_2','zaxis_2'/),is_optional=.false.) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "lives_g", lives_g(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_2','yaxis_2','zaxis_2'/),is_optional=.false.) call write_restart(CA_restart) call close_file(CA_restart) else call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Error opening file '//trim(infile)) endif endif end subroutine write_ca_restart subroutine read_ca_restart(domain_in,halo,ncells,nca,ncells_g,nca_g) !Read restart files implicit none type(FmsNetcdfDomainFile_t) :: CA_restart type(domain2D), intent(inout) :: domain_in integer,intent(in) :: ncells,nca,nca_g,ncells_g,halo character(len=32) :: fn_ca = '' character(len=64) :: fname integer :: id_restart integer :: nxc,nyc,i real :: pi,re,dx integer :: nx,ny character(5) :: indir='INPUT' logical :: amiopen integer, allocatable, dimension(:) :: io_layout(:) call mpp_get_global_domain(domain_in,xsize=nx,ysize=ny,position=CENTER) fname = trim(indir)//'/'//trim(fn_ca) if (nca .gt. 0 ) then allocate(io_layout(2)) io_layout=mpp_get_io_domain_layout(domain_in) call define_ca_domain(domain_in,domain_sgs,halo,ncells,nxncells,nyncells) call mpp_define_io_domain(domain_sgs, io_layout) call mpp_get_compute_domain (domain_sgs,iscnx,iecnx,jscnx,jecnx) amiopen=open_file(CA_restart, trim(fname), 'read', domain=domain_sgs, is_restart=.true., dont_add_res_to_filename=.true.) if( amiopen ) then call register_axis(CA_restart, 'xaxis_1', 'X') call register_axis(CA_restart, 'yaxis_1', 'Y') call register_axis(CA_restart, 'nca', nca) !Get CA SGS domain nxc = iecnx-iscnx+1 nyc = jecnx-jscnx+1 if (.not. allocated(board))then allocate(board(nxc,nyc,nca)) endif if (.not. allocated(lives))then allocate(lives(nxc,nyc,nca)) endif !Read restart call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "board", board(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_1','yaxis_1','zaxis_1'/),is_optional=.false.) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "lives", lives(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_1','yaxis_1','zaxis_1'/),is_optional=.false.) !--- read the CA restart data call mpp_error(NOTE,'reading CA_sgs restart data from INPUT/ca_data.tile*.nc') call read_restart(CA_restart) call close_file(CA_restart) cold_start_ca_sgs=.false. else call mpp_error(NOTE,'No CA_sgs restarts - cold starting CA') cold_start_ca_sgs=.true. endif endif if (nca_g .gt. 0 ) then amiopen=open_file(CA_restart, trim(fname), 'read', domain=domain_global, is_restart=.true., dont_add_res_to_filename=.true.) if( amiopen ) then call register_axis(CA_restart, 'xaxis_2', 'X') call register_axis(CA_restart, 'yaxis_2', 'Y') call register_axis(CA_restart, 'nca_g', nca_g) call define_ca_domain(domain_in,domain_global,halo,ncells_g,nxncells_g,nyncells_g) call mpp_define_io_domain(domain_global, io_layout) call mpp_get_compute_domain (domain_global,iscnx_g,iecnx_g,jscnx_g,jecnx_g) nxc = iecnx_g-iscnx_g+1 nyc = jecnx_g-jscnx_g+1 if (.not. allocated(board_g))then allocate(board_g(nxc,nyc,nca_g)) endif if (.not. allocated(lives_g))then allocate(lives_g(nxc,nyc,nca_g)) endif !Read restart call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "board_g", board_g(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_2','yaxis_2','zaxis_2'/),is_optional=.false.) call register_restart_field(CA_restart, "lives_g", lives_g(:,:,:), dimensions=(/'xaxis_2','yaxis_2','zaxis_2'/),is_optional=.false.) call mpp_error(NOTE,'reading CA_global restart data from INPUT/ca_data.tile*.nc') call read_restart(CA_restart) call close_file(CA_restart) cold_start_ca_global=.false. else call mpp_error(NOTE,'No CA_global restarts - cold starting CA') cold_start_ca_global=.true. endif endif end subroutine read_ca_restart subroutine update_cells_sgs(kstep,halo,dt,initialize_ca,iseed_ca,first_flag,restart,first_time_step,nca,nxc,nyc,nxch,nych,nlon,& nlat,isc,iec,jsc,jec,ca_advect, npx,npy, & CA,ca_plumes,iini,ilives_in,uhigh,vhigh,dxhigh,nlives, & nfracseed,nseed,nspinup,nf,nca_plumes,ncells,mytile) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: kstep,nxc,nyc,nlon,nlat,nxch,nych,nca,isc,iec,jsc,jec,npx,npy integer(8), intent(in) :: iseed_ca integer, intent(in) :: iini(nxc,nyc,nca),initialize_ca,ilives_in(nxc,nyc,nca) integer, intent(in) :: mytile,halo real(kind_phys), intent(out) :: CA(nlon,nlat) integer, intent(out) :: ca_plumes(nlon,nlat) integer, intent(in) :: nlives,nseed, nspinup, nf,ncells real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: nfracseed,dt,dxhigh(nxc,nyc) real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: uhigh(nxc,nyc),vhigh(nxc,nyc) logical, intent(in) :: nca_plumes,restart,ca_advect,first_flag,first_time_step integer, allocatable :: V(:),L(:),B(:) integer, allocatable :: AG(:,:) integer :: inci, incj, i, j, k,sub,spinup,it,k_in,isize,jsize integer :: ih, jh,kend, boardmax,livemax, Xn,Yn real, allocatable :: board_halo(:,:,:) integer, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: neighbours,birth,thresh,adlives,adgrid integer, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: newcell, temp,newseed integer, dimension(ncells,ncells) :: onegrid integer(8) :: nx_full,ny_full integer(8) :: iscale = 10000000000 logical, save :: start_from_restart real, dimension(nxch,nych) :: adlives_halo,adgrid_halo real, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: noise_b,umax,vmax,umin,vmin,dyhigh integer(8) :: count, count_rate, count_max, count_trunc integer :: count4 integer*8 :: i1,j1 real :: ncells2inv !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(first_time_step)then start_from_restart = .False. endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isize=nlon+2*halo jsize=nlat+2*halo k_in=1 if (.not. allocated(board))then allocate(board(nxc,nyc,nca)) board=0.0 endif if (.not. allocated(lives))then allocate(lives(nxc,nyc,nca)) lives=0.0 endif if(.not. allocated(board_halo))then allocate(board_halo(nxch,nych,1)) endif !Step 2: Initialize CA, if restart data exist (board,lives > 0) initialize from restart file, otherwise initialize at time- !step initialize_ca. boardmax=maxval(board) call mp_reduce_max(boardmax) livemax=maxval(lives) call mp_reduce_max(livemax) if(restart .and. first_time_step .and. boardmax > 0 .and. livemax > 0)then !restart start_from_restart = .true. spinup = 1 else if(kstep < initialize_ca .and. .not. start_from_restart)then do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc board(i,j,nf) = 0 lives(i,j,nf) = 0 enddo enddo endif if(kstep == initialize_ca .and. .not. start_from_restart)then do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc board(i,j,nf) = iini(i,j,nf) lives(i,j,nf) = ilives_in(i,j,nf)*iini(i,j,nf) enddo enddo spinup=nspinup else spinup=1 endif endif newseed = 0 !seed with new active cells each nseed time-step regardless of restart/cold start nx_full=int(ncells,kind=8)*int(npx-1,kind=8) ny_full=int(ncells,kind=8)*int(npy-1,kind=8) if(mod(kstep,nseed)==0. .and. (kstep >= initialize_ca .or. start_from_restart))then do j=1,nyc j1=j+(jsc-1)*ncells do i=1,nxc i1=i+(isc-1)*ncells if (iseed_ca <= 0) then !call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max) count_trunc = iscale*(count/iscale) count4 = count - count_trunc + mytile *( i1+nx_full*(j1-1)) ! no need to multply by 7 since time will be different in sgs else count4 = mod((iseed_ca*nf+mytile)*(i1+nx_full*(j1-1))+ 2147483648, 4294967296) - 2147483648 endif noise_b(i,j)=real(random_01_CB(kstep,count4),kind=8) enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(board(i,j,nf) == 0 .and. noise_b(i,j)>0.90 )then newseed(i,j) = 1 endif board(i,j,nf) = board(i,j,nf) + newseed(i,j) enddo enddo endif !Step 3: Evolve CA do it = 1,spinup CA=0 neighbours=0 birth=0 newcell=0 board_halo=0 !--- copy board into the halo-augmented board_halo board_halo(1+halo:nxc+halo,1+halo:nyc+halo,1) = real(board(1:nxc,1:nyc,1),kind=8) ! write(1000+mpp_pe(),*) "board_halo pre: ",board_halo(20,1:50,1) !--- perform halo update call atmosphere_scalar_field_halo (board_halo, halo, nxch, nych, 1, & iscnx, iecnx, jscnx, jecnx, & nxncells, nyncells, domain_sgs) !--- output data to ensure proper update !write(1000+mpp_pe(),*) "board_halo post: ",board_halo(20,1:50,1) !--- Count the neighbours do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc ih=i+halo jh=j+halo neighbours(i,j)=board_halo(ih-1,jh-1,1)+board_halo(ih-1,jh,1)+ & board_halo(ih-1,jh+1,1)+board_halo(ih,jh+1,1)+board_halo(ih+1,jh+1,1)+& board_halo(ih+1,jh,1)+board_halo(ih+1,jh-1,1)+board_halo(ih,jh-1,1) enddo enddo !--- Check rules; !birth do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if((neighbours(i,j) == 3 .or. neighbours(i,j) == 2))then birth(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo !death do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(neighbours(i,j) < 2 .or. neighbours(i,j) > 3)then lives(i,j,nf)=lives(i,j,nf) - 1 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(lives(i,j,nf) < 0)then lives(i,j,nf)=0 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(birth(i,j)==1 .and. lives(i,j,nf)==0)then newcell(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc lives(i,j,nf)=lives(i,j,nf)+newcell(i,j)*ilives_in(i,j,nf) enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(neighbours(i,j)==3 .or. (board(i,j,nf)==1 .and. neighbours(i,j)==2))then board(i,j,nf)=1 else board(i,j,nf)=0 endif enddo enddo enddo !spinup !ADVECTION OF CA CELLS: !Let the CFL criteria limit the maximum wind speed, such that the !advection (distance) of a single CA cell does not move outside the !Halo region if(ca_advect)then do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc dyhigh(i,j)=dxhigh(i,j) umax(i,j)=((dxhigh(i,j))*halo)/dt vmax(i,j)=((dyhigh(i,j))*halo)/dt enddo enddo umin(:,:) = -1.0*umax(:,:) vmin(:,:) = -1.0*vmax(:,:) do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc uhigh(i,j)=MIN(uhigh(i,j),umax(i,j)) vhigh(i,j)=MIN(vhigh(i,j),vmax(i,j)) uhigh(i,j)=MAX(uhigh(i,j),umin(i,j)) vhigh(i,j)=MAX(vhigh(i,j),vmin(i,j)) enddo enddo !Move CA cells in direction of the wind adlives_halo(:,:)=0. adgrid_halo(:,:)=0. do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc ih=i+halo jh=j+halo Xn=ih+nint((uhigh(i,j)/dxhigh(i,j))*dt) Yn=jh+nint((vhigh(i,j)/dyhigh(i,j))*dt) adgrid_halo(Xn,Yn)=adgrid_halo(Xn,Yn)+board(i,j,nf) adlives_halo(Xn,Yn)=adlives_halo(Xn,Yn)+lives(i,j,nf) enddo enddo call atmosphere_scalar_field_halo (adgrid_halo, halo, nxch, nych, 1, & iscnx, iecnx, jscnx, jecnx, & nxncells, nyncells, domain_sgs) call atmosphere_scalar_field_halo (adlives_halo, halo, nxch, nych, 1, & iscnx, iecnx, jscnx, jecnx, & nxncells, nyncells, domain_sgs) !--- copy the advected fields from the halo-augmented fields adgrid(1:nxc,1:nyc) = nint(adgrid_halo(1+halo:nxc+halo,1+halo:nyc+halo)) adlives(1:nxc,1:nyc) = nint(adlives_halo(1+halo:nxc+halo,1+halo:nyc+halo)) do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc lives(i,j,nf)=0. board(i,j,nf)=0. lives(i,j,nf)=adlives(i,j) if(adgrid(i,j)>=1)then board(i,j,nf)=1 endif enddo enddo endif !advection !COARSE-GRAIN BACK TO NWP GRID inci=ncells incj=ncells sub=ncells-1 ncells2inv=real(1.0/(ncells*ncells)) DO j=1,nlat DO i=1,nlon CA(i,j)=(SUM(lives(inci-sub:inci,incj-sub:incj,nf)))*ncells2inv inci=inci+ncells ENDDO inci=ncells incj=incj+ncells ENDDO if(nca_plumes) then !COMPUTE NUMBER OF CLUSTERS (CONVECTIVE PLUMES) IN EACH CA-CELL !Note, at the moment we only use the count of the plumes found in a grid-cell !In the future the routine "plumes" can also be used to give the size of !each individual plume for better coupling to the convection scheme. temp=0 do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(lives(i,j,1) > 0)then temp(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo kend=ceiling((ncells*ncells)/2.) if (.not. allocated(V))then allocate(V(kend)) endif if (.not. allocated(L))then allocate(L(kend)) endif if (.not. allocated(B))then allocate(B(kend)) endif if (.not. allocated(AG))then allocate(AG(ncells,ncells)) endif ca_plumes(:,:)=0 inci=ncells incj=ncells sub=ncells-1 DO j=1,nlat DO i=1,nlon B(:)=0 L(:)=0 V(:)=0 onegrid(1:ncells,1:ncells)=temp(inci-sub:inci,incj-sub:incj) call plumes(V,L,AG,onegrid,ncells,ncells,kend) do k=1,kend if(V(k)==1)then B(k)=L(k) !to avoid considering clusters of 0 endif enddo ca_plumes(i,j)=MAXVAL(B(1:kend)) inci=inci+ncells ENDDO inci=ncells incj=incj+ncells ENDDO else ca_plumes(:,:)=0. endif ! nca_plumes end subroutine update_cells_sgs !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! subroutine update_cells_global(kstep,halo,first_time_step,iseed_ca,restart,nca,nxc,nyc,nxch,nych,nlon,nlat,isc,iec,jsc,jec, & npx,npy,CA,iini_g,ilives_g, & nlives,ncells,nfracseed,nseed,nspinup,nf,mytile) implicit none integer, intent(in) :: kstep,nxc,nyc,nlon,nlat,nxch,nych,nca,isc,iec,jsc,jec,npx,npy integer, intent(in) :: iini_g(nxc,nyc,nca), ilives_g(nxc,nyc) integer(8), intent(in) :: iseed_ca real, intent(out) :: CA(nlon,nlat) logical, intent(in) :: first_time_step logical, intent(in) :: restart integer, intent(in) :: nlives, ncells, nseed, nspinup, nf real, intent(in) :: nfracseed integer, intent(in) :: mytile, halo integer,allocatable :: V(:),L(:) integer :: inci, incj, i, j, k ,sub,spinup,it,k_in,isize,jsize integer :: ih, jh,kend real, allocatable :: board_halo(:,:,:) integer, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: neighbours, birth, thresh integer, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: newcell, temp,newseed real, dimension(nxc,nyc) :: noise_b integer(8) :: count, count_rate, count_max, count_trunc integer :: count4 integer(8) :: nx_full,ny_full integer(8) :: iscale = 10000000000 integer*8 :: i1,j1 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- isize=nlon+2*halo jsize=nlat+2*halo k_in=1 if (.not. allocated(board_g)) allocate(board_g(nxc,nyc,nca)) if (.not. allocated(lives_g)) allocate(lives_g(nxc,nyc,nca)) if (.not. allocated(board_halo)) allocate(board_halo(nxch,nych,1)) if(first_time_step .and. cold_start_ca_global)then do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc board_g(i,j,nf) = iini_g(i,j,nf) lives_g(i,j,nf) = ilives_g(i,j)*iini_g(i,j,nf) enddo enddo endif !Seed with new CA cells at each nseed step newseed=0 if(mod(kstep,nseed) == 0)then nx_full=int(npx-1,kind=8) ny_full=int(npy-1,kind=8) !random numbers: do j=1,nyc j1=j+(jsc-1)*ncells do i=1,nxc i1=i+(isc-1)*ncells if (iseed_ca <= 0) then !call system_clock(count, count_rate, count_max) count_trunc = iscale*(count/iscale) count4 = count - count_trunc + mytile *( i1+nx_full*(j1-1)) ! no need to multply by 7 since time will be different in sgs else count4 = mod(iseed_ca*nf+(7*mytile)*(i1+nx_full*(j1-1))+ 2147483648, 4294967296) - 2147483648 endif noise_b(i,j)=real(random_01_CB(kstep,count4),kind=8) enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(board_g(i,j,nf) == 0 .and. noise_b(i,j)>0.75 )then newseed(i,j)=1 endif board_g(i,j,nf) = board_g(i,j,nf) + newseed(i,j) enddo enddo endif if(first_time_step .and. cold_start_ca_global)then spinup=nspinup else spinup = 1 endif do it=1,spinup !Step 2 - Initialize variables to 0 and extract the halo neighbours=0 birth=0 newcell=0 CA=0 board_halo=0 !The input to scalar_field_halo needs to be 1D. !take the updated board_g fields and extract the halo ! in order to have updated values in the halo region. !--- copy board into the halo-augmented board_halo board_halo(1+halo:nxc+halo,1+halo:nyc+halo,1) = real(board_g(1:nxc,1:nyc,nf),kind=8) !write(1000+mpp_pe(),*) "board_halo pre: ",board_halo(:,:,1) !--- perform halo update call atmosphere_scalar_field_halo (board_halo, halo, nxch, nych, 1, & iscnx_g, iecnx_g, jscnx_g, jecnx_g, & nxncells_g, nyncells_g, domain_global) do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc ih=i+halo jh=j+halo neighbours(i,j)=board_halo(ih-1,jh-1,1)+board_halo(ih-1,jh,1)+ & board_halo(ih-1,jh+1,1)+board_halo(ih,jh+1,1)+board_halo(ih+1,jh+1,1)+& board_halo(ih+1,jh,1)+board_halo(ih+1,jh-1,1)+board_halo(ih,jh-1,1) enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(neighbours(i,j)==2 .or. neighbours(i,j)==3)then birth(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(neighbours(i,j)<2 .or. neighbours(i,j)>3)then lives_g(i,j,nf)=lives_g(i,j,nf) - 1 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(lives_g(i,j,nf)<0)then lives_g(i,j,nf)=0 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if(birth(i,j)==1 .and. lives_g(i,j,nf)==0)then newcell(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc lives_g(i,j,nf)=lives_g(i,j,nf)+newcell(i,j)*ilives_g(i,j) enddo enddo do j=1,nyc do i=1,nxc if( (board_g(i,j,nf) ==1 .and. (neighbours(i,j)==3 .or. neighbours(i,j)==2) ).or. (board_g(i,j,nf)==0 .and. neighbours(i,j)==3) )then board_g(i,j,nf)=1 else board_g(i,j,nf)=0 endif enddo enddo enddo !spinup !COARSE-GRAIN BACK TO NWP GRID inci=ncells incj=ncells sub=ncells-1 DO j=1,nlat DO i=1,nlon CA(i,j)=(SUM(lives_g(inci-sub:inci,incj-sub:incj,nf)))/real(ncells*ncells) inci=inci+ncells ENDDO inci=ncells incj=incj+ncells ENDDO end subroutine update_cells_global !================================ ! This subroutine is copied from FMS/test_fms/test_mpp_domains.F90 ! and modified to make it simpler to use. ! domain_decomp in fv_mp_mod.F90 does something similar, but it does a ! few other unnecessary things (and requires more arguments). subroutine define_cubic_mosaic(domain, ni, nj, layout, pe_start, pe_end, halo, ntiles, xextent, yextent) type(domain2d), intent(inout) :: domain integer, intent(in) :: ni, nj, ntiles, xextent(:,:), yextent(:,:) integer, intent(in) :: layout(:) integer, intent(in) :: pe_start(:), pe_end(:) integer, intent(in) :: halo !--- local variables integer,allocatable :: global_indices(:,:), layout2D(:,:) integer,allocatable :: istart1(:), iend1(:), jstart1(:), jend1(:), tile1(:) integer,allocatable :: istart2(:), iend2(:), jstart2(:), jend2(:), tile2(:) integer :: num_contact integer :: i if(size(layout) .NE. 2) call mpp_error(FATAL, & "define_cubic_mosaic: size of layout should be 2") if(ntiles==6)then num_contact = 12 allocate(global_indices(4,ntiles)) allocate(layout2D(2,ntiles)) allocate(istart1(num_contact), iend1(num_contact), jstart1(num_contact), jend1(num_contact), tile1(num_contact) ) allocate(istart2(num_contact), iend2(num_contact), jstart2(num_contact), jend2(num_contact), tile2(num_contact) ) do i = 1, ntiles layout2D(:,i) = layout(:) global_indices(1,i) = 1 global_indices(2,i) = ni global_indices(3,i) = 1 global_indices(4,i) = nj enddo !--- Contact line 1, between tile 1 (EAST) and tile 2 (WEST) tile1(1) = 1; tile2(1) = 2 istart1(1) = ni; iend1(1) = ni; jstart1(1) = 1; jend1(1) = nj istart2(1) = 1; iend2(1) = 1; jstart2(1) = 1; jend2(1) = nj !--- Contact line 2, between tile 1 (NORTH) and tile 3 (WEST) tile1(2) = 1; tile2(2) = 3 istart1(2) = 1; iend1(2) = ni; jstart1(2) = nj; jend1(2) = nj istart2(2) = 1; iend2(2) = 1; jstart2(2) = nj; jend2(2) = 1 !--- Contact line 3, between tile 1 (WEST) and tile 5 (NORTH) tile1(3) = 1; tile2(3) = 5 istart1(3) = 1; iend1(3) = 1; jstart1(3) = 1; jend1(3) = nj istart2(3) = ni; iend2(3) = 1; jstart2(3) = nj; jend2(3) = nj !--- Contact line 4, between tile 1 (SOUTH) and tile 6 (NORTH) tile1(4) = 1; tile2(4) = 6 istart1(4) = 1; iend1(4) = ni; jstart1(4) = 1; jend1(4) = 1 istart2(4) = 1; iend2(4) = ni; jstart2(4) = nj; jend2(4) = nj !--- Contact line 5, between tile 2 (NORTH) and tile 3 (SOUTH) tile1(5) = 2; tile2(5) = 3 istart1(5) = 1; iend1(5) = ni; jstart1(5) = nj; jend1(5) = nj istart2(5) = 1; iend2(5) = ni; jstart2(5) = 1; jend2(5) = 1 !--- Contact line 6, between tile 2 (EAST) and tile 4 (SOUTH) tile1(6) = 2; tile2(6) = 4 istart1(6) = ni; iend1(6) = ni; jstart1(6) = 1; jend1(6) = nj istart2(6) = ni; iend2(6) = 1; jstart2(6) = 1; jend2(6) = 1 !--- Contact line 7, between tile 2 (SOUTH) and tile 6 (EAST) tile1(7) = 2; tile2(7) = 6 istart1(7) = 1; iend1(7) = ni; jstart1(7) = 1; jend1(7) = 1 istart2(7) = ni; iend2(7) = ni; jstart2(7) = nj; jend2(7) = 1 !--- Contact line 8, between tile 3 (EAST) and tile 4 (WEST) tile1(8) = 3; tile2(8) = 4 istart1(8) = ni; iend1(8) = ni; jstart1(8) = 1; jend1(8) = nj istart2(8) = 1; iend2(8) = 1; jstart2(8) = 1; jend2(8) = nj !--- Contact line 9, between tile 3 (NORTH) and tile 5 (WEST) tile1(9) = 3; tile2(9) = 5 istart1(9) = 1; iend1(9) = ni; jstart1(9) = nj; jend1(9) = nj istart2(9) = 1; iend2(9) = 1; jstart2(9) = nj; jend2(9) = 1 !--- Contact line 10, between tile 4 (NORTH) and tile 5 (SOUTH) tile1(10) = 4; tile2(10) = 5 istart1(10) = 1; iend1(10) = ni; jstart1(10) = nj; jend1(10) = nj istart2(10) = 1; iend2(10) = ni; jstart2(10) = 1; jend2(10) = 1 !--- Contact line 11, between tile 4 (EAST) and tile 6 (SOUTH) tile1(11) = 4; tile2(11) = 6 istart1(11) = ni; iend1(11) = ni; jstart1(11) = 1; jend1(11) = nj istart2(11) = ni; iend2(11) = 1; jstart2(11) = 1; jend2(11) = 1 !--- Contact line 12, between tile 5 (EAST) and tile 6 (WEST) tile1(12) = 5; tile2(12) = 6 istart1(12) = ni; iend1(12) = ni; jstart1(12) = 1; jend1(12) = nj istart2(12) = 1; iend2(12) = 1; jstart2(12) = 1; jend2(12) = nj else if(ntiles==1) then !Single tile num_contact = 0 allocate(global_indices(4,ntiles)) allocate(layout2D(2,ntiles)) allocate(istart1(num_contact+1), iend1(num_contact+1), jstart1(num_contact+1), jend1(num_contact+1), tile1(num_contact+1) ) allocate(istart2(num_contact+1), iend2(num_contact+1), jstart2(num_contact+1), jend2(num_contact+1), tile2(num_contact+1) ) do i = 1, ntiles layout2D(:,i) = layout(:) global_indices(1,i) = 1 global_indices(2,i) = ni global_indices(3,i) = 1 global_indices(4,i) = nj enddo else call mpp_error(FATAL, & "ntiles should be either 6 or 1 to run cellular automata") endif !global or regional domain call mpp_define_mosaic(global_indices, layout2D, domain, ntiles, & num_contact, tile1, tile2, istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, & istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2, pe_start, pe_end, symmetry=.true., & whalo=halo, ehalo=halo, shalo=halo, nhalo=halo,name='CA cubic mosaic', & xextent=xextent, yextent=yextent) deallocate(global_indices) deallocate(layout2D) deallocate(istart1, iend1, jstart1, jend1, tile1) deallocate(istart2, iend2, jstart2, jend2, tile2) end subroutine define_cubic_mosaic end module update_ca