module module_physics_driver use machine, only: kind_phys use physcons, only: con_cp, con_fvirt, con_g, con_rd, & con_rv, con_hvap, con_hfus, & con_rerth, con_pi, rhc_max, dxmin, & dxinv, pa2mb, rlapse, con_eps, con_epsm1 use cs_conv, only: cs_convr use ozne_def, only: levozp, oz_coeff, oz_pres use h2o_def, only: levh2o, h2o_coeff, h2o_pres use gfs_fv3_needs, only: get_prs_fv3, get_phi_fv3 use module_nst_water_prop, only: get_dtzm_2d use GFS_typedefs, only: GFS_statein_type, GFS_stateout_type, & GFS_sfcprop_type, GFS_coupling_type, & GFS_control_type, GFS_grid_type, & GFS_tbd_type, GFS_cldprop_type, & GFS_radtend_type, GFS_diag_type use gfdl_cloud_microphys_mod, only: gfdl_cloud_microphys_driver use module_mp_thompson, only: mp_gt_driver use module_mp_wsm6, only: wsm6 use funcphys, only: ftdp implicit none !--- CONSTANT PARAMETERS real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hocp = con_hvap/con_cp real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: qmin = 1.0e-10 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: qsmall = 1.0e-20 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: rainmin = 1.0e-13 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: p850 = 85000.0 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: epsq = 1.e-20 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: hsub = con_hvap+con_hfus real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: czmin = 0.0001 ! cos(89.994) real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: one = 1.0d0, onebg = one/con_g real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: albdf = 0.06 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: tf=258.16, tcr=273.16, tcrf=1.0/(tcr-tf) real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: con_p001= 0.001d0 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: con_d00 = 0.0d0 real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: con_day = 86400.d0 !> GFS Physics Implementation Layer !> @brief Layer that invokes individual GFS physics routines !> @{ !at tune step===========================================================! ! description: ! ! ! ! usage: ! ! ! ! call GFS_physics_driver ! ! ! ! --- interface variables ! ! type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model ! ! type(GFS_statein_type), intent(inout) :: Statein ! ! type(GFS_stateout_type), intent(inout) :: Stateout ! ! type(GFS_sfcprop_type), intent(inout) :: Sfcprop ! ! type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: Coupling ! ! type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid ! ! type(GFS_tbd_type), intent(inout :: Tbd ! ! type(GFS_cldprop_type), intent(inout) :: Cldprop ! ! type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend ! ! type(GFS_diag_type), intent(inout) :: Diag ! ! ! ! subprograms called: ! ! ! ! get_prs, dcyc2t2_pre_rad (testing), dcyc2t3, sfc_diff, ! ! sfc_ocean,sfc_drv, sfc_land, sfc_sice, sfc_diag, moninp1, ! ! moninp, moninq1, moninq, gwdps, ozphys, get_phi, ! ! sascnv, sascnvn, rascnv, cs_convr, gwdc, shalcvt3,shalcv,! ! shalcnv, cnvc90, lrgscl, gsmdrive, gscond, precpd, ! ! progt2. ! ! ! ! ! ! program history log: ! ! 19xx - ncep mrf/gfs ! ! 2002 - s. moorthi modify and restructure and add Ferrier ! ! microphysics as an option ! ! 200x - h. juang modify (what?) ! ! nov 2004 - x. wu modify sea-ice model ! ! may 2005 - s. moorthi modify and restructure ! ! 2005 - s. lu modify to include noah lsm ! ! oct 2006 - h. wei modify lsm options to include both ! ! noah and osu lsms. ! ! 2006 - s. moorthi added a. johansson's convective gravity ! ! wave parameterization code ! ! 2007 - s. moorthi added j. han's modified pbl/sas options ! ! dec 2007 - xu li modified the operational version for ! ! nst model ! ! 2008 - s. moorthi applied xu li's nst model to new gfs ! ! mar 2008 - y.-t. hou added sunshine duration var (suntim) as ! ! an input/output argument. ! ! 2008 - jun wang added spfhmax/spfhmin as input/output. ! ! apr 2008 - y.-t. hou added lw sfc emissivity var (sfcemis), ! ! define the lw sfc dn/up fluxes in two forms: atmos! ! and ground. also changed sw sfc net flux direction! ! (positive) from ground -> atmos to the direction ! ! of atmos -> ground. recode the program and add ! ! program documentation block. ! 2008/ - s. moorthi and y.t. hou upgraded the code to more ! ! 2009 modern form and changed all the inputs to MKS units.! ! feb 2009 - s. moorthi upgraded to add Hochun's gocart changes ! ! jul 2009 - s. moorthi added rqtk for sela's semi-lagrangian ! ! aug 2009 - s. moorthi added j. han and h. pan updated shallow ! ! convection package ! ! sep 2009 - s. moorthi updated for the mcica (rrtm3) radiation ! ! dec 2010 - sarah lu lgocart added to input arg; ! ! compute dqdt_v if inline gocart is on ! ! feb 2011 - sarah lu add the option to update surface diag ! ! fields (t2m,q2m,u10m,v10m) at the end ! ! Jun 2011 - s. moorthi and Xu Li - updated the nst model ! ! ! ! sep 2011 - sarah lu correct dqdt_v calculations ! ! apr 2012 - henry juang add idea ! ! sep 2012 - s. moorthi merge with operational version ! ! Mar 2013 - Jun Wang set idea heating rate to tmp tendency ! ! May 2013 - Jun Wang tmp updated after idea phys ! ! Jun 2013 - s. moorthi corrected a bug in 3d diagnostics for T ! ! Aug 2013 - s. moorthi updating J. Whitekar's changes related ! ! to stochastic physics perturnbation ! ! Oct 2013 - Xingren Wu add dusfci/dvsfci ! ! Mar 2014 - Xingren Wu add "_cpl" for coupling ! ! Mar 2014 - Xingren Wu add "nir/vis beam and nir/vis diff" ! ! Apr 2014 - Xingren Wu add "NET LW/SW including nir/vis" ! ! Jan 2014 - Jun Wang merge Moorthi's gwdc change and H.Juang ! ! and F. Yang's energy conversion from GWD! ! jan 2014 - y-t hou revised sw sfc spectral component fluxes! ! for coupled mdl, added estimation of ocean albedo ! ! without ice contamination. ! ! Jun 2014 - Xingren Wu update net SW fluxes over the ocean ! ! (no ice contamination) ! ! Jul 2014 - Xingren Wu add Sea/Land/Ice Mask - slmsk_cpl ! ! Jul 2014 - s. moorthi merge with standalone gfs and cleanup ! ! Aug 2014 - s. moorthi add tracer fixer ! ! Sep 2014 - Sarah Lu disable the option to compute tracer ! ! scavenging in GFS phys (set fscav=0.) ! ! Dec 2014 - Jun Wang add cnvqc_v for gocart ! ! ==================== defination of variables ==================== ! ! --- 2014 - D. Dazlich Added Chikira-Sugiyama (CS) convection ! ! as an option in opr GFS. ! ! Apr 2015 S. Moorthi Added CS scheme to NEMS/GSM ! ! Jun 2015 S. Moorthi Added SHOC to NEMS/GSM ! ! Aug 2015 - Xu Li change nst_fcst to be nstf_name ! ! and introduce depth mean SST ! ! Sep 2015 - Xingren Wu remove oro_cpl & slmsk_cpl ! ! Sep 2015 - Xingren Wu add sfc_cice ! ! Sep 2015 - Xingren Wu connect CICE output to sfc_cice ! ! Jan 2016 - P. Tripp NUOPC/GSM merge ! ! Mar 2016 - J. Han - add ncnvcld3d integer ! ! for convective cloudiness enhancement ! ! Mar 2016 - J. Han - change newsas & sashal to imfdeepcnv ! ! & imfshalcnv, respectively ! ! Mar 2016 F. Yang add pgr to rayleigh damping call ! ! Mar 2016 S. Moorthi add ral_ts ! ! Mar 2016 Ann Cheng add morrison 2m microphysics (gsfc) ! ! May 2016 S. Moorthi cleanup 2m microphysics implementation ! ! Jun 2016 X. Li change all nst_fld as inout ! ! jul 2016 S. Moorthi fix some bugs in shoc/2m microphysics ! ! au-nv2016a S. Moorthi CS with AW and connect with shoc/2m ! ! Dec 2016 Anning C. Add prognostic rain and snow with 2M ! ! Oct 2017 S. Moorthi fix tracers to account for ice, snow etc! ! with this RAS and CSAW advect condensates! ! Mar 2017 Ruiyu S. Add Thompson's 2M aerosol MP ! ! May 2017 Ruiyu S. Add WSM6 MP ! ! Dec 2017 S. Moorthi Merge/update Ruiyu's update on vertical ! ! diffusion of tracers for all monins ! ! Jan 04 2018 S. Moorthi fix a bug in rhc for use in MG ! ! macrophysics and replace ntrac by nvdiff! ! in call to moninshoc ! ! ! ==================== end of description ===================== ! ==================== definition of variables ==================== ! !> @details This subroutine is the suite driver for the GFS atmospheric physics and surface. !! It is responsible for calculating and applying tendencies of the atmospheric state !! variables due to the atmospheric physics and due to the surface layer scheme. In addition, !! this routine applies radiative heating rates that were calculated during the !! antecedent call to the radiation scheme. Code within this subroutine is executed on the !! physics sub-timestep. The sub-timestep loop is executed in the subroutine gloopb. !! !! \section general General Algorithm !! -# Prepare input variables for calling individual parameterizations. !! -# Using a two-iteration loop, calculate the state variable tendencies for the surface layer. !! -# Calculate the state variable tendencies due to the PBL (vertical diffusion) scheme. !! -# Calculate the state variable tendencies due to orographic gravity wave drag and Rayleigh damping. !! -# Apply tendencies to the state variables calculated so far: !! - for temperature: radiation, surface, PBL, oro. GWD, Rayleigh damping !! - for momentum: surface, PBL, oro. GWD, Rayleigh damping !! - for water vapor: surface, PBL !! -# Calculate and apply the tendency of ozone. !! -# Prepare input variables for physics routines that update the state variables within their subroutines. !! -# If SHOC is active and is supposed to be called before convection, call it and update the state variables within. !! -# Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to deep convection. !! -# Calculate the state variable tendencies due to convective gravity wave drag and apply them afterwards. !! -# Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to shallow convection. !! -# If SHOC is active and is supposed to be called after convection, call it and update the state variables within. !! -# Prepare for microphysics call by calculating preliminary variables. !! -# If necessary, call the moist convective adjustment subroutine and update the state temperature and moisture variable within. !! -# Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to microphysics. !! -# Determine the precipitation type and update land surface properties if necessary. !! -# Fill the output variables from the local variables as necessary and deallocate allocatable arrays. !! \section detailed Detailed Algorithm !! ## Prepare input variables for calling individual parameterizations. !! Before calling any parameterizations, there is a section at the beginning of the subroutine for !! preparing input arguments to the various schemes based on general input to the driver and initializing !! variables used throughout the driver. !! - General initialization: !! - set a flag for running in debug mode and the horizontal index of the column to print !! - calculate the pressure at layer centers, the exner function at layer centers and interfaces, !! geopotential at layer centers and interfaces, and the layer-centered pressure difference !! - calculate the ratio of dynamics time step to physics time step for applying tendencies !! - initialize local tendency arrays to zero !! - Radiation: !! - adjust radiative fluxes and heating rates to the shorter physics time step (from the longer radiation time step), !! unless idealized physics is true (lsidea) where radiative heating rates are set to 0 !! - compute diagnostics from the radiation scheme needed for other schemes (e.g., downward longwave flux absorbed by the surface) !! - accumulate the upward and downward longwave fluxes at the surface !! - Surface: !! - set NOAH and OSU scheme variables from gbphys input arguments and initialize local soil moisture variables !! - set local sea ice variables from gbphys arguments !! - set up A/O/I coupling variables from gbphys arguments !! - PBL: !! - set the number of tracers that are diffused vertically !! - SHOC: !! - determine the index of TKE (ntk) in the convectively transported tracer array (clw) !! - allocate precipitation mixing ratio cloud droplet number concentration arrays !! - Deep Convection: !! - determine which tracers in the tracer input array undergo convective transport (valid for the RAS and Chikira-Sugiyama, and SAMF schemes) and allocate a local convective transported tracer array (clw) !! - apply an adjustment to the tracers from the dynamics !! - calculate horizontal grid-related parameters needed for some parameterizations !! - calculate the maxiumum cloud base updraft speed for the Chikira-Sugiyama scheme !! - allocate array for cloud water and cloud cover (for non-RAS and non-Chikira-Sugiyama deep convective schemes) !! - Shallow Convection: !! - when using the Tiedtke shallow convection scheme with the stratus modifications, find the lowest !! model level where a temperature inversion exists in the absence of CTEI !! - Microphysics: !! - for the Morrison (MGB) scheme, calculate 'FRLAND' if the grid point is over land !! - allocate arrays associated with the Morrison scheme !! - assign the local critical relative humidity variables from the gbphys arguments !! - Gravity Wave Drag: !! - calculate the deep convective cloud fraction at cloud top for the convective GWD scheme !! . !! ## Using a two-iteration loop, calculate the state variable tendencies for the surface layer. !! - Each iteration of the loop calls the following: !! - 'sfc_diff' to calculate surface exchange coefficients and near-surface wind !! - surface energy balances routines are called regardless of surface type; the surface type is checked within each to determine whether the routine is "active" !! - for the surface energy balance over the ocean, call 'sfc_nst' if NSST is on, otherwise, call 'sfc_ocean' !! - for the surface energy balance over the land, call 'sfc_drv' for the NOAH model and 'sfc_land' for the OSU model !! - for the surface energy balance over sea ice, call sfc_sice; if A/O/I coupling, call sfc_cice !! - The initial iteration has flag_guess = F unless wind < 2 m/s; flag_iter = T !! - After the initial iteration, flag_guess = F and flag_iter = F (unless wind < 2 m/s and over a land surface or an ocean surface with NSST on) !! - The following actions are performed after the iteration to calculate surface energy balance: !! - set surface output variables from their local values !! - call 'sfc_diag' to calculate state variable values at 2 and 10 m as appropriate from near-surface model levels and the surface exchange coefficients !! - if A/O/I coupling, set coupling variables from local variables and calculate the open water albedo !! - finally, accumulate surface-related diagnostics and calculate the max/min values of T and q at 2 m height. !! . !! ## Calculate the state variable tendencies due to the PBL (vertical diffusion) scheme. !! - Call the vertical diffusion scheme (PBL) based on the following logical flags: do_shoc, hybedmf, satmedmf, old_monin, mstrat !! - the PBL scheme is expected to return tendencies of the state variables !! - If A/O/I coupling and the surface is sea ice, overwrite some surface-related variables to their states before PBL was called !! - For diagnostics, do the following: !! - accumulate surface state variable tendencies and set the instantaneous values for output !! - accumulate the temperature tendency due to the PBL scheme in dt3dt(:,:,3), subtracting out the radiative heating rate if necessary !! - accumulate the u, v tendencies due to the PBL in du3dt(:,:,1:2) and dv3dt(:,:,1:2) !! - accumulate the water vapor tendency due to the PBL in dq3dt(:,:,1) !! - accumulate the ozone tendency in dq3dt(:,:,5) !! . !! ## Calculate the state variable tendencies due to orographic gravity wave drag and Rayleigh damping. !! - Based on the variable nmtvr, unpack orographic gravity wave varibles from the hprime array !! - Call 'gwdps' to calculate tendencies of u, v, T, and surface stress !! - Accumulate gravity wave drag surface stresses. !! - Accumulate change in u, v, and T due to oro. gravity wave drag in du3dt(:,:,2), dv3dt(:,:,2), and dt3dt(:,:,2) !! - Call 'rayleigh_damp' to calculate tendencies to u, v, and T due to Rayleigh friction !! . !! ## Apply tendencies to the state variables calculated so far. !! ## Calculate and apply the tendency of ozone. !! - Call the convective adjustment scheme for IDEA !! - Call 'ozphys_2015' or 'ozphys' depending on the value of pl_coeff, updating the ozone tracer within and outputing the tendency of ozone in dq3dt(:,:,6) !! - Call 'h20phys' if necessary ("adaptation of NRL H20 phys for stratosphere and mesophere") !! . !! ## Prepare input variables for physics routines that update the state variables within their subroutines. !! - If diagnostics is active, save the updated values of the state variables in 'dudt', 'dvdt', 'dTdt', and 'dqdt(:,:,1)' !! - Call 'get_phi' to calculate geopotential from p, q, T !! - Initialize the cloud water and ice portions of the convectively transported tracer array (clw) and (if the deep convective scheme is not RAS or Chikira-Sugiyama) the convective cloud water and cloud cover. !! - If the dep convective scheme is RAS or Chikira-Sugiyama, fill the 'clw' array with tracers to be transported by convection !! - Initialize 'ktop' and 'kbot' (to be modified by all convective schemes except Chikira-Sugiyama) !! - Prepare for microphysics call (if cloud condensate is in the input tracer array): !! - all schemes: calculate critical relative humidity !! - Morrison et al. scheme (occasionally denoted MGB) (when ncld==2): set clw(:,:,1) to cloud ice and clw(:,:,2) to cloud liquid water !! - Ferrier scheme (num_p3d==3): set the cloud water variable and separate hydrometeors into cloud ice, cloud water, and rain; set clw(:,:,1) to cloud ice and clw(:,:,2) to cloud liquid water !! - Zhao-Carr scheme (num_p3d==4): calculate autoconversion coefficients from input constants and grid info; set set clw(:,:,1) to cloud liquid water !! - otherwise: set autoconversion parameters like in Zhao-Carr and set critical relative humidity to 1 !! . !! ## If SHOC is active and is supposed to be called before convection, call it and update the state variables within. !! - Prior to calling SHOC, prepare some microphysics variables: !! - if Morrison et al. scheme: set 'skip_macro', fill clw(:,:,1,2) with cloud ice, liquid from the tracer array, and fill cloud droplet number concentration arrays from the input tracer array !! - if Zhao-Carr scheme: initialize precip. mixing ratios to 0, fill clw(:,:,1,2) with cloud ice, liquid from the tracer array (as a function of temperature) !! - Call 'shoc' (modifies state variables within the subroutine) !! - Afterward, set updated cloud number concentrations in the tracer array from the updated 'ncpl' and 'ncpi' !! . !! ## Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to deep convection. !! - Call deep convective scheme according to the parameter 'imfdeepcnv', 'ras', and 'cscnv'. !! - if imfdeepcnv == 0, 1, or 2, no special processing is needed !! - if the Chikira-Sugiyama scheme (cscnv), convert rain rate to accumulated rain (rain1) !! - if RAS, initialize 'ccwfac', 'dlqfac', 'lmh', and revap before the call to 'rascnv' !! - Zero out 'cld1d' (cloud work function calculated in non-RAS, non-Chikira-Sugiyama schemes) !! - If 'lgocart', accumulate convective mass fluxes and convective cloud water !! - Update tracers in the tracer array (gq0) due to convective transport (RAS, CS only) from the 'clw' array !! - Calculate accumulated surface convective precip. for this physics time step (rainc) !! - If necessary, accumulate cloud work function, convective precipitation, and convective mass fluxes; accumulate dt3dt(:,:,4), dq3dt(:,:,2), du3dt(:,:,3), dv3dt(:,:,3) as change in state variables due to deep convection !! - If 'lgocart', repeat the accumulation of convective mass fluxes and convective cloud water; save convective tendency for water vapor in 'dqdt_v' !! - If PDF-based clouds are active and Zhao-Carr microphysics, save convective cloud cover and water in 'phy_f3d' array !! - otherwise, if non-PDF-based clouds and the "convective cloudiness enhancement" is active, save convective cloud water in 'phy_f3d' array !! . !! ## Calculate the state variable tendencies due to convective gravity wave drag and apply them afterwards. !! - Calculate the average deep convective heating rate in the column to pass into 'gwdc' !! - Call 'gwdc' to calculate tendencies of u, v due to convective GWD !! - For diagnostics, accumulate the vertically-integrated change in u, v due to conv. GWD; accumulate change in u, v, due to conv. GWD in du3dt(:,:,4) and dv3dt(:,:,4) !! - Calculate updated values of u, v, T using conv. GWD tendencies !! . !! ## Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to shallow convection. !! - If diagnostics are active, set 'dtdt' and 'dqdt' to updated values of T and q before shallow convection !! - If SHOC is not active, do the following: !! - for the mass-flux shallow convection scheme (imfshalcnv == 1), call 'shalcnv' !! - for the scale- and aerosol-aware scheme (imfshalcnv == 2), call 'samfshalcnv' !! - for either of the first two schemes, perform the following after the call: !! - if Zhao-Carr microphysics with PDF-based clouds, save convective cloud water an cover in 'phy_f3d' !! - if non-PDF-based clouds and convective cloudiness enhancement is active, save convective cloud water in 'phy_f3d' !! - calculate shallow convective precip. and add it to convective precip; accumulate convective precip. !! - for the Tiedtke scheme (imfshalcnv == 0), find the top level where shallow convection must stratosphere !! - if using Moorthi's approach to stratus, call 'shalcv' !! - otherwise, call 'shalcvt3' !! - for diagnostics, accumulate the change in water vapor due to shallow convection and save in dqdt_v if 'lgocart'; !! - save the change in T and q due to shallow convection in dt3dt(:,:,5) and dq3dt(:,:,3); reset dtdt and dqdt to the updated values of T, q after shallow Convection !! - if 'clw' is not partitioned into ice/water, set 'clw(ice)' to zero !! - If SHOC is active (and shocaftcnv) !! - if Morrison et al. scheme: set 'skip_macro' and fill cloud droplet number concentration arrays from the input tracer array !! - initialize precip. mixing ratios to 0 !! - call 'shoc' (modifies state variables within the subroutine) !! - afterward, set updated cloud number concentrations in the tracer array from the updated 'ncpl' and 'ncpi' !! . !! ## Prepare for microphysics call by calculating preliminary variables. !! - For Morrison et al. microphysics, set cloud water and ice arrays to the convecitvely transported values !! - For Ferrier microphysics, combine convectively transported cloud water and ice with column rain and save in cloud water array !! - calculate and save ice fraction and rain fraction in phy_f3d(1),(2) !! - For Zhao-Carr, combine convectively transported cloud water and ice into the cloud water array !! - Otherwise, combine convectively transported cloud water and ice into the convectively transported cloud water !! - Call 'cnvc90'; a "legacy routine which determines convective clouds"; outputs 'acv','acvb','acvt','cv','cvb','cvt' !! . !! ## If necessary, call the moist convective adjustment subroutine and update the state temperature and moisture variable within. !! - Updates T, q, 'rain1', cloud water array !! - Accumulate convective precip !! - For diagnostics, accumulate the change in T, q due to moist convective adjustment; reset 'dtdt' and 'dqdt' to updated T, q before call to microphysics !! . !! ## Calculate and apply the state variable tendencies (within the subroutine) due to microphysics. !! - If 'lgocart', calculate instantaneous moisture tendency in dqdt_v !! - If no cloud microphysics (ncld == 0), call 'lrgscl' to update T, q and output large scale precipitation and cloud water !! - Otherwise, a more advanced microphysics scheme is called (which scheme depends on values of 'num_p3d','do_shoc',and 'ncld') !! - Ferrier scheme (num_p3d == 3): !! - calculate droplet number concentration and minimum large ice fraction !! - call 'gsmdrive' (modifies T, q, cloud water, 'f_ice', 'f_rain', 'f_rimef', 'rain1') !! - Zhao-Carr-Sundqvist scheme (num_p3d == 4): !! - if non-PDF-based clouds: !! - if 'do_shoc', call 'precpd_shoc' (precpd modified for SHOC) !! - else, call 'gscond' (grid-scale condensation/evaporation); updates water vapor, cloud water, temperature !! - call 'precpd'; updates water vapor, cloud water, temperature and outputs precip., snow ratio, and rain water path !! - for PDF-based clouds: !! - call 'gscondp' followed by 'precpdp' (similar arguments to gscond, precpd above) !! - Morrison et al. scheme (ncld = 2): !! - if 'do_shoc', set clw(1),(2) from updated values; set phy_f3d(:,:,1) from phy_f3d(:,:,ntot3d-2) !! - else, set clw(1),(2) from updated values; set phy_f3d(:,:,1) to cloud cover from previous time step + convective cloud water from convective scheme !! - call 'm_micro_driver'; updates water vapor, temperature, droplet number concentrations, cloud cover !! - Combine large scale and convective precip. !! - For diagnostics, accumulate total surface precipitation and accumulate change in T and q due to microphysics in dt3dt(:,:,6) and dq3dt(:,:,4) !! . !! ## Determine the precipitation type and update land surface properties if necessary. !! - If 'cal_pre', diagnose the surface precipitation type !! - call 'calpreciptype'; set snow flag to 1 if snow or sleet, 0 otherwise !! - For rain/snow decision, calculate temperature at 850 hPa (\f$T_{850}\f$) !! - If not 'cal_pre', set snow flag to 1 if \f$T_{850}\f$ is below freezing !! - For coupling, accumulate rain if \f$T_{850}\f$ is above freezing, otherwise accumulate snow !! - If using the OSU land model, accumulate surface snow depth if \f$T_{850}\f$ is below freezing and not over an ocean surface !! - call 'progt2' (canopy and soil moisture?) and set the soil liquid water equal to soil total water !! - if 'lgocart', call 'sfc_diag' to update near-surface state variables (this "allows gocart to use filtered wind fields") !! - If necessary (lssav), update the 2m max/min values of T and q !! - If necessary (lssav), accumulate total runoff and surface runoff. !! . !! ## Fill the output variables from the local variables as necessary and deallocate allocatable arrays. !! - Set global sea ice thickness and concentration as well as the temperature of the sea ice !! - Set global soil moisture variables !! - Calculate precipitable water and water vapor mass change due to all physics for the column !! - Deallocate arrays for SHOC scheme, deep convective scheme, and Morrison et al. microphysics public GFS_physics_driver, dgamln, cdfgam, cdfnor CONTAINS !******************************************************************************************* subroutine GFS_physics_driver & (Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop, Coupling, & Grid, Tbd, Cldprop, Radtend, Diag) implicit none ! ! --- interface variables ! DH* gfortran correctly throws an error if the intent() declarations ! for arguments differ between the actual routine (here) and the dummy ! interface routine (IPD_func0d_proc in IPD_typedefs.F90): ! ! Error: Interface mismatch in procedure pointer assignment at (1): INTENT mismatch in argument 'control' ! ! Since IPD_func0d_proc declares all arguments as intent(inout), we ! need to do the same here - however, this way we are loosing the ! valuable information on the actual intent to this routine. *DH #ifdef __GFORTRAN__ type(GFS_control_type), intent(inout) :: Model type(GFS_statein_type), intent(inout) :: Statein type(GFS_stateout_type), intent(inout) :: Stateout type(GFS_sfcprop_type), intent(inout) :: Sfcprop type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: Coupling type(GFS_grid_type), intent(inout) :: Grid type(GFS_tbd_type), intent(inout) :: Tbd type(GFS_cldprop_type), intent(inout) :: Cldprop type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend type(GFS_diag_type), intent(inout) :: Diag #else type(GFS_control_type), intent(in) :: Model type(GFS_statein_type), intent(inout) :: Statein type(GFS_stateout_type), intent(inout) :: Stateout type(GFS_sfcprop_type), intent(inout) :: Sfcprop type(GFS_coupling_type), intent(inout) :: Coupling type(GFS_grid_type), intent(in) :: Grid type(GFS_tbd_type), intent(inout) :: Tbd type(GFS_cldprop_type), intent(inout) :: Cldprop type(GFS_radtend_type), intent(inout) :: Radtend type(GFS_diag_type), intent(inout) :: Diag #endif ! ! --- local variables !--- INTEGER VARIABLES integer :: me, lprint, ipr, ix, im, levs, ntrac, nvdiff, kdt, & ntoz, ntcw, ntiw, ncld, ntke, ntlnc, ntinc, lsoil, & ntrw, ntsw, ntrnc, ntsnc, ntot3d, ntgl, ntgnc, ntclamt,& ims, ime, kms, kme, its, ite, kts, kte, imp_physics, & ntwa, ntia integer :: i, kk, ic, k, n, k1, iter, levshcm, tracers, & tottracer, nsamftrac, num2, num3, nshocm, nshoc, ntk, & nn, nncl, seconds integer, dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)) :: & kbot, ktop, kcnv, soiltyp, vegtype, kpbl, slopetyp, kinver, & lmh, levshc, islmsk, & !--- coupling inputs for physics islmsk_cice !--- LOGICAL VARIABLES logical :: lprnt, revap, mg3_as_mg2 logical, dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)) :: & flag_iter, flag_guess, invrsn, skip_macro, & !--- coupling inputs for physics flag_cice logical, dimension(Model%ntrac+1,2) :: otspt !--- REAL VARIABLES real(kind=kind_phys) :: & dtf, dtp, rhbbot, rhbtop, rhpbl, frain, tem, tem1, tem2, & xcosz_loc, zsea1, zsea2, eng0, eng1, dpshc, & !--- experimental for shoc sub-stepping dtshoc, & !--- GFDL Cloud microphysics crain, csnow real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(Model%ntrac-Model%ncld+2) :: & fscav, fswtr real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)) :: & ccwfac, garea, dlength, cumabs, cice, zice, tice, gflx, & rain1, raincs, snowmt, cd, cdq, qss, dusfcg, dvsfcg, dusfc1, & dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, rb, drain, cld1d, evap, hflx, & stress, t850, ep1d, gamt, gamq, sigmaf, oc, theta, gamma, & sigma, elvmax, wind, work1, work2, runof, xmu, fm10, fh2, & tsurf, tx1, tx2, ctei_r, evbs, evcw, trans, sbsno, snowc, & frland, adjsfcdsw, adjsfcnsw, adjsfcdlw, adjsfculw, & adjnirbmu, adjnirdfu, adjvisbmu, adjvisdfu, adjnirbmd, & adjnirdfd, adjvisbmd, adjvisdfd, gabsbdlw, xcosz, tseal, & snohf, dlqfac, work3, ctei_rml, cldf, domr, domzr, domip, & doms, psautco_l, prautco_l, ocalnirbm_cpl, ocalnirdf_cpl, & ocalvisbm_cpl, ocalvisdf_cpl, dtzm, temrain1, & !--- coupling inputs for physics dtsfc_cice, dqsfc_cice, dusfc_cice, dvsfc_cice, ulwsfc_cice, & tisfc_cice, tsea_cice, hice_cice, fice_cice, & !--- for CS-convection wcbmax real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),1) :: & area, land, rain0, snow0, ice0, graupel0 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),4) :: & oa4, clx real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),Model%lsoil) :: & smsoil, stsoil, slsoil real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),Model%levs) :: & del, rhc, dtdt, dudt, dvdt, gwdcu, gwdcv, dtdtc, rainp, & ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, prnum, dkt, sigmatot, sigmafrac !--- GFDL modification for FV3 real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),Model%levs+1) ::& del_gz real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & delp, dz, uin, vin, pt, qv1, ql1, qr1, qg1, qa1, qn1, qi1, & qs1, pt_dt, qa_dt, udt, vdt, w, qv_dt, ql_dt, qr_dt, qi_dt, & qs_dt, qg_dt ! real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),Model%levs,Model%ntrac) :: & dqdt real(kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1),Model%levs,oz_coeff+5) :: & dq3dt_loc ! mg, sfc perts real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(size(Grid%xlon,1)) :: & z01d, zt1d, bexp1d, xlai1d, alb1d, vegf1d real(kind=kind_phys) :: cdfz !--- ALLOCATABLE ELEMENTS !--- in clw, the first two varaibles are cloud water and ice. !--- from third to ntrac are convective transportable tracers, !--- third being the ozone, when ntrac=3 (valid with ras, csaw, or samf) !--- Anning Cheng 9/21/2016 leave a hook here for diagnosed snow, !--- rain, and their numbers real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable :: & clw(:,:,:), qrn(:,:), qsnw(:,:), ncpl(:,:), ncpi(:,:), & ncpr(:,:), ncps(:,:), cnvc(:,:), cnvw(:,:), & qgl(:,:), ncgl(:,:) !--- for 2 M microphysics real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:) :: & cn_prc, cn_snr real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & qlcn, qicn, w_upi, cf_upi, CNV_MFD, CNV_PRC3, CNV_DQLDT, & CLCN, CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE real(kind=kind_phys),parameter :: slope_mg = 0.02, slope_upmg = 0.02, & turnrhcrit = 0.900, turnrhcrit_upper = 0.150 ! !--- for 2 M Thmpson MP real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:,:) :: & vdftra, dvdftra real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: & ice00, liq0 ! real(kind=kind_phys), allocatable, dimension(:) :: nwfa2d real(kind=kind_phys), parameter :: liqm = 4./3.*con_pi*1.e-12, & icem = 4./3.*con_pi*3.2768*1.e-14*890. ! !===> ... begin here me = Model%me ix = size(Grid%xlon,1) im = size(Grid%xlon,1) ipr = min(im,10) levs = Model%levs lsoil = Model%lsoil ntrac = Model%ntrac dtf = Model%dtf dtp = Model%dtp kdt = Model%kdt lprnt = Model%lprnt nvdiff = ntrac ! vertical diffusion of all tracers! ntcw = Model%ntcw ntoz = Model%ntoz ntiw = Model%ntiw ncld = Model%ncld ntke = Model%ntke ! ! scal-aware TKE-based moist EDMF (satmedmfvdif) scheme is coded assuming ! ntke=ntrac. If ntrac > ntke, the code needs to be modified. (Jongil Han) ! ntlnc = Model%ntlnc ntinc = Model%ntinc ntrw = Model%ntrw ntsw = Model%ntsw ntrnc = Model%ntrnc ntsnc = Model%ntsnc ntgl = Model%ntgl ntgnc = Model%ntgnc ntclamt = Model%ntclamt ntot3d = Model%ntot3d ntwa = Model%ntwa ntia = Model%ntia imp_physics = Model%imp_physics nncl = ncld if (imp_physics == 8) then if (Model%ltaerosol) then nvdiff = 8 else nvdiff = 5 endif nncl = 5 elseif (imp_physics == 6) then nvdiff = ntrac -3 nncl = 5 elseif (ntclamt > 0) then ! for GFDL MP don't diffuse cloud amount nvdiff = ntrac - 1 endif if (imp_physics == 10) then if (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1) then nncl = 4 ! MG2 with rain and snow mg3_as_mg2 = .false. elseif (Model%fprcp >= 2) then if(ntgl > 0 .and. (Model%mg_do_graupel .or. Model%mg_do_hail)) then nncl = 5 ! MG3 with rain and snow and grapuel/hail mg3_as_mg2 = .false. else ! MG3 code run without graupel/hail i.e. as MG2 nncl = 4 mg3_as_mg2 = .true. endif endif endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! lprnt = .false. ! do i=1,im ! lprnt = kdt >= 0 .and. abs(grid%xlon(i)*57.29578-288.03) < 0.201 & ! .and. abs(grid%xlat(i)*57.29578+47.06) < 0.201 ! lprnt = kdt >= 0 .and. abs(grid%xlon(i)*57.29578-108.41) < 0.501 & ! .and. abs(grid%xlat(i)*57.29578-32.97) < 0.501 ! if (kdt == 1) & ! write(2000+me,*)' i=',i,' xlon=',grid%xlon(i)*57.29578, & ! ' xlat=',grid%xlat(i)*57.29578,' me=',me ! if (lprnt) then ! ipr = i ! write(0,*)' ipr=',ipr,'xlon=',grid%xlon(i)*57.29578,' xlat=',grid%xlat(i)*57.29578,' me=',me ! exit ! endif ! enddo ! lprnt = .false. ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cloudsdriverdriver=',Tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt !------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! skip_macro = .false. if (ntiw > 0) then if (ntclamt > 0) then nn = ntrac - 2 else nn = ntrac - 1 endif elseif (ntcw > 0) then nn = ntrac else nn = ntrac + 1 endif allocate (clw(ix,levs,nn)) if (Model%imfdeepcnv >= 0 .or. Model%imfshalcnv > 0) then allocate (cnvc(ix,levs), cnvw(ix,levs)) endif ! ! --- set initial quantities for stochastic physics deltas if (Model%do_sppt) then Tbd%dtdtr = 0.0 do i=1,im Tbd%drain_cpl(i) = Coupling%rain_cpl (i) Tbd%dsnow_cpl(i) = Coupling%snow_cpl (i) enddo endif ! mg, sfc-perts ! --- scale random patterns for surface perturbations with perturbation size ! --- turn vegetation fraction pattern into percentile pattern do i=1,im z01d(i) = 0. zt1d(i) = 0. bexp1d(i)= 0. xlai1d(i)= 0. ! alb1d(i) = 0. vegf1d(i)= 0. enddo if (Model%do_sfcperts) then if (Model%pertz0(1) > 0.) then z01d(:) = Model%pertz0(1) * Coupling%sfc_wts(:,1) ! if (me == 0) print*,'Coupling%sfc_wts(:,1) min and max',minval(Coupling%sfc_wts(:,1)),maxval(Coupling%sfc_wts(:,1)) ! if (me == 0) print*,'z01d min and max ',minval(z01d),maxval(z01d) endif if (Model%pertzt(1) > 0.) then zt1d(:) = Model%pertzt(1) * Coupling%sfc_wts(:,2) endif if (Model%pertshc(1) > 0.) then bexp1d(:) = Model%pertshc(1) * Coupling%sfc_wts(:,3) endif if (Model%pertlai(1) > 0.) then xlai1d(:) = Model%pertlai(1) * Coupling%sfc_wts(:,4) endif ! --- do the albedo percentile calculation in GFS_radiation_driver instead --- ! ! if (Model%pertalb(1) > 0.) then ! do i=1,im ! call cdfnor(Coupling%sfc_wts(i,5),cdfz) ! alb1d(i) = cdfz ! enddo ! endif if (Model%pertvegf(1) > 0.) then do i=1,im call cdfnor(Coupling%sfc_wts(i,6),cdfz) vegf1d(i) = cdfz enddo endif endif ! if (Model%do_shoc) then allocate (qrn(im,levs), qsnw(im,levs), ncpl(im,levs), ncpi(im,levs)) do k=1,levs do i=1,im ncpl(i,k) = 0.0 ncpi(i,k) = 0.0 qrn(i,k) = 0.0 qsnw(i,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif ! if (imp_physics == 8 ) then if(Model%ltaerosol) then allocate(ice00(im,levs)) allocate(liq0(im,levs)) ! allocate(nwfa2d(im)) else allocate(ice00(im,levs)) endif endif if (imp_physics == 10) then ! For MGB double moment microphysics allocate (qlcn(im,levs), qicn(im,levs), w_upi(im,levs), & cf_upi(im,levs), CNV_MFD(im,levs), CNV_PRC3(im,levs), & CNV_DQLDT(im,levs), clcn(im,levs), cnv_fice(im,levs), & cnv_ndrop(im,levs), cnv_nice(im,levs)) allocate (cn_prc(im), cn_snr(im)) allocate (ncpr(im,levs), ncps(im,levs), qgl(im,levs), ncgl(im,levs)) if (.not. allocated(qrn)) allocate (qrn(im,levs)) if (.not. allocated(qsnw)) allocate (qsnw(im,levs)) do k=1,levs do i=1,im qrn(i,k) = 0.0 qsnw(i,k) = 0.0 qgl(i,k) = 0.0 ncpr(i,k) = 0.0 ncps(i,k) = 0.0 ncgl(i,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo ! else allocate (qlcn(1,1), qicn(1,1), w_upi(1,1), cf_upi(1,1), & CNV_MFD(1,1), CNV_PRC3(1,1), CNV_DQLDT(1,1), & clcn(1,1), cnv_fice(1,1), cnv_ndrop(1,1), cnv_nice(1,1)) if (imp_physics == 11) then ! GFDL MP allocate (delp(im,1,levs), dz(im,1,levs), uin(im,1,levs), & vin(im,1,levs), pt(im,1,levs), qv1(im,1,levs), ql1(im,1,levs), & qr1(im,1,levs), qg1(im,1,levs), qa1(im,1,levs), qn1(im,1,levs), & qi1(im,1,levs), qs1(im,1,levs), pt_dt(im,1,levs), qa_dt(im,1,levs),& udt(im,1,levs), vdt(im,1,levs), w(im,1,levs), qv_dt(im,1,levs),& ql_dt(im,1,levs), qr_dt(im,1,levs), qi_dt(im,1,levs), qs_dt(im,1,levs),& qg_dt(im,1,levs)) endif endif #ifdef GFS_HYDRO call get_prs(im, ix, levs, ntrac, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Model%thermodyn_id, Model%sfcpress_id, & Model%gen_coord_hybrid, Statein%prsi, Statein%prsik, & Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, del) #else !GFDL Adjust the geopotential height hydrostatically in a way consistent with FV3 discretization call get_prs_fv3 (ix, levs, ntrac, Statein%phii, Statein%prsi, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, del, del_gz) #endif ! rhbbot = Model%crtrh(1) rhpbl = Model%crtrh(2) rhbtop = Model%crtrh(3) ! ! --- ... frain=factor for centered difference scheme correction of rain amount. frain = dtf / dtp do i=1,im sigmaf(i) = max( Sfcprop%vfrac(i),0.01 ) islmsk(i) = nint(Sfcprop%slmsk(i)) if (islmsk(i) == 1) then frland(i) = 1.0 else frland(i) = 0. endif if (islmsk(i) == 2) then if (Model%isot == 1) then soiltyp(i) = 16 else soiltyp(i) = 9 endif if (Model%ivegsrc == 1) then vegtype(i) = 15 elseif(Model%ivegsrc == 2) then vegtype(i) = 13 endif slopetyp(i) = 9 else soiltyp(i) = int( Sfcprop%stype(i)+0.5 ) vegtype(i) = int( Sfcprop%vtype(i)+0.5 ) slopetyp(i) = int( Sfcprop%slope(i)+0.5 ) !! clu: slope -> slopetyp endif ! --- ... xw: transfer ice thickness & concentration from global to local variables zice(i) = Sfcprop%hice(i) cice(i) = Sfcprop%fice(i) tice(i) = Sfcprop%tisfc(i) ! !GFDL work1(i) = (log(coslat(i) / (nlons(i)*latr)) - dxmin) * dxinv !GFS Moorthi thinks this should be area and not dx ! work1(i) = (log(Grid%dx(i)) - dxmin) * dxinv work1(i) = (log(Grid%area(i)) - dxmin) * dxinv work1(i) = max(0.0, min(1.0,work1(i))) work2(i) = 1.0 - work1(i) Diag%psurf(i) = Statein%pgr(i) work3(i) = Statein%prsik(i,1) / Statein%prslk(i,1) !GFDL tem1 = con_rerth * (con_pi+con_pi)*coslat(i)/nlons(i) !GFDL tem2 = con_rerth * con_pi / latr !GFDL garea(i) = tem1 * tem2 tem1 = Grid%dx(i) tem2 = Grid%dx(i) garea(i) = Grid%area(i) dlength(i) = sqrt( tem1*tem1+tem2*tem2 ) cldf(i) = Model%cgwf(1) * work1(i) + Model%cgwf(2) * work2(i) wcbmax(i) = Model%cs_parm(1) * work1(i) + Model%cs_parm(2) * work2(i) enddo ! if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im islmsk_cice(i) = nint(Coupling%slimskin_cpl(i)) flag_cice(i) = (islmsk_cice(i) == 4) ulwsfc_cice(i) = Coupling%ulwsfcin_cpl(i) dusfc_cice(i) = Coupling%dusfcin_cpl(i) dvsfc_cice(i) = Coupling%dvsfcin_cpl(i) dtsfc_cice(i) = Coupling%dtsfcin_cpl(i) dqsfc_cice(i) = Coupling%dqsfcin_cpl(i) tisfc_cice(i) = Sfcprop%tisfc(i) tsea_cice(i) = Sfcprop%tsfc(i) fice_cice(i) = Sfcprop%fice(i) hice_cice(i) = Sfcprop%hice(i) enddo endif ! --- ... transfer soil moisture and temperature from global to local variables do k=1,lsoil do i=1,im smsoil(i,k) = Sfcprop%smc(i,k) stsoil(i,k) = Sfcprop%stc(i,k) slsoil(i,k) = Sfcprop%slc(i,k) !! clu: slc -> slsoil enddo enddo do k=1,levs do i=1,im dudt(i,k) = 0. dvdt(i,k) = 0. dtdt(i,k) = 0. dtdtc(i,k) = 0. enddo enddo do n=1,ntrac do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,n) = 0. enddo enddo enddo ! --- ... initialize dtdt with heating rate from dcyc2 ! --- ... adjust mean radiation fluxes and heating rates to fit for ! faster model time steps. ! sw: using cos of zenith angle as scaling factor ! lw: using surface air skin temperature as scaling factor if (Model%pre_rad) then call dcyc2t3_pre_rad & ! --- inputs: ( Model%solhr, Model%slag, Model%sdec, Model%cdec, Grid%sinlat, & Grid%coslat, Grid%xlon, Radtend%coszen, Sfcprop%tsfc, & Statein%tgrs(1,1), Statein%tgrs(1,1), Coupling%sfcdsw, & Coupling%sfcnsw, Coupling%sfcdlw, Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw,& Coupling%nirbmui, Coupling%nirdfui, Coupling%visbmui, & Coupling%visdfui, Coupling%nirbmdi, Coupling%nirdfdi, & Coupling%visbmdi, Coupling%visdfdi, ix, im, levs, & ! --- input/output: dtdt, & ! --- outputs: adjsfcdsw, adjsfcnsw, adjsfcdlw, adjsfculw, xmu, xcosz, & adjnirbmu, adjnirdfu, adjvisbmu, adjvisdfu, & adjnirbmd, adjnirdfd, adjvisbmd, adjvisdfd & ) else call dcyc2t3 & ! --- inputs: ( Model%solhr, Model%slag, Model%sdec, Model%cdec, Grid%sinlat, & Grid%coslat, Grid%xlon, Radtend%coszen, Sfcprop%tsfc, & Statein%tgrs(1,1), Radtend%tsflw, Radtend%semis, & Coupling%sfcdsw, Coupling%sfcnsw, Coupling%sfcdlw, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%swhc, Radtend%htrlw, Radtend%lwhc,& Coupling%nirbmui, Coupling%nirdfui, Coupling%visbmui, & Coupling%visdfui, Coupling%nirbmdi, Coupling%nirdfdi, & Coupling%visbmdi, Coupling%visdfdi, ix, im, levs, & ! --- input/output: dtdt, dtdtc, & ! --- outputs: adjsfcdsw, adjsfcnsw, adjsfcdlw, adjsfculw, xmu, xcosz, & adjnirbmu, adjnirdfu, adjvisbmu, adjvisdfu, & adjnirbmd, adjnirdfd, adjvisbmd, adjvisdfd & ) ! ! save temp change due to radiation - need for sttp stochastic physics !--------------------------------------------------------------------- endif ! if (Model%lsidea) then !idea jw dtdt(:,:) = 0. endif ! --- convert lw fluxes for land/ocean/sea-ice models ! note: for sw: adjsfcdsw and adjsfcnsw are zenith angle adjusted downward/net fluxes. ! for lw: adjsfcdlw is (sfc temp adjusted) downward fluxe with no emiss effect. ! adjsfculw is (sfc temp adjusted) upward fluxe including emiss effect. ! one needs to be aware that that the absorbed downward lw flux (used by land/ocean ! models as downward flux) is not the same as adjsfcdlw but a value reduced by ! the factor of emissivity. however, the net effects are the same when seeing ! it either above the surface interface or below. ! ! - flux above the interface used by atmosphere model: ! down: adjsfcdlw; up: adjsfculw = sfcemis*sigma*T**4 + (1-sfcemis)*adjsfcdlw ! net = up - down = sfcemis * (sigma*T**4 - adjsfcdlw) ! - flux below the interface used by lnd/oc/ice models: ! down: sfcemis*adjsfcdlw; up: sfcemis*sigma*T**4 ! net = up - down = sfcemis * (sigma*T**4 - adjsfcdlw) ! --- ... define the downward lw flux absorbed by ground gabsbdlw(:) = Radtend%semis(:) * adjsfcdlw(:) if (Model%lssav) then ! --- ... accumulate/save output variables ! --- ... sunshine duration time is defined as the length of time (in mdl output ! interval) that solar radiation falling on a plane perpendicular to the ! direction of the sun >= 120 w/m2 do i=1,im if ( xcosz(i) >= czmin ) then ! zenth angle > 89.994 deg tem1 = adjsfcdsw(i) / xcosz(i) if ( tem1 >= 120.0 ) then Diag%suntim(i) = Diag%suntim(i) + dtf endif endif enddo ! --- ... sfc lw fluxes used by atmospheric model are saved for output if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im if (flag_cice(i)) adjsfculw(i) = ulwsfc_cice(i) enddo endif do i=1,im Diag%dlwsfc(i) = Diag%dlwsfc(i) + adjsfcdlw(i)*dtf Diag%ulwsfc(i) = Diag%ulwsfc(i) + adjsfculw(i)*dtf Diag%psmean(i) = Diag%psmean(i) + Statein%pgr(i)*dtf ! mean surface pressure enddo if (Model%ldiag3d) then if (Model%lsidea) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,1) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,1) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,1)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,2)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,3) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,3) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,3)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,4)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,5) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,5) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,5)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,6) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,6) + Radtend%lwhd(i,k,6)*dtf enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,1) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,1) + Radtend%htrlw(i,k)*dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) + Radtend%htrsw(i,k)*dtf*xmu(i) enddo enddo endif endif endif ! end if_lssav_block do i=1,im kcnv(i) = 0 kinver(i) = levs invrsn(i) = .false. tx1(i) = 0.0 tx2(i) = 10.0 ctei_r(i) = 10.0 enddo ! Only used for old shallow convection with mstrat=.true. if ((((Model%imfshalcnv == 0 .and. Model%shal_cnv) .or. Model%old_monin) & .and. Model%mstrat) .or. Model%do_shoc) then ctei_rml(:) = Model%ctei_rm(1)*work1(:) + Model%ctei_rm(2)*work2(:) do k=1,levs/2 do i=1,im if (Statein%prsi(i,1)-Statein%prsi(i,k+1) < 0.35*Statein%prsi(i,1) & .and. (.not. invrsn(i))) then tem = (Statein%tgrs(i,k+1) - Statein%tgrs(i,k)) & / (Statein%prsl(i,k) - Statein%prsl(i,k+1)) if (((tem > 0.00010) .and. (tx1(i) < 0.0)) .or. & ((tem-abs(tx1(i)) > 0.0) .and. (tx2(i) < 0.0))) then invrsn(i) = .true. if (Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) > Statein%qgrs(i,k+1,1)) then tem1 = Statein%tgrs(i,k+1) + hocp*max(Statein%qgrs(i,k+1,1),qmin) tem2 = Statein%tgrs(i,k) + hocp*max(Statein%qgrs(i,k,1),qmin) tem1 = tem1 / Statein%prslk(i,k+1) - tem2 / Statein%prslk(i,k) ! --- ... (cp/l)(deltathetae)/(deltatwater) > ctei_rm -> conditon for CTEI ctei_r(i) = (1.0/hocp)*tem1/(Statein%qgrs(i,k+1,1)-Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) & + Statein%qgrs(i,k+1,ntcw)-Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntcw)) else ctei_r(i) = 10 endif if ( ctei_rml(i) > ctei_r(i) ) then kinver(i) = k else kinver(i) = levs endif endif tx2(i) = tx1(i) tx1(i) = tem endif enddo enddo endif ! --- ... lu: initialize flag_guess, flag_iter, tsurf do i=1,im tsurf(i) = Sfcprop%tsfc(i) flag_guess(i) = .false. flag_iter(i) = .true. drain(i) = 0.0 ep1d(i) = 0.0 runof(i) = 0.0 hflx(i) = 0.0 evap(i) = 0.0 evbs(i) = 0.0 evcw(i) = 0.0 trans(i) = 0.0 sbsno(i) = 0.0 snowc(i) = 0.0 snohf(i) = 0.0 Diag%zlvl(i) = Statein%phil(i,1) * onebg Diag%smcwlt2(i) = 0.0 Diag%smcref2(i) = 0.0 enddo ! --- ... lu: iter-loop over (sfc_diff,sfc_drv,sfc_ocean,sfc_sice) do iter=1,2 ! --- ... surface exchange coefficients ! ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tsfc=',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr),' tsurf=',tsurf(ipr),iter call sfc_diff (im, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, Diag%zlvl, & Sfcprop%snowd, Sfcprop%tsfc, Sfcprop%zorl, cd, & cdq, rb, Statein%prsl(1,1), work3, islmsk, stress, & Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%uustar, & wind, Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), fm10, fh2, & sigmaf, vegtype, Sfcprop%shdmax, Model%ivegsrc, & z01d, zt1d, & ! mg, sfc-perts tsurf, flag_iter, Model%redrag) ! --- ... lu: update flag_guess do i=1,im if (iter == 1 .and. wind(i) < 2.0) then flag_guess(i) = .true. endif enddo if (Model%nstf_name(1) > 0) then do i=1,im if (islmsk(i) == 0) then tem = (Sfcprop%oro(i)-Sfcprop%oro_uf(i)) * rlapse tseal(i) = Sfcprop%tsfc(i) + tem tsurf(i) = tsurf(i) + tem endif enddo call sfc_nst (im, lsoil, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, & Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Sfcprop%tref, cd, cdq, Statein%prsl(1,1), work3, & islmsk, Grid%xlon, Grid%sinlat, stress, & Radtend%semis, gabsbdlw, adjsfcnsw, Sfcprop%tprcp, & dtf, kdt, Model%solhr, xcosz, & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), flag_iter, & flag_guess, Model%nstf_name, lprnt, ipr, & ! --- Input/output tseal, tsurf, Sfcprop%xt, Sfcprop%xs, Sfcprop%xu, & Sfcprop%xv, Sfcprop%xz, Sfcprop%zm, Sfcprop%xtts, & Sfcprop%xzts, Sfcprop%dt_cool, Sfcprop%z_c, & Sfcprop%c_0, Sfcprop%c_d, Sfcprop%w_0, Sfcprop%w_d,& Sfcprop%d_conv, Sfcprop%ifd, Sfcprop%qrain, & ! --- outputs: qss, gflx, Diag%cmm, Diag%chh, evap, hflx, ep1d) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tseaz2=',tseal(ipr),' tref=', Sfcprop%tref(ipr), & ! & ' dt_cool=',dt_cool(ipr),' dt_warm=',2.0*xt(ipr)/xz(ipr), & ! & ' kdt=',kdt do i=1,im if ( islmsk(i) == 0 ) then tsurf(i) = tsurf(i) - (Sfcprop%oro(i)-Sfcprop%oro_uf(i)) * rlapse endif enddo ! --- ... run nsst model ... --- if (Model%nstf_name(1) > 1) then zsea1 = 0.001*real(Model%nstf_name(4)) zsea2 = 0.001*real(Model%nstf_name(5)) call get_dtzm_2d (Sfcprop%xt, Sfcprop%xz, Sfcprop%dt_cool, & Sfcprop%z_c, Sfcprop%slmsk, zsea1, zsea2, & im, 1, dtzm) do i=1,im if ( islmsk(i) == 0 ) then Sfcprop%tsfc(i) = max(271.2,Sfcprop%tref(i) + dtzm(i)) - & (Sfcprop%oro(i)-Sfcprop%oro_uf(i))*rlapse endif enddo endif ! if (lprnt) print *,' tseaz2=',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr),' tref=',tref(ipr), & ! & ' dt_cool=',dt_cool(ipr),' dt_warm=',dt_warm(ipr),' kdt=',kdt else ! --- ... surface energy balance over ocean call sfc_ocean & ! --- inputs: (im, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, & Statein%qgrs, Sfcprop%tsfc, cd, cdq, Statein%prsl(1,1), & work3, islmsk, Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), flag_iter, & ! --- outputs: qss, Diag%cmm, Diag%chh, gflx, evap, hflx, ep1d) endif ! if ( nstf_name(1) > 0 ) then ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' sfalb=',Radtend%sfalb(ipr),' ipr=',ipr & ! , ' weasd=',Sfcprop%weasd(ipr) & ! , ' tprcp=',Sfcprop%tprcp(ipr),' kdt=',kdt,' iter=',iter & ! ,' tseabefland=',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr) ! --- ... surface energy balance over land ! if (Model%lsm == 1) then ! noah lsm call ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tsead=',tsea(ipr),' tsurf=',tsurf(ipr),iter & ! &,' pgr=',pgr(ipr),' sfcemis=',sfcemis(ipr) call sfc_drv & ! --- inputs: (im, lsoil, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, soiltyp, vegtype, sigmaf, & Radtend%semis, gabsbdlw, adjsfcdsw, adjsfcnsw, dtf, & Sfcprop%tg3, cd, cdq, Statein%prsl(1,1), work3, Diag%zlvl, & islmsk, Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), slopetyp, & Sfcprop%shdmin, Sfcprop%shdmax, Sfcprop%snoalb, & Radtend%sfalb, flag_iter, flag_guess, Model%isot, & Model%ivegsrc, & bexp1d, xlai1d, vegf1d, Model%pertvegf, & ! --- in/outs: Sfcprop%weasd, Sfcprop%snowd, Sfcprop%tsfc, Sfcprop%tprcp, & Sfcprop%srflag, smsoil, stsoil, slsoil, Sfcprop%canopy, & trans, tsurf, Sfcprop%zorl, & ! --- outputs: Sfcprop%sncovr, qss, gflx, drain, evap, hflx, ep1d, runof, & Diag%cmm, Diag%chh, evbs, evcw, sbsno, snowc, Diag%soilm, & snohf, Diag%smcwlt2, Diag%smcref2, Diag%wet1) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tseae=',tsea(ipr),' tsurf=',tsurf(ipr),iter & ! &,' phy_f2d=',phy_f2d(ipr,num_p2d) endif ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tseabeficemodel =',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr),' me=',me & ! &, ' kdt=',kdt ! --- ... surface energy balance over seaice if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im if (flag_cice(i)) then islmsk (i) = islmsk_cice(i) endif enddo endif call sfc_sice & ! --- inputs: (im, lsoil, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, dtf, Radtend%semis, gabsbdlw, & adjsfcnsw, adjsfcdsw, Sfcprop%srflag, cd, cdq, & Statein%prsl(1,1), work3, islmsk, & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), flag_iter, Model%mom4ice, & Model%lsm, lprnt, ipr, & ! --- input/outputs: zice, cice, tice, Sfcprop%weasd, Sfcprop%tsfc, & Sfcprop%tprcp, stsoil, ep1d, & ! --- outputs: Sfcprop%snowd, qss, snowmt, gflx, Diag%cmm, Diag%chh, evap, & hflx) if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im if (flag_cice(i)) then islmsk(i) = nint(Sfcprop%slmsk(i)) endif enddo call sfc_cice & ! --- inputs: (im, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & cd, cdq, Statein%prsl(1,1), work3, islmsk_cice, & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d),flag_iter, dqsfc_cice, & dtsfc_cice, & ! --- outputs: qss, Diag%cmm, Diag%chh, evap, hflx) endif ! --- ... lu: update flag_iter and flag_guess do i=1,im flag_iter(i) = .false. flag_guess(i) = .false. if (iter == 1 .and. wind(i) < 2.0) then if ((islmsk(i) == 1) .or. ((islmsk(i) == 0) .and. & (Model%nstf_name(1) > 0))) then flag_iter(i) = .true. endif endif ! if(islmsk(i) == 1 .and. iter == 1) then ! if (wind(i) < 2.0) flag_iter(i) = .true. ! elseif (islmsk(i) == 0 .and. iter == 1 & ! & .and. nstf_name(1) > 0) then ! if (wind(i) < 2.0) flag_iter(i) = .true. ! endif enddo enddo ! end iter_loop do i=1,im Diag%epi(i) = ep1d(i) Diag%dlwsfci(i) = adjsfcdlw(i) Diag%ulwsfci(i) = adjsfculw(i) Diag%uswsfci(i) = adjsfcdsw(i) - adjsfcnsw(i) Diag%dswsfci(i) = adjsfcdsw(i) Diag%gfluxi(i) = gflx(i) Diag%t1(i) = Statein%tgrs(i,1) Diag%q1(i) = Statein%qgrs(i,1,1) Diag%u1(i) = Statein%ugrs(i,1) Diag%v1(i) = Statein%vgrs(i,1) enddo ! --- ... update near surface fields call sfc_diag (im, Statein%pgr, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, & Sfcprop%f10m, Diag%u10m, Diag%v10m, & Sfcprop%t2m, Sfcprop%q2m, work3, evap, & Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, fm10, fh2) Tbd%phy_f2d(:,Model%num_p2d) = 0.0 if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im Coupling%dlwsfci_cpl (i) = adjsfcdlw(i) Coupling%dswsfci_cpl (i) = adjsfcdsw(i) Coupling%dlwsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dlwsfc_cpl(i) + adjsfcdlw(i)*dtf Coupling%dswsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dswsfc_cpl(i) + adjsfcdsw(i)*dtf Coupling%dnirbmi_cpl (i) = adjnirbmd(i) Coupling%dnirdfi_cpl (i) = adjnirdfd(i) Coupling%dvisbmi_cpl (i) = adjvisbmd(i) Coupling%dvisdfi_cpl (i) = adjvisdfd(i) Coupling%dnirbm_cpl (i) = Coupling%dnirbm_cpl(i) + adjnirbmd(i)*dtf Coupling%dnirdf_cpl (i) = Coupling%dnirdf_cpl(i) + adjnirdfd(i)*dtf Coupling%dvisbm_cpl (i) = Coupling%dvisbm_cpl(i) + adjvisbmd(i)*dtf Coupling%dvisdf_cpl (i) = Coupling%dvisdf_cpl(i) + adjvisdfd(i)*dtf Coupling%nlwsfci_cpl (i) = adjsfcdlw(i) - adjsfculw(i) Coupling%nlwsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%nlwsfc_cpl(i) + Coupling%nlwsfci_cpl(i)*dtf Coupling%t2mi_cpl (i) = Sfcprop%t2m(i) Coupling%q2mi_cpl (i) = Sfcprop%q2m(i) Coupling%u10mi_cpl (i) = Diag%u10m(i) Coupling%v10mi_cpl (i) = Diag%v10m(i) Coupling%tsfci_cpl (i) = Sfcprop%tsfc(i) Coupling%psurfi_cpl (i) = Statein%pgr(i) enddo ! --- estimate mean albedo for ocean point without ice cover and apply ! them to net SW heat fluxes do i=1,im if (islmsk(i) /= 1) then ! not a land point ! --- compute open water albedo xcosz_loc = max( 0.0, min( 1.0, xcosz(i) )) ocalnirdf_cpl(i) = 0.06 ocalnirbm_cpl(i) = max(albdf, 0.026/(xcosz_loc**1.7+0.065) & & + 0.15 * (xcosz_loc-0.1) * (xcosz_loc-0.5) & & * (xcosz_loc-1.0)) ocalvisdf_cpl(i) = 0.06 ocalvisbm_cpl(i) = ocalnirbm_cpl(i) Coupling%nnirbmi_cpl(i) = adjnirbmd(i)-adjnirbmd(i)*ocalnirbm_cpl(i) Coupling%nnirdfi_cpl(i) = adjnirdfd(i)-adjnirdfd(i)*ocalnirdf_cpl(i) Coupling%nvisbmi_cpl(i) = adjvisbmd(i)-adjvisbmd(i)*ocalvisbm_cpl(i) Coupling%nvisdfi_cpl(i) = adjvisdfd(i)-adjvisdfd(i)*ocalvisdf_cpl(i) else Coupling%nnirbmi_cpl(i) = adjnirbmd(i) - adjnirbmu(i) Coupling%nnirdfi_cpl(i) = adjnirdfd(i) - adjnirdfu(i) Coupling%nvisbmi_cpl(i) = adjvisbmd(i) - adjvisbmu(i) Coupling%nvisdfi_cpl(i) = adjvisdfd(i) - adjvisdfu(i) endif Coupling%nswsfci_cpl(i) = Coupling%nnirbmi_cpl(i) + Coupling%nnirdfi_cpl(i) & + Coupling%nvisbmi_cpl(i) + Coupling%nvisdfi_cpl(i) Coupling%nswsfc_cpl(i) = Coupling%nswsfc_cpl(i) + Coupling%nswsfci_cpl(i)*dtf Coupling%nnirbm_cpl(i) = Coupling%nnirbm_cpl(i) + Coupling%nnirbmi_cpl(i)*dtf Coupling%nnirdf_cpl(i) = Coupling%nnirdf_cpl(i) + Coupling%nnirdfi_cpl(i)*dtf Coupling%nvisbm_cpl(i) = Coupling%nvisbm_cpl(i) + Coupling%nvisbmi_cpl(i)*dtf Coupling%nvisdf_cpl(i) = Coupling%nvisdf_cpl(i) + Coupling%nvisdfi_cpl(i)*dtf enddo endif if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%gflux(i) = Diag%gflux(i) + gflx(i) * dtf Diag%evbsa(i) = Diag%evbsa(i) + evbs(i) * dtf Diag%evcwa(i) = Diag%evcwa(i) + evcw(i) * dtf Diag%transa(i) = Diag%transa(i) + trans(i) * dtf Diag%sbsnoa(i) = Diag%sbsnoa(i) + sbsno(i) * dtf Diag%snowca(i) = Diag%snowca(i) + snowc(i) * dtf Diag%snohfa(i) = Diag%snohfa(i) + snohf(i) * dtf Diag%ep(i) = Diag%ep(i) + ep1d(i) * dtf Diag%tmpmax(i) = max(Diag%tmpmax(i),Sfcprop%t2m(i)) Diag%tmpmin(i) = min(Diag%tmpmin(i),Sfcprop%t2m(i)) Diag%spfhmax(i) = max(Diag%spfhmax(i),Sfcprop%q2m(i)) Diag%spfhmin(i) = min(Diag%spfhmin(i),Sfcprop%q2m(i)) enddo do i=1, im ! find max wind speed then decompose tem = sqrt(Diag%u10m(i)*Diag%u10m(i) + Diag%v10m(i)*Diag%v10m(i)) if (tem > Diag%wind10mmax(i)) then Diag%wind10mmax(i) = tem Diag%u10mmax(i) = Diag%u10m(i) Diag%v10mmax(i) = Diag%v10m(i) endif ! Compute dew point, first using vapor pressure tem = max(Statein%pgr(i) * Sfcprop%q2m(i) / ( con_eps - con_epsm1 * Sfcprop%q2m(i)), 1.e-8) Diag%dpt2m(i) = 243.5 / ( ( 17.67 / log(tem/611.2) ) - 1.) + 273.14 enddo endif !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Commented by Moorthi on July 18, 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! do i=1,im ! --- ... compute coefficient of evaporation in evapc ! ! if (evapc(i) > 1.0e0) evapc(i) = 1.0e0 ! --- ... over snow cover or ice or sea, coef of evap =1.0e0 ! if (weasd(i) > 0.0 .or. slmsk(i) /= 1.0) evapc(i) = 1.0e0 ! enddo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! --- ... Boundary Layer and Free atmospheic turbulence parameterization ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tsea3=',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr),' slmsk=',Sfcprop%slmsk(ipr) & ! &, ' kdt=',kdt,' evap=',evap(ipr) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' dtdtb=',(dtdt(ipr,k),k=1,15) ! do i=1,im ! if (islmsk(i) == 0) then ! oro_land(i) = 0.0 ! else ! oro_land(i) = oro(i) ! endif ! enddo ! write(0,*)' before monin clstp=',clstp,' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'befmonshoc=',Statein%tgrs(ipr,:) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'befmonshocdtdt=',dtdt(ipr,1:10) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'befmonshoctkh=',Tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,1:10,ntot3d-1) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'befmonshochflx=',hflx(ipr),' tsea=',Sfcprop%tsfc(ipr),& ! ' evap=',evap(ipr) if (nvdiff == ntrac) then ! if (Model%do_shoc) then call moninshoc(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, nncl, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-1), prnum, ntke, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%zorl, Diag%u10m, & Diag%v10m, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, hflx,& evap, stress, wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl,& Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, & dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, dkt, Diag%hpbl, kinver, & Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, me) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'aftmonshoc=',Statein%tgrs(ipr,:) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'aftmonshocdtdt=',dtdt(ipr,1:10) else if (Model%satmedmf) then call satmedmfvdif(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, ntke, & dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw, xmu, garea, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%zorl, Diag%u10m, Diag%v10m, & Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, hflx, evap, & stress, wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, & Model%dspheat, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl, & kinver, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, Model%xkzm_s) elseif (Model%hybedmf) then call moninedmf(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw, xmu, Statein%prsik(1,1), & rb, Sfcprop%zorl, Diag%u10m, Diag%v10m, Sfcprop%ffmm, & Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, & wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, & Model%dspheat, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl,& gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, & Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, & Model%xkzminv, Model%moninq_fac) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' dtdtm=',(dtdt(ipr,k),k=1,15) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' dqdtm=',(dqdt(ipr,k,1),k=1,15) elseif (.not. Model%old_monin) then call moninq(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw, xmu, Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, & Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, & stress, wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, & Model%dspheat, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl, & gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, & Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, & Model%xkzminv, Model%moninq_fac, Model%rbcr) else if (Model%mstrat) then call moninp1(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, & Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, wind, kpbl, & Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, & Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, dvsfc1, & dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl, gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, & Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h) else call moninp(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dqdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, & Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, wind, kpbl, & Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, Statein%phii, & Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, & Diag%hpbl, gamt, gamq, dkt, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h) endif endif ! end if_hybedmf endif ! end if_do_shoc else allocate(vdftra(ix,levs,nvdiff), dvdftra(im,levs,nvdiff)) dvdftra(:,:,:) = 0.0 ! if (imp_physics == 6) then ! WSM6 do k=1,levs do i=1,im vdftra(i,k,1) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) vdftra(i,k,2) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntcw) vdftra(i,k,3) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntiw) vdftra(i,k,4) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntoz) enddo enddo elseif (imp_physics == 8) then ! Thompson if(Model%ltaerosol) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im vdftra(i,k,1) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) vdftra(i,k,2) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntcw) vdftra(i,k,3) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntiw) vdftra(i,k,4) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntlnc) vdftra(i,k,5) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntinc) vdftra(i,k,6) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntoz) vdftra(i,k,7) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntwa) vdftra(i,k,8) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntia) enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im vdftra(i,k,1) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) vdftra(i,k,2) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntcw) vdftra(i,k,3) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntiw) vdftra(i,k,4) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntinc) vdftra(i,k,5) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntoz) enddo enddo endif ! elseif (imp_physics == 11) then ! GFDL MP do k=1,levs do i=1,im vdftra(i,k,1) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,1) vdftra(i,k,2) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntcw) vdftra(i,k,3) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntiw) vdftra(i,k,4) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntrw) vdftra(i,k,5) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntsw) vdftra(i,k,6) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntgl) vdftra(i,k,7) = Statein%qgrs(i,k,ntoz) enddo enddo endif ! if (Model%do_shoc) then call moninshoc(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, nncl, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dvdftra, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, vdftra, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-1), prnum, ntke, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%zorl, Diag%u10m, & Diag%v10m, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, hflx, & evap, stress, wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, & dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, dkt, Diag%hpbl, kinver, & Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, me) else if (Model%hybedmf) then call moninedmf(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dvdftra, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, vdftra, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw, xmu, Statein%prsik(1,1), & rb, Sfcprop%zorl, Diag%u10m, Diag%v10m, Sfcprop%ffmm, & Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, & wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, & Model%dspheat, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl,& gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, & Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, & Model%xkzminv, Model%moninq_fac) elseif (.not. Model%old_monin) then call moninq(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, ntcw, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dvdftra, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, vdftra, & Radtend%htrsw, Radtend%htrlw, xmu, Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, & Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, & stress, wind, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, & Model%dspheat, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl, & gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h, & Model%xkzm_s, lprnt, ipr, & Model%xkzminv, Model%moninq_fac, Model%rbcr) else if (Model%mstrat) then call moninp1(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dvdftra, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, vdftra, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, & Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, wind, kpbl, & Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, & Statein%phii, Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, dvsfc1, & dtsfc1, dqsfc1, Diag%hpbl, gamt, gamq, dkt, kinver, & Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h) else call moninp(ix, im, levs, nvdiff, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, dvdftra, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, vdftra, & Statein%prsik(1,1), rb, Sfcprop%ffmm, Sfcprop%ffhh, & Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, hflx, evap, stress, wind, kpbl, & Statein%prsi, del, Statein%prsl, Statein%phii, & Statein%phil, dtp, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dtsfc1, dqsfc1, & Diag%hpbl, gamt, gamq, dkt, Model%xkzm_m, Model%xkzm_h) endif endif ! end if_hybedmf endif ! end if_do_shoc ! if (imp_physics == 6) then ! WSM6 do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = dvdftra(i,k,1) dqdt(i,k,ntcw) = dvdftra(i,k,2) dqdt(i,k,ntiw) = dvdftra(i,k,3) dqdt(i,k,ntoz) = dvdftra(i,k,4) enddo enddo elseif (imp_physics == 8) then ! Thompson if(Model%ltaerosol) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = dvdftra(i,k,1) dqdt(i,k,ntcw) = dvdftra(i,k,2) dqdt(i,k,ntlnc) = dvdftra(i,k,3) dqdt(i,k,ntiw) = dvdftra(i,k,4) dqdt(i,k,ntinc) = dvdftra(i,k,5) dqdt(i,k,ntoz) = dvdftra(i,k,6) dqdt(i,k,ntwa) = dvdftra(i,k,7) dqdt(i,k,ntia) = dvdftra(i,k,8) enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = dvdftra(i,k,1) dqdt(i,k,ntcw) = dvdftra(i,k,2) dqdt(i,k,ntiw) = dvdftra(i,k,3) dqdt(i,k,ntinc) = dvdftra(i,k,4) dqdt(i,k,ntoz) = dvdftra(i,k,5) enddo enddo endif ! elseif (imp_physics == 11) then ! GFDL MP do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = dvdftra(i,k,1) dqdt(i,k,ntcw) = dvdftra(i,k,2) dqdt(i,k,ntiw) = dvdftra(i,k,3) dqdt(i,k,ntrw) = dvdftra(i,k,4) dqdt(i,k,ntsw) = dvdftra(i,k,5) dqdt(i,k,ntgl) = dvdftra(i,k,6) dqdt(i,k,ntoz) = dvdftra(i,k,7) enddo enddo endif deallocate(vdftra, dvdftra) endif if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im if (flag_cice(i)) then cice(i) = fice_cice(i) Sfcprop%tsfc(i) = tsea_cice(i) dusfc1(i) = dusfc_cice(i) dvsfc1(i) = dvsfc_cice(i) dqsfc1(i) = dqsfc_cice(i) dtsfc1(i) = dtsfc_cice(i) endif enddo endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*) ' dusfc1=',dusfc1(ipr),' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' dtsfc1=',dtsfc1(ipr) ! write(0,*)' dqsfc1=',dqsfc1(ipr) ! write(0,*)' dtdtc=',(dtdt(ipr,k),k=1,15) ! write(0,*)' dqdtc=',(dqdt(ipr,k,1),k=1,15) ! print *,' dudtm=',dudt(ipr,:) ! endif ! --- ... coupling insertion if (Model%cplflx) then do i=1,im Coupling%dusfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dusfc_cpl(i) + dusfc1(i)*dtf Coupling%dvsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dvsfc_cpl(i) + dvsfc1(i)*dtf Coupling%dtsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dtsfc_cpl(i) + dtsfc1(i)*dtf Coupling%dqsfc_cpl (i) = Coupling%dqsfc_cpl(i) + dqsfc1(i)*dtf Coupling%dusfci_cpl(i) = dusfc1(i) Coupling%dvsfci_cpl(i) = dvsfc1(i) Coupling%dtsfci_cpl(i) = dtsfc1(i) Coupling%dqsfci_cpl(i) = dqsfc1(i) enddo endif !-------------------------------------------------------lssav if loop ---------- if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%dusfc (i) = Diag%dusfc(i) + dusfc1(i)*dtf Diag%dvsfc (i) = Diag%dvsfc(i) + dvsfc1(i)*dtf Diag%dtsfc (i) = Diag%dtsfc(i) + dtsfc1(i)*dtf Diag%dqsfc (i) = Diag%dqsfc(i) + dqsfc1(i)*dtf Diag%dusfci(i) = dusfc1(i) Diag%dvsfci(i) = dvsfc1(i) Diag%dtsfci(i) = dtsfc1(i) Diag%dqsfci(i) = dqsfc1(i) enddo ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' dusfc=',dusfc(ipr),' dusfc1=',dusfc1(ipr),' dtf=', ! & dtf,' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! endif if (Model%ldiag3d) then if (Model%lsidea) then Diag%dt3dt(1:im,:,3) = Diag%dt3dt(1:im,:,3) + dtdt(1:im,:)*dtf else do k=1,levs do i=1,im tem = dtdt(i,k) - (Radtend%htrlw(i,k)+Radtend%htrsw(i,k)*xmu(i)) Diag%dt3dt(i,k,3) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,3) + tem*dtf enddo enddo endif do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%du3dt(i,k,1) = Diag%du3dt(i,k,1) + dudt(i,k) * dtf Diag%du3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%du3dt(i,k,2) - dudt(i,k) * dtf Diag%dv3dt(i,k,1) = Diag%dv3dt(i,k,1) + dvdt(i,k) * dtf Diag%dv3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dv3dt(i,k,2) - dvdt(i,k) * dtf enddo enddo ! update dqdt_v to include moisture tendency due to vertical diffusion ! if (lgocart) then ! do k=1,levs ! do i=1,im ! dqdt_v(i,k) = dqdt(i,k,1) * dtf ! enddo ! enddo ! endif do k=1,levs do i=1,im tem = dqdt(i,k,1) * dtf Diag%dq3dt(i,k,1) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,1) + tem enddo enddo if (ntoz > 0) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dq3dt(i,k,5) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,5) + dqdt(i,k,ntoz) * dtf enddo enddo endif endif endif ! end if_lssav !-------------------------------------------------------lssav if loop ---------- ! ! Orographic gravity wave drag parameterization ! --------------------------------------------- if (Model%nmtvr == 14) then ! current operational - as of 2014 do i=1,im oc(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,2) oa4(i,1) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,3) oa4(i,2) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,4) oa4(i,3) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,5) oa4(i,4) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,6) clx(i,1) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,7) clx(i,2) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,8) clx(i,3) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,9) clx(i,4) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,10) theta(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,11) gamma(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,12) sigma(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,13) elvmax(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,14) enddo elseif (Model%nmtvr == 10) then do i=1,im oc(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,2) oa4(i,1) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,3) oa4(i,2) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,4) oa4(i,3) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,5) oa4(i,4) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,6) clx(i,1) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,7) clx(i,2) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,8) clx(i,3) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,9) clx(i,4) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,10) enddo elseif (Model%nmtvr == 6) then do i=1,im oc(i) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,2) oa4(i,1) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,3) oa4(i,2) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,4) oa4(i,3) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,5) oa4(i,4) = Sfcprop%hprime(i,6) clx(i,1) = 0.0 clx(i,2) = 0.0 clx(i,3) = 0.0 clx(i,4) = 0.0 enddo else oc = 0 ; oa4 = 0 ; clx = 0 ; theta = 0 ; gamma = 0 ; sigma = 0 elvmax = 0 endif ! end if_nmtvr call gwdps(im, ix, im, levs, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, Statein%tgrs, & Statein%qgrs, kpbl, Statein%prsi, del, & Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, & Statein%phil, dtp, kdt, & Sfcprop%hprime(1,1), oc, oa4, clx, theta, & sigma, gamma, elvmax, dusfcg, dvsfcg, & con_g, con_cp, con_rd, con_rv, Model%lonr, & Model%nmtvr, Model%cdmbgwd, me, lprnt,ipr, & Diag%zmtnblck) if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%dugwd(i) = Diag%dugwd(i) + dusfcg(i)*dtf Diag%dvgwd(i) = Diag%dvgwd(i) + dvsfcg(i)*dtf enddo if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%du3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%du3dt(i,k,2) + dudt(i,k) * dtf Diag%dv3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dv3dt(i,k,2) + dvdt(i,k) * dtf Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,2) + dtdt(i,k) * dtf enddo enddo endif endif ! Rayleigh damping near the model top if( .not. Model%lsidea .and. Model%ral_ts > 0.0) then call rayleigh_damp(im, ix, im, levs, dvdt, dudt, dtdt, & Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, dtp, con_cp, & Model%levr, Statein%pgr, Statein%prsl, & Model%prslrd0, Model%ral_ts) endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' tgrs1=',(Statein%tgrs(ipr,k),k=1,10) ! write(0,*)' dtdt=',(dtdt(ipr,k),k=1,10) ! endif do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gt0(i,k) = Statein%tgrs(i,k) + dtdt(i,k) * dtp Stateout%gu0(i,k) = Statein%ugrs(i,k) + dudt(i,k) * dtp Stateout%gv0(i,k) = Statein%vgrs(i,k) + dvdt(i,k) * dtp enddo enddo Stateout%gq0(1:im,:,:) = Statein%qgrs(1:im,:,:) + dqdt(1:im,:,:) * dtp if (Model%lsidea) then ! idea convective adjustment call ideaca_up(Statein%prsi,Stateout%gt0,ix,im,levs+1) endif ! --- ... ozone physics if (ntoz > 0 .and. ntrac >= ntoz) then if (oz_coeff > 4) then call ozphys_2015 (ix, im, levs, levozp, dtp, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntoz), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntoz), & Stateout%gt0, oz_pres, Statein%prsl, & Tbd%ozpl, oz_coeff, del, Model%ldiag3d, & dq3dt_loc(1,1,6), me) if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dq3dt(i,k,6) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,6) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,7) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,7) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,8) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,8) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,9) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,9) enddo enddo endif else call ozphys (ix, im, levs, levozp, dtp, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntoz), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntoz), & Stateout%gt0, oz_pres, Statein%prsl, & Tbd%ozpl, oz_coeff, del, Model%ldiag3d, & dq3dt_loc(1,1,6), me) if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dq3dt(i,k,6) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,6) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,7) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,7) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,8) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,8) Diag%dq3dt(i,k,9) = dq3dt_loc(i,k,9) enddo enddo endif endif endif if (Model%h2o_phys) then call h2ophys (ix, im, levs, levh2o, dtp, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), h2o_pres, Statein%prsl, & Tbd%h2opl, h2o_coeff, Model%ldiag3d, & dq3dt_loc(1,1,1), me) endif ! --- ... to side-step the ozone physics ! if (ntrac >= 2) then ! do k = 1, levs ! gq0(k,ntoz) = qgrs(k,ntoz) ! enddo ! endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*) ' levs=',levs,' jcap=',jcap,' dtp',dtp & ! &, ' slmsk=',slmsk(ilon,ilat),' kdt=',kdt ! print *,' rann=',rann,' ncld=',ncld,' iq=',iq,' lat=',lat ! print *,' pgr=',pgr ! print *,' del=',del(ipr,:) ! print *,' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! print *,' prslk=',prslk(ipr,:) ! print *,' rann=',rann(ipr,1) ! write(0,*)' gt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) & ! &, ' kdt=',kdt,' xlon=',grid%xlon(ipr),' xlat=',grid%xlat(ipr) ! print *,' dtdt=',dtdt(ipr,:) ! print *,' gu0=',gu0(ipr,:) ! print *,' gv0=',gv0(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' gt0=',(gt0(ipr,k),k=1,levs),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' gq0=',(gq0(ipr,k,1),k=1,levs),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' gq0i2=',(gq0(ipr,k,ntiw),k=1,levs),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' gq1=',(gq0(ipr,k,ntcw),k=1,levs) ! print *,' vvel=',vvel ! endif ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' bef convection gu0=',gu0(ipr,:) ! &,' lat=',lat,' kdt=',kdt,' me=',me ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' bef convection gv0=',gv0(ipr,:) if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im dtdt(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) dudt(i,k) = Stateout%gu0(i,k) dvdt(i,k) = Stateout%gv0(i,k) enddo enddo elseif (Model%cnvgwd) then dtdt(1:im,:) = Stateout%gt0(1:im,:) endif ! end if_ldiag3d/cnvgwd if (Model%ldiag3d .or. Model%lgocart) then dqdt(1:im,:,1) = Stateout%gq0(1:im,:,1) endif ! end if_ldiag3d/lgocart #ifdef GFS_HYDRO call get_phi(im, ix, levs, ntrac, Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0, & Model%thermodyn_id, Model%sfcpress_id, & Model%gen_coord_hybrid Statein%prsi, Statein%prsik, & Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, Statein%phii, Statein%phil) #else !GFDL Adjust the height hydrostatically in a way consistent with FV3 discretization call get_phi_fv3 (ix, levs, ntrac, Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0, & del_gz, Statein%phii, Statein%phil) #endif do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = 0.0 clw(i,k,2) = -999.9 enddo enddo if ((Model%imfdeepcnv >= 0) .or. (Model%imfshalcnv > 0)) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im cnvc(i,k) = 0.0 cnvw(i,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif if(imp_physics == 8) then if(Model%ltaerosol) then ice00 (:,:) = 0.0 liq0 (:,:) = 0.0 else ice00 (:,:) = 0.0 endif endif ! --- ... for convective tracer transport (while using ras, csaw, or samf) ! (the code here implicitly assumes that ntiw=ntcw+1) ntk = 0 tottracer = 0 if (Model%cscnv .or. Model%satmedmf .or. Model%trans_trac ) then otspt(:,:) = .true. ! otspt is used only for cscnv otspt(1:3,:) = .false. ! this is for sp.hum, ice and liquid water tracers = 2 do n=2,ntrac if ( n /= ntcw .and. n /= ntiw .and. n /= ntclamt .and. & n /= ntrw .and. n /= ntsw .and. n /= ntrnc .and. & n /= ntsnc .and. n /= ntgl .and. n /= ntgnc) then tracers = tracers + 1 do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,tracers) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,n) enddo enddo if (ntke == n ) then otspt(tracers+1,1) = .false. ntk = tracers endif if (ntlnc == n .or. ntinc == n .or. ntrnc == n .or. ntsnc == n .or. ntgnc == n) & ! if (ntlnc == n .or. ntinc == n .or. ntrnc == n .or. ntsnc == n .or.& ! ntrw == n .or. ntsw == n .or. ntgl == n) & otspt(tracers+1,1) = .false. endif enddo tottracer = tracers - 2 endif ! end if_ras or cfscnv or samf ! if (kdt == 1 .and. me == 0) & ! write(0,*)' trans_trac=',Model%trans_trac,' tottracer=', & ! & tottracer,' kdt=',kdt,' ntk=',ntk do i=1,im ktop(i) = 1 kbot(i) = levs enddo ! --- ... calling condensation/precipitation processes ! -------------------------------------------- if (ntcw > 0) then if (imp_physics == 10 .and. .not. Model%do_shoc) then ! compute rhc for GMAO macro physics cloud pdf do i=1,im tx1(i) = 1.0 / Statein%prsi(i,1) tx2(i) = 1.0 - rhbbot enddo do k = 1, levs do i = 1, im tem = Statein%prsl(i,k) * tx1(i) tem1 = min(max((tem-turnrhcrit)/slope_mg, -20.0), 20.0) ! tem2 = min(max((0.3-0.2*abs(cos(Grid%xlat(i)))-tem)/slope_upmg, -20.0), 20.0) ! Anning tem2 = min(max((turnrhcrit_upper-tem)/slope_upmg, -20.0), 20.0) if (islmsk(i) > 0) then tem1 = 1.0 / (1.0+exp(tem1+tem1)) else tem1 = 2.0 / (1.0+exp(tem1+tem1)) endif tem2 = 1.0 / (1.0+exp(tem2)) ! rhc(i,k) = min(rhc_max, max(0.7, 1.0-tx2(i)*tem1*tem2)) rhc(i,k) = min(rhc_max, rhc_max*work1(i) + (1.0-tx2(i)*tem1*tem2)*work2(i)) enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im kk = max(10,kpbl(i)) if (k < kk) then tem = rhbbot - (rhbbot-rhpbl) * (1.0-Statein%prslk(i,k)) & / (1.0-Statein%prslk(i,kk)) else tem = rhpbl - (rhpbl-rhbtop) * (Statein%prslk(i,kk)-Statein%prslk(i,k)) & / Statein%prslk(i,kk) endif tem = rhc_max * work1(i) + tem * work2(i) rhc(i,k) = max(0.0, min(1.0,tem)) enddo enddo endif endif ! ntcw > 0 ! if (imp_physics == 99 .or. imp_physics == 98) then ! zhao-carr microphysics do i=1,im psautco_l(i) = Model%psautco(1)*work1(i) + Model%psautco(2)*work2(i) prautco_l(i) = Model%prautco(1)*work1(i) + Model%prautco(2)*work2(i) enddo do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) enddo enddo elseif (imp_physics == 11) then clw(1:im,:,1) = Stateout%gq0(1:im,:,ntcw) elseif (imp_physics == 8) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water enddo enddo if(Model%ltaerosol) then ice00(:,:) = clw(:,:,1) liq0(:,:) = clw(:,:,2) else ice00(:,:) = clw(:,:,1) endif elseif (imp_physics == 6 .or. imp_physics == 10) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water enddo enddo else ! if_ntcw do i=1,im psautco_l(i) = Model%psautco(1)*work1(i) + Model%psautco(2)*work2(i) prautco_l(i) = Model%prautco(1)*work1(i) + Model%prautco(2)*work2(i) enddo rhc(:,:) = 1.0 endif ! end if_ntcw ! ! Call SHOC if do_shoc is true and shocaftcnv is false ! if (Model%do_shoc .and. .not. Model%shocaftcnv) then if (imp_physics == 10) then skip_macro = Model%do_shoc do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water ncpl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) ncpi(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) enddo enddo if (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) enddo enddo elseif (Model%fprcp > 1) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) + Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) enddo enddo endif elseif (imp_physics == 11) then ! GFDL MP - needs modify for condensation do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) enddo enddo elseif (imp_physics == 99 .or. imp_physics == 98) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im if (abs(Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw)) < epsq) then Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) = 0.0 endif tem = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) & & * max(0.0, MIN(1.0, (TCR-Stateout%gt0(i,k))*TCRF)) clw(i,k,1) = tem ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) - tem ! water enddo enddo endif ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'gt01=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'gq01=',Stateout%gq0(ipr,1:20,1) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'clwi=',clw(ipr,1:20,1) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'clwl=',clw(ipr,1:10,2) ! dtshoc = 60.0 ! dtshoc = 120.0 ! dtshoc = dtp ! dtshoc = min(dtp, 300.0) ! nshocm = max(1, nint(dtp/dtshoc)) ! dtshoc = dtp / nshocm ! do nshoc=1,nshocm ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' before shoc tke=',clw(ipr,1:25,ntk), & ! &' kdt=',kdt,'xlon=',grid%xlon(ipr),' xlat=',grid%xlat(ipr) ! phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-2) - shoc determined sgs clouds ! phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-1) - shoc determined diffusion coefficients ! phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d ) - shoc determined w'theta' ! ! dqdt(1:im,:,1) = gq0(1:im,:,1) ! dqdt(1:im,:,2) = gq0(1:im,:,ntiw) ! dqdt(1:im,:,3) = gq0(1:im,:,ntcw) !GFDL lat has no meaning inside of shoc - changed to "1" !GFDL call shoc(ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtp, me, lat, ! call shoc (ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtp, me, 1, Statein%prsl(1,1), & ! call shoc (ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtshoc, me, 1, Statein%prsl(1,1), & call shoc (ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtp, me, 1, Statein%prsl(1,1), & Statein%phii(1,1), Statein%phil(1,1), Stateout%gu0(1,1), & Stateout%gv0(1,1), Statein%vvl(1,1), Stateout%gt0(1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), clw(1,1,1), clw(1,1,2), qsnw, qrn, & rhc, Model%sup, Model%shoc_parm(1), Model%shoc_parm(2), & Model%shoc_parm(3), Model%shoc_parm(4), & Model%shoc_parm(5), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-2), & clw(1,1,ntk), hflx, evap, prnum, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-1), & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d), lprnt, ipr, ncpl, ncpi) ! enddo ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'aftshocgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' aft shoc tke=',clw(ipr,1:25,ntk), & ! &' kdt=',kdt,'xlon=',grid%xlon(ipr),' xlat=',grid%xlat(ipr) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' aftshoccld=',tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,ntot3d-2)*100 ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' aftshocice=',clw(ipr,:,1) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' aftshocwat=',clw(ipr,:,1) ! write(1000+me,*)' at latitude = ',lat ! rain1 = 0.0 ! call moist_bud(im,im,ix,levs,me,kdt,con_g,dtp,del,rain1 ! &, dqdt(1,1,1), dqdt(1,1,2), dqdt(1,1,3) ! &, gq0(1,1,1),clw(1,1,2),clw(1,1,1),'shoc ') if (ntlnc > 0 .and. ntinc > 0 .and. ncld >= 2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) = ncpl(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) = ncpi(i,k) enddo enddo endif ! do k=1,levs ! do i=1,im ! sgs_cld(i,k) = sgs_cld(i,k) + shoc_cld(i,k) ! enddo ! enddo ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' gt03=',gt0(ipr,1:10) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' tke=',clw(ipr,1:10,ntk) ! if (lprnt) write(1000+me,*)' after shoc tke=',clw(1,:,ntk), ! &' kdt=',kdt ! enddo ! ! do k=1,levs ! write(1000+me,*)' maxcld=',maxval(sgs_cld(1:im,k)), ! write(1000+me,*)' maxtkh=',maxval(phy_f3d(1:im,k,ntot3d-1)), ! &' k=',k,' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! enddo ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gt0=',gt0(1,:),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gq0=',gq0(1,:,1),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gu0=',gu0(1,:),' lat=',lat ! endif ! if(do_shoc) ! ! --- ... calling convective parameterization ! ----------------------------------- if (Model%do_deep) then if (.not. Model%ras .and. .not. Model%cscnv) then if (Model%imfdeepcnv == 1) then ! no random cloud top call sascnvn (im, ix, levs, Model%jcap, dtp, del, & Statein%prsl, Statein%pgr, Statein%phil, clw(:,:,1:2), & Stateout%gq0(:,:,1), Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gu0, & Stateout%gv0, cld1d, rain1, kbot, ktop, kcnv, & islmsk, Statein%vvl, ncld, ud_mf, dd_mf, & dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc, & Model%clam_deep, Model%c0s_deep, & Model%c1_deep, Model%betal_deep, Model%betas_deep, & Model%evfact_deep, Model%evfactl_deep, & Model%pgcon_deep) elseif (Model%imfdeepcnv == 2) then if(.not. Model%satmedmf .and. .not. Model%trans_trac) then nsamftrac = 0 else nsamftrac = tottracer endif call samfdeepcnv(im, ix, levs, dtp, ntk, nsamftrac, del, & Statein%prsl, Statein%pgr, Statein%phil, clw, & Stateout%gq0(:,:,1), Stateout%gt0, & Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, & cld1d, rain1, kbot, ktop, kcnv, islmsk, garea, & Statein%vvl, ncld, ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc, & Model%clam_deep, Model%c0s_deep, & Model%c1_deep, Model%betal_deep, Model%betas_deep, & Model%evfact_deep, Model%evfactl_deep, & Model%pgcon_deep, Model%asolfac_deep) ! if (lprnt) print *,' rain1=',rain1(ipr) elseif (Model%imfdeepcnv == 0) then ! random cloud top call sascnv (im, ix, levs, Model%jcap, dtp, del, & Statein%prsl, Statein%pgr, Statein%phil, clw(:,:,1:2), & Stateout%gq0(:,:,1), Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gu0, & Stateout%gv0, cld1d, rain1, kbot, ktop, kcnv, & islmsk, Statein%vvl, Tbd%rann, ncld, & ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc) ! if (lprnt) print *,' rain1=',rain1(ipr),' rann=',rann(ipr,1) endif else ! ras or cscnv fscav(:) = 0.0 if (Model%cscnv) then ! Chikira-Sugiyama convection scheme (via CSU) fswtr(:) = 0.0 ! write(0,*)' bef cs_cconv phii=',phii(ipr,:) ! &,' sizefsc=',size(fscav) ! write(0,*)' bef cs_cconv otspt=',otspt,' kdt=',kdt,' me=',me do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) dqdt(i,k,2) = max(0.0,clw(i,k,2)) dqdt(i,k,3) = max(0.0,clw(i,k,1)) enddo enddo ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'befcsgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) call cs_convr (ix, im, levs, tottracer+3, Model%nctp, & otspt(1:tottracer+3,1:2), 1, & kdt, Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0(:,:,1:1), rain1, & clw, Statein%phil, Statein%phii, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prsi, dtp, dtf, ud_mf, dd_mf, dt_mf, & Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, fscav, fswtr, & Tbd%phy_fctd, me, wcbmax, Model%cs_parm(3), & Model%cs_parm(4), sigmatot, & ! Model%cs_parm(4), sigmai, sigmatot, vverti, & Model%do_aw, Model%do_awdd, Model%flx_form, & lprnt, ipr, kcnv, QLCN, QICN, & w_upi, cf_upi, CNV_MFD, CNV_PRC3, CNV_DQLDT, & CLCN, CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, imp_physics) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'aftcsgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) ! write(1000+me,*)' at latitude = ',lat ! call moist_bud(im,im,ix,levs,me,kdt,con_g,dtp,del,rain1 ! &, dqdt(1,1,1), dqdt(1,1,2), dqdt(1,1,3) ! &, gq0(1,1,1),clw(1,1,2),clw(1,1,1),' cs_conv') rain1(:) = rain1(:) * (dtp*0.001) if (Model%do_aw) then do k=1,levs kk = min(k+1,levs) ! assuming no cloud top reaches the model top do i=1,im !DD sigmafrac(i,k) = 0.5 * (sigmatot(i,k)+sigmatot(i,kk)) enddo enddo endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' gt01=',stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' gq01=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' clw1=',clw(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' clw2=',clw(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' aft cs rain1=',rain1(ipr)*86400 ! write(0,*)' aft cs rain1=',rain1(ipr) ! endif else ! ras version 2 if ((Model%ccwf(1) >= 0.0) .or. (Model%ccwf(2) >= 0)) then do i=1,im ccwfac(i) = Model%ccwf(1)*work1(i) + Model%ccwf(2)*work2(i) dlqfac(i) = Model%dlqf(1)*work1(i) + Model%dlqf(2)*work2(i) lmh (i) = levs enddo else do i=1,im ccwfac(i) = -999.0 dlqfac(i) = 0.0 lmh (i) = levs enddo endif ! if (lprnt) write(0,*) ' calling ras for kdt=',kdt,' me=',me & ! &, ' lprnt=',lprnt,' ccwfac=',ccwfac(ipr) ! do k=1,levs ! do i=1,im ! dqdt(i,k,1) = gq0(i,k,1) ! dqdt(i,k,2) = max(0.0,clw(i,k,2)) ! dqdt(i,k,3) = max(0.0,clw(i,k,1)) ! enddo ! enddo revap = .true. ! if (ncld ==2) revap = .false. call rascnv (im, ix, levs, dtp, dtf, Tbd%rann, Stateout%gt0, & Stateout%gq0, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, clw, & tottracer, fscav, Statein%prsi, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prsik, Statein%prslk, Statein%phil, & Statein%phii, kpbl, cd, rain1, kbot, ktop, kcnv, & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,Model%num_p2d), Model%flipv, pa2mb, & me, garea, lmh, ccwfac, Model%nrcm, rhc, ud_mf, & dd_mf, dt_mf, dlqfac, lprnt, ipr, kdt, revap, QLCN, & QICN, w_upi, cf_upi, CNV_MFD, CNV_PRC3, CNV_DQLDT, & CLCN, CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, imp_physics) endif ! write(1000+me,*)' at latitude = ',lat ! tx1 = 1000.0 ! call moist_bud(im,im,ix,levs,me,kdt,con_g,tx1,del,rain1 ! &, dqdt(1,1,1), dqdt(1,1,2), dqdt(1,1,3) ! &, gq0(1,1,1),clw(1,1,2),clw(1,1,1),' ras_conv') ! if(lprnt) write(0,*)' after ras rain1=',rain1(ipr) ! &,' cnv_prc3sum=',sum(cnv_prc3(ipr,1:levs)) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' gt04=',gt0(ipr,1:10) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' gq04=',gq0(ipr,:,1) cld1d = 0 if (Model%ldiag3d .or. Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Coupling%upd_mfi(i,k) = 0. Coupling%dwn_mfi(i,k) = 0. Coupling%det_mfi(i,k) = 0. enddo enddo endif if (Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Coupling%dqdti(i,k) = 0. Coupling%cnvqci(i,k) = 0. enddo enddo endif if (Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Coupling%upd_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%upd_mfi(i,k) + ud_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%dwn_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%dwn_mfi(i,k) + dd_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%det_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%det_mfi(i,k) + dt_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%cnvqci (i,k) = Coupling%cnvqci (i,k) + (clw(i,k,1)+clw(i,k,2) - & Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw)) * frain enddo enddo endif ! if (lgocart) endif ! end if_not_ras else ! no parameterized deep convection cld1d = 0. rain1 = 0. ud_mf = 0. dd_mf = 0. dt_mf = 0. cnvw = 0. cnvc = 0. endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' aftcnvgt0=',stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' aftcnvgq0=',(stateout%gq0(ipr,k,1),k=1,levs) ! write(0,*)' gq0i2=',(stateout%gq0(ipr,k,ntiw),k=1,levs) ! write(0,*)' aftcnvgq1=',(stateout%gq0(ipr,k,ntcw),k=1,levs) ! endif ! do i=1,im Diag%rainc(i) = frain * rain1(i) enddo ! if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%cldwrk (i) = Diag%cldwrk (i) + cld1d(i) * dtf Diag%cnvprcp(i) = Diag%cnvprcp(i) + Diag%rainc(i) Diag%cnvprcpb(i) = Diag%cnvprcpb(i) + Diag%rainc(i) enddo if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) + (Stateout%gt0(i,k)-dtdt(i,k)) * frain Diag%dq3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,2) + (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain Diag%du3dt(i,k,3) = Diag%du3dt(i,k,3) + (Stateout%gu0(i,k)-dudt(i,k)) * frain Diag%dv3dt(i,k,3) = Diag%dv3dt(i,k,3) + (Stateout%gv0(i,k)-dvdt(i,k)) * frain Diag%upd_mf(i,k) = Diag%upd_mf(i,k) + ud_mf(i,k) * (con_g*frain) Diag%dwn_mf(i,k) = Diag%dwn_mf(i,k) + dd_mf(i,k) * (con_g*frain) Diag%det_mf(i,k) = Diag%det_mf(i,k) + dt_mf(i,k) * (con_g*frain) enddo enddo endif ! if (ldiag3d) endif ! end if_lssav ! ! update dqdt_v to include moisture tendency due to deep convection if (Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Coupling%dqdti (i,k) = (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) - dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain Coupling%upd_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%upd_mfi(i,k) + ud_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%dwn_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%dwn_mfi(i,k) + dd_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%det_mfi(i,k) = Coupling%det_mfi(i,k) + dt_mf(i,k) * frain Coupling%cnvqci (i,k) = Coupling%cnvqci (i,k) + (clw(i,k,1)+clw(i,k,2))*frain enddo enddo endif ! if (lgocart) ! if ((Model%npdf3d == 3) .and. (Model%num_p3d == 4)) then num2 = Model%num_p3d + 2 num3 = num2 + 1 do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = cnvw(i,k) Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num3) = cnvc(i,k) cnvw(i,k) = 0.0 cnvc(i,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo elseif ((Model%npdf3d == 0) .and. (Model%ncnvcld3d == 1)) then num2 = Model%num_p3d + 1 do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = cnvw(i,k) cnvw(i,k) = 0.0 enddo enddo endif ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' bef cnvgwd gu0=',gu0(ipr,:) ! &,' lat=',lat,' kdt=',kdt,' me=',me ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' bef cnvgwd gv0=',gv0(ipr,:) ! !----------------Convective gravity wave drag parameterization starting -------- if (Model%cnvgwd) then ! call convective gravity wave drag ! --- ... calculate maximum convective heating rate ! cuhr = temperature change due to deep convection do i=1,im cumabs(i) = 0.0 work3 (i) = 0.0 enddo do k=1,levs do i=1,im if (k >= kbot(i) .and. k <= ktop(i)) then cumabs(i) = cumabs(i) + (Stateout%gt0(i,k)-dtdt(i,k)) * del(i,k) work3(i) = work3(i) + del(i,k) endif enddo enddo do i=1,im if (work3(i) > 0.0) cumabs(i) = cumabs(i) / (dtp*work3(i)) enddo ! do i = 1, im ! do k = kbot(i), ktop(i) ! do k1 = kbot(i), k ! cumchr(i,k) = cuhr(i,k1) + cumchr(i,k) ! enddo ! cumchr(i,k) = cumchr(i,k) / cumabs(i) ! enddo ! enddo ! --- ... begin check print ****************************************** ! if (lprnt) then ! if (kbot(ipr) <= ktop(ipr)) then ! write(*,*) 'kbot <= ktop for (lat,lon) = ', & ! & xlon(ipr)*57.29578,xlat(ipr)*57.29578 ! write(*,*) 'kcnv kbot ktop dlength ',kcnv(ipr), & ! & kbot(ipr),ktop(ipr),dlength(ipr) ! write(*,9000) kdt !9000 format(/,3x,'k',5x,'cuhr(k)',4x,'cumchr(k)',5x, & ! & 'at kdt = ',i4,/) ! do k = ktop(ipr), kbot(ipr),-1 ! write(*,9010) k,(86400.*cuhr(ipr,k)),(100.*cumchr(ipr,k)) !9010 format(2x,i2,2x,f8.2,5x,f6.0) ! enddo ! endif ! if (fhour >= fhourpr) then ! print *,' before gwdc in gbphys start print' ! write(*,*) 'fhour ix im levs = ',fhour,ix,im,levs ! print *,'dtp dtf = ',dtp,dtf ! write(*,9100) !9100 format(//,14x,'pressure levels',// & ! & ' ilev',7x,'prsi',8x,'prsl',8x,'delp',/) ! k = levs + 1 ! write(*,9110) k,(10.*prsi(ipr,k)) !9110 format(i4,2x,f10.3) ! do k = levs, 1, -1 ! write(*,9120) k,(10.*prsl(ipr,k)),(10.*del(ipr,k)) ! write(*,9110) k,(10.*prsi(ipr,k)) ! enddo !9120 format(i4,12x,2(2x,f10.3)) ! write(*,9130) !9130 format(//,10x,'before gwdc in gbphys',//,' ilev',6x, & ! & 'ugrs',9x,'gu0',8x,'vgrs',9x,'gv0',8x, & ! & 'tgrs',9x,'gt0',8x,'gt0b',8x,'dudt',8x,'dvdt',/) ! do k = levs, 1, -1 ! write(*,9140) k,ugrs(ipr,k),gu0(ipr,k), & ! & vgrs(ipr,k),gv0(ipr,k), & ! & tgrs(ipr,k),gt0(ipr,k),dtdt(ipr,k), & ! & dudt(ipr,k),dvdt(ipr,k) ! enddo !9140 format(i4,9(2x,f10.3)) ! print *,' before gwdc in gbphys end print' ! endif ! endif ! end if_lprnt ! --- ... end check print ******************************************** !GFDL replacing lat with "1" ! call gwdc(im, ix, im, levs, lat, gu0, gv0, gt0, gq0, dtp, & call gwdc (im, ix, im, levs, 1, Statein%ugrs, Statein%vgrs, & Statein%tgrs, Statein%qgrs, dtp, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prsi, del, cumabs, ktop, kbot, kcnv, cldf, & con_g, con_cp, con_rd, con_fvirt, con_pi, dlength, & lprnt, ipr, Model%fhour, gwdcu, gwdcv, dusfcg, dvsfcg) ! if (lprnt) then ! if (fhour >= fhourpr) then ! print *,' after gwdc in gbphys start print' ! write(*,9131) !9131 format(//,10x,'after gwdc in gbphys',//,' ilev',6x, & ! & 'ugrs',9x,'gu0',8x,'vgrs',9x,'gv0',8x, & ! & 'tgrs',9x,'gt0',8x,'gt0b',7x,'gwdcu',7x,'gwdcv',/) ! do k = levs, 1, -1 ! write(*,9141) k,ugrs(ipr,k),gu0(ipr,k), & ! & vgrs(ipr,k),gv0(ipr,k), & ! & tgrs(ipr,k),gt0(ipr,k),dtdt(ipr,k), & ! & gwdcu(ipr,k),gwdcv(ipr,k) ! enddo !9141 format(i4,9(2x,f10.3)) ! print *,' after gwdc in gbphys end print' ! endif ! endif ! --- ... write out cloud top stress and wind tendencies if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%dugwd(i) = Diag%dugwd(i) + dusfcg(i)*dtf Diag%dvgwd(i) = Diag%dvgwd(i) + dvsfcg(i)*dtf enddo if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%du3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%du3dt(i,k,4) + gwdcu(i,k) * dtf Diag%dv3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%dv3dt(i,k,4) + gwdcv(i,k) * dtf enddo enddo endif endif ! end if_lssav ! --- ... update the wind components with gwdc tendencies do k=1,levs do i=1,im eng0 = 0.5*(Stateout%gu0(i,k)*Stateout%gu0(i,k)+Stateout%gv0(i,k)*Stateout%gv0(i,k)) Stateout%gu0(i,k) = Stateout%gu0(i,k) + gwdcu(i,k) * dtp Stateout%gv0(i,k) = Stateout%gv0(i,k) + gwdcv(i,k) * dtp eng1 = 0.5*(Stateout%gu0(i,k)*Stateout%gu0(i,k)+Stateout%gv0(i,k)*Stateout%gv0(i,k)) Stateout%gt0(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) + (eng0-eng1)/(dtp*con_cp) enddo ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' gu0=',gu0(ipr,k),' gwdcu=', ! &gwdcu(ipr,k), ' gv0=', gv0(ipr,k),' gwdcv=',gwdcv(ipr,k) ! &,' k=',k enddo ! if (lprnt) then ! if (fhour >= fhourpr) then ! print *,' after tendency gwdc in gbphys start print' ! write(*,9132) !9132 format(//,10x,'after tendency gwdc in gbphys',//,' ilev',6x,& ! & 'ugrs',9x,'gu0',8x,'vgrs',9x,'gv0',8x, & ! & 'tgrs',9x,'gt0',8x,'gt0b',7x,'gwdcu',7x,'gwdcv',/) ! do k = levs, 1, -1 ! write(*,9142) k,ugrs(ipr,k),gu0(ipr,k),vgrs(ipr,k), & ! & gv0(ipr,k),tgrs(ipr,k),gt0(ipr,k),dtdt(ipr,k), & ! & gwdcu(ipr,k),gwdcv(ipr,k) ! enddo !9142 format(i4,9(2x,f10.3)) ! print *,' after tendency gwdc in gbphys end print' ! endif ! endif endif ! end if_cnvgwd (convective gravity wave drag) ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' aft cnvgwd gu0=',gu0(ipr,:) ! if (lprnt) write(7000,*)' aft cnvgwd gv0=',gv0(ipr,:) ! &,' lat=',lat,' kdt=',kdt,' me=',me !----------------Convective gravity wave drag parameterization over -------- if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im dtdt(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) enddo enddo endif if (Model%ldiag3d .or. Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im dqdt(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) enddo enddo endif ! write(0,*)' before do_shoc shal clstp=',clstp,' kdt=',kdt, ! & ' lat=',lat ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' del=',del(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' befshalgt0=',gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' befshalgq0=',gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' befshalgq0=',gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' befshalgqw=',gq0(ipr,:,3),' kdt=',kdt ! endif if (.not. Model%do_shoc) then if (Model%shal_cnv) then ! Shallow convection parameterizations ! -------------------------------------- if (Model%imfshalcnv == 1) then ! opr option now at 2014 !----------------------- call shalcnv (im, ix, levs, Model%jcap, dtp, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%pgr, Statein%phil, clw, Stateout%gq0, & Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, rain1, & kbot, ktop, kcnv, islmsk, Statein%vvl, ncld, & Diag%hpbl, hflx, evap, ud_mf, dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc, & Model%clam_shal, Model%c0s_shal, Model%c1_shal, & Model%pgcon_shal) do i=1,im raincs(i) = frain * rain1(i) Diag%rainc(i) = Diag%rainc(i) + raincs(i) enddo if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%cnvprcp(i) = Diag%cnvprcp(i) + raincs(i) Diag%cnvprcpb(i) = Diag%cnvprcpb(i) + raincs(i) enddo endif ! in shalcnv, 'cnvw' and 'cnvc' are not set to zero: if ((Model%shcnvcw) .and. (Model%num_p3d == 4) .and. (Model%npdf3d == 3)) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) + cnvw(i,k) Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num3) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num3) + cnvc(i,k) enddo enddo elseif ((Model%npdf3d == 0) .and. (Model%ncnvcld3d == 1)) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) + cnvw(i,k) enddo enddo endif elseif (Model%imfshalcnv == 2) then if(.not. Model%satmedmf .and. .not. Model%trans_trac) then nsamftrac = 0 else nsamftrac = tottracer endif call samfshalcnv (im, ix, levs, dtp, ntk, nsamftrac, del, & Statein%prsl, Statein%pgr, Statein%phil, clw, & Stateout%gq0(:,:,1), Stateout%gt0, & Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, & rain1, kbot, ktop, kcnv, islmsk, garea, & Statein%vvl, ncld, DIag%hpbl, ud_mf, & dt_mf, cnvw, cnvc, & Model%clam_shal, Model%c0s_shal, Model%c1_shal, & Model%pgcon_shal, Model%asolfac_shal) do i=1,im raincs(i) = frain * rain1(i) Diag%rainc(i) = Diag%rainc(i) + raincs(i) enddo if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%cnvprcp(i) = Diag%cnvprcp(i) + raincs(i) Diag%cnvprcpb(i) = Diag%cnvprcpb(i) + raincs(i) enddo endif ! in mfshalcnv, 'cnvw' and 'cnvc' are set to zero before computation starts: if ((Model%shcnvcw) .and. (Model%num_p3d == 4) .and. (Model%npdf3d == 3)) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) + cnvw(i,k) Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num3) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num3) + cnvc(i,k) enddo enddo elseif ((Model%npdf3d == 0) .and. (Model%ncnvcld3d == 1)) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,num2) + cnvw(i,k) enddo enddo endif elseif (Model%imfshalcnv == 0) then ! modified Tiedtke Shallow convecton !----------------------------------- levshc(:) = 0 do k=2,levs do i=1,im dpshc = 0.3 * Statein%prsi(i,1) if (Statein%prsi(i,1)-Statein%prsi(i,k) <= dpshc) levshc(i) = k enddo enddo levshcm = 1 do i=1,im levshcm = max(levshcm, levshc(i)) enddo ! if (lprnt) print *,' levshcm=',levshcm,' gt0sh=',gt0(ipr,:) ! &, ' lat=',lat if (Model%mstrat) then ! As in CFSv2 call shalcv (im, ix, levshcm, dtp, del, Statein%prsi, & Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk,kcnv, Stateout%gq0, & Stateout%gt0, levshc, Statein%phil, kinver, & ctei_r, ctei_rml, lprnt, ipr) else call shalcvt3 (im, ix, levshcm, dtp, del, Statein%prsi, & Statein%prsl, Statein%prslk, kcnv, & Stateout%gq0, Stateout%gt0) endif ! if (lprnt) print *,' levshcm=',levshcm,' gt0sha=',gt0(ipr,:) endif ! end if_imfshalcnv endif ! end if_shal_cnv if (Model%lssav) then ! update dqdt_v to include moisture tendency due to shallow convection if (Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im tem = (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain Coupling%dqdti(i,k) = Coupling%dqdti(i,k) + tem enddo enddo endif if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,5) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,5) + (Stateout%gt0(i,k) -dtdt(i,k)) * frain Diag%dq3dt(i,k,3) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,3) + (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain enddo enddo endif endif ! end if_lssav ! do k=1,levs do i=1,im if (clw(i,k,2) <= -999.0) clw(i,k,2) = 0.0 enddo enddo ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' del=',del(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' befshgt0=',gt0(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' befshgq0=',gq0(ipr,:,1) ! endif elseif (Model%shocaftcnv) then ! if do_shoc is true and shocaftcnv is true call shoc if (imp_physics == 10) then skip_macro = Model%do_shoc do k=1,levs do i=1,im ncpl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) ncpi(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) enddo enddo ! else ! if (clw(1,1,2) < -999.0) then ! if clw is not partitioned to ice and water ! do k=1,levs ! do i=1,im ! tem = gq0(i,k,ntcw) & ! & * max(0.0, MIN(1.0, (TCR-gt0(i,k))*TCRF)) ! clw(i,k,1) = tem ! ice ! clw(i,k,2) = gq0(i,k,ntcw) - tem ! water ! enddo ! enddo ! endif ! Anning ncld ==2 if (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) enddo enddo elseif (Model%fprcp > 1) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) + Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) enddo enddo endif endif ! dtshoc = 60.0 ! dtshoc = min(dtp, 300.0) ! nshocm = max(1, nint(dtp/dtshoc)) ! dtshoc = dtp / nshocm ! do nshoc=1,nshocm ! call shoc(im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtp, me, lat, & !! call shoc(im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtshoc, me, lat, & ! & prsl(1:im,:), phii (1:im,:), phil(1:im,:),& ! & gu0(1:im,:),gv0(1:im,:), vvl(1:im,:), gt0(1:im,:), & ! & gq0(1:im,:,1), & ! & clw(1:im,:,1), clw(1:im,:,2), qsnw, qrn, sgs_cld(1:im,:)& ! &, gq0(1:im,:,ntke), & ! & phy_f3d(1:im,:,ntot3d-1), phy_f3d(1:im,:,ntot3d), & ! & lprnt, ipr, & ! & con_cp, con_g, con_hvap, con_hfus, con_hvap+con_hfus, & ! & con_rv, con_rd, con_pi, con_fvirt) !GFDL replace lat with "1: ! call shoc(ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtshoc, me, lat, & call shoc (ix, im, 1, levs, levs+1, dtp, me, 1, Statein%prsl(1,1), & Statein%phii(1,1), Statein%phil(1,1), Stateout%gu0(1,1), & Stateout%gv0(1,1), Statein%vvl(1,1), Stateout%gt0(1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), clw(1,1,1), clw(1,1,2), qsnw, qrn, & rhc, Model%sup, Model%shoc_parm(1), Model%shoc_parm(2), & Model%shoc_parm(3), Model%shoc_parm(4), & Model%shoc_parm(5), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-2), & Model%sup, Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-2), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntke), hflx, evap, prnum, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-1), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d), & lprnt, ipr, ncpl, ncpi) ! enddo if (ntlnc > 0 .and. ntinc > 0 .and. ncld >= 2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) = ncpl(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) = ncpi(i,k) enddo enddo endif ! ! do k=1,levs ! write(1000+me,*)' maxtkh=',maxval(phy_f3d(1:im,k,ntot3d-1)), & ! ' k=',k,' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! enddo ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gt0=',gt0(1,:),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gq0=',gq0(1,:,1),' lat=',lat ! write(0,*)' aft shoc gu0=',gu0(1,:),' lat=',lat ! endif ! if( .not. do_shoc) ! ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' del=',del(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' aftshgt0=',gt0(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' aftshgq0=',gq0(ipr,:,1) ! endif ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! --- update the tracers due to deep & shallow cumulus convective transport ! (except for suspended water and ice) ! if (tottracer > 0) then tracers = 2 do n=2,ntrac ! if ( n /= ntcw .and. n /= ntiw .and. n /= ntclamt) then if ( n /= ntcw .and. n /= ntiw .and. n /= ntclamt .and. & n /= ntrw .and. n /= ntsw .and. n /= ntrnc .and. & n /= ntsnc .and. n /= ntgl .and. n /= ntgnc ) then tracers = tracers + 1 do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,n) = clw(i,k,tracers) enddo enddo endif enddo endif !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if (ntcw > 0) then ! for microphysics if (imp_physics == 99 .or. imp_physics == 98 & .or. imp_physics == 11) then Stateout%gq0(1:im,:,ntcw) = clw(1:im,:,1) + clw(1:im,:,2) elseif (ntiw > 0) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) = clw(i,k,1) ! ice Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) = clw(i,k,2) ! water enddo enddo if (imp_physics == 8) then if (Model%ltaerosol) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntlnc) & + max(0.0, (clw(i,k,2)-liq0(i,k))) / liqm Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) & + max(0.0, (clw(i,k,1)-ice00(i,k))) / icem enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntinc) & + max(0.0, (clw(i,k,1)-ice00(i,k))) / icem enddo enddo endif endif else do k=1,levs do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) = clw(i,k,1) + clw(i,k,2) enddo enddo endif ! end if_ntiw else do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = clw(i,k,1) + clw(i,k,2) enddo enddo endif ! end if_ntcw ! Legacy routine which determines convectve clouds - should be removed at some point call cnvc90 (Model%clstp, im, ix, Diag%rainc, kbot, ktop, levs, Statein%prsi, & Tbd%acv, Tbd%acvb, Tbd%acvt, Cldprop%cv, Cldprop%cvb, Cldprop%cvt) if (Model%moist_adj) then ! moist convective adjustment ! --------------------------- ! ! To call moist convective adjustment ! ! if (lprnt) then ! print *,' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! print *,' del=',del(ipr,:) ! print *,' gt0b=',gt0(ipr,:) ! print *,' gq0b=',gq0(ipr,:,1) ! endif call mstcnv (im, ix, levs, dtp, Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0, & Statein%prsl,del, Statein%prslk, rain1, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), rhc, lprnt, ipr) ! if (lprnt) then ! print *,' rain1=',rain1(ipr),' rainc=',rainc(ipr) ! print *,' gt0a=',gt0(ipr,:) ! print *,' gq0a=',gq0(ipr,:,1) ! endif do i=1,im Diag%rainc(i) = Diag%rainc(i) + frain * rain1(i) enddo if(Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%cnvprcp(i) = Diag%cnvprcp(i) + rain1(i) * frain Diag%cnvprcpb(i) = Diag%cnvprcpb(i) + rain1(i) * frain enddo ! update dqdt_v to include moisture tendency due to surface processes ! dqdt_v : instaneous moisture tendency (kg/kg/sec) ! if (lgocart) then ! do k=1,levs ! do i=1,im ! tem = (gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain ! dqdt_v(i,k) = dqdt_v(i,k) + tem ! dqdt_v(i,k) = dqdt_v(i,k) / dtf ! enddo ! enddo ! endif if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,4) + (Stateout%gt0(i,k) -dtdt(i,k) ) * frain Diag%dq3dt(i,k,2) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,2) + (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain enddo enddo endif endif endif ! moist convective adjustment over ! if (Model%ldiag3d .or. Model%do_aw) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im dtdt(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) dqdt(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) enddo enddo do n=ntcw,ntcw+nncl-1 dqdt(1:im,:,n) = Stateout%gq0(1:im,:,n) enddo endif ! dqdt_v : instaneous moisture tendency (kg/kg/sec) if (Model%lgocart) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Coupling%dqdti(i,k) = Coupling%dqdti(i,k) * (1.0 / dtf) enddo enddo endif ! ! grid-scale condensation/precipitations and microphysics parameterization ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (ncld == 0) then ! no cloud microphysics call lrgscl (ix, im, levs, dtp, Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0, & Statein%prsl, del, Statein%prslk, rain1, clw) else ! all microphysics if (imp_physics == 99) then ! call zhao/carr/sundqvist microphysics ! ------------ ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' del=',del(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' beflsgt0=',gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' beflsgq0=',gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' beflsgw0=',gq0(ipr,:,3),' kdt=',kdt ! endif ! ------------------ if (Model%do_shoc) then call precpd_shoc (im, ix, levs, dtp, del, Statein%prsl, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), & Stateout%gt0, rain1, Diag%sr, rainp, rhc, & psautco_l, prautco_l, Model%evpco, Model%wminco, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,ntot3d-2), lprnt, ipr) else call gscond (im, ix, levs, dtp, dtf, Statein%prsl, Statein%pgr, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), & Stateout%gt0, Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,1), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,2), & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,1), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,3), & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,4), Tbd%phy_f2d(1,2), rhc,lprnt, ipr) call precpd (im, ix, levs, dtp, del, Statein%prsl, & Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), & Stateout%gt0, rain1, Diag%sr, rainp, rhc, psautco_l, & prautco_l, Model%evpco, Model%wminco, lprnt, ipr) endif ! if (lprnt) then ! write(0,*)' prsl=',prsl(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' del=',del(ipr,:) ! write(0,*) ' aftlsgt0=',gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' aftlsgq0=',gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' aftlsgw0=',gq0(ipr,:,3),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*)' aft precpd rain1=',rain1(1:3),' lat=',lat ! endif elseif (imp_physics == 98) then ! with pdf clouds call gscondp (im, ix, levs, dtp, dtf, Statein%prsl, & Statein%pgr, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), Stateout%gt0, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,1), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,2), & Tbd%phy_f2d(1,1), Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,3), & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,4), Tbd%phy_f2d(1,2), rhc, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,Model%num_p3d+1), Model%sup, & lprnt, ipr, kdt) call precpdp (im, ix, levs, dtp, del, Statein%prsl, & Statein%pgr, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), Stateout%gt0, & rain1, Diag%sr, rainp, rhc, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,Model%num_p3d+1), psautco_l, & prautco_l, Model%evpco, Model%wminco, lprnt, ipr) ! endif ! end of grid-scale precip/microphysics options ! endif ! end if_num_p3d ! if (lprnt) write(0,*) ' rain1=',rain1(ipr),' rainc=',rainc(ipr),' lat=',lat elseif (imp_physics == 8) then ! Thompson MP ! ------------ ims = 1 ; ime = ix ; kms = 1 ; kme = levs ; its = 1 ; ite = ix ; kts = 1 ; kte = levs if (Model%ltaerosol) then print*,'aerosol version of the Thompson scheme is not included' ! call mp_gt_driver(ims,ime,kms,kme,its,ite,kts,kte, & ! Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,1), & ! Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntcw), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntrw), & ! Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntiw), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntsw), & ! Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntgl), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntinc),& ! Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:im,Model%ntrnc), & ! Stateout%gt0, Statein%prsl, Statein%vvl, del, dtp, kdt, & ! rain1, & ! diag%sr, & !! Diag%refl_10cm, Model%lradar, & !! Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,1),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,2),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,3), & !has_reqc, has_reqi, has_reqs, !! ims,ime,kms,kme,its,ite,kts,kte) ! Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,1),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,2),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,3),me, & ! nc=Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntlnc), & ! nwfa=Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntwa), & ! nifa=Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntia), & !! nwfa2d=Sfcprop%nwfa2d(1:im)) ! nwfa2d=Coupling%nwfa2d(1:im)) else call mp_gt_driver(ims,ime,kms,kme,its,ite,kts,kte, & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,1), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntcw), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntrw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntiw), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntsw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntgl), Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntinc),& Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntrnc), & !2014v Stateout%gt0, Statein%prsl, Statein%vvl, del, dtp, kdt, & Stateout%gt0, Statein%prsl, del, dtp, kdt, & rain1, & diag%sr, & islmsk, & Diag%refl_10cm, Model%lradar, & Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,1),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,2),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,3),me,Statein%phii) endif elseif (imp_physics == 6) then ! WSM6 ! ----- ims = 1 ; ime = ix ; kms = 1 ; kme = levs ; its = 1 ; ite = ix ; kts = 1 ; kte = levs call wsm6(Stateout%gt0, Statein%phii(1:im,1:levs+1), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,1), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntcw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntrw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntiw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntsw), & Stateout%gq0(1:im,1:levs,Model%ntgl), & Statein%prsl, del, dtp, rain1, & diag%sr, & islmsk, & Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,1),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,2),Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,3), & ims,ime, kms,kme, & its,ite, kts,kte) ! elseif (imp_physics == 10) then ! MGB double-moment microphysics ! ------------------------------ kk = 1 if (Model%fprcp >= 2) kk = 6 ! Acheng used clw here for other code to run smoothly and minimum change ! to make the code work. However, the nc and clw should be treated ! in other procceses too. August 28/2015; Hope that can be done next ! year. I believe this will make the physical interaction more reasonable ! Anning 12/5/2015 changed ntcw hold liquid only if (Model%do_shoc) then if (Model%fprcp == 0) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,ntot3d-2) ! clouds from shoc enddo enddo elseif (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,ntot3d-2) ! clouds from shoc enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) qgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) ncgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgnc) Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,ntot3d-2) ! clouds from shoc enddo enddo endif elseif ((Model%imfdeepcnv >= 0) .or. (Model%imfshalcnv > 0)) then if (Model%fprcp == 0) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = max(0.0, min(1.0,Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)+cnvc(i,k))) ! clouds from t-dt and cnvc tem = cnvw(i,k)* max(0.0, MIN(1.0, (TCR-Stateout%gt0(i,k))*TCRF)) qlcn(i,k) = qlcn(i,k) + cnvw(i,k) - tem qicn(i,k) = qicn(i,k) + tem cf_upi(i,k) = cf_upi(i,k) + cnvc(i,k) enddo enddo elseif (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = max(0.0, min(1.0,Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)+cnvc(i,k))) ! clouds from t-dt and cnvc tem = cnvw(i,k)* max(0.0, MIN(1.0, (TCR-Stateout%gt0(i,k))*TCRF)) qlcn(i,k) = qlcn(i,k) + cnvw(i,k) - tem qicn(i,k) = qicn(i,k) + tem cf_upi(i,k) = cf_upi(i,k) + cnvc(i,k) qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = max(0.0, min(1.0,Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)+cnvc(i,k))) ! clouds from t-dt and cnvc tem = cnvw(i,k)* max(0.0, MIN(1.0, (TCR-Stateout%gt0(i,k))*TCRF)) qlcn(i,k) = qlcn(i,k) + cnvw(i,k) - tem qicn(i,k) = qicn(i,k) + tem cf_upi(i,k) = cf_upi(i,k) + cnvc(i,k) qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) qgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) ncgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgnc) enddo enddo endif else ! clouds from t-dt and cnvc if (Model%fprcp == 0 ) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water ! Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = min(1.0, Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)) enddo enddo elseif (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) ! Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = min(1.0, Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)) enddo enddo else do k=1,levs do i=1,im clw(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) ! ice clw(i,k,2) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) ! water qrn(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) qsnw(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) qgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) ncpr(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) ncps(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) ncgl(i,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgnc) ! Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = min(1.0, Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1)) enddo enddo endif endif ! notice clw ix instead of im ! call m_micro_driver(im,ix,levs,flipv,del,dtp,prsl,prsi, ! & prslk,prsik,pgr,vvl,clw(1,1,2), QLCN, clw(1,1,1),QICN, ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cnv_mfdbef=',cnv_mfd(ipr,:),' flipv=',flipv ! if(lprnt) write(0,*) ' befgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if(lprnt) write(0,*) ' befgq0=',Stateout%gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! if(lprnt) write(0,*) ' befntlnc=',Stateout%gq0(ipr,:,ntlnc),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clw1bef=',clw(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clw2bef=',clw(ipr,:,2),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qrnb=',qrn(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qsnwb=',qsnw(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qglb=',qgl(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' rhc=',rhc(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt,' kk=',kk ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cloudsb=',tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cloudsb=',Tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clcn=',clcn(ipr,:)*100,' kdt=',kdt ! txa(:,:) = gq0(:,:,1) ! do k=1,levs ! write(1000+me,*)' maxwatncb=',maxval(Stateout%gq0(1:im,k,ntlnc)),' k=',k,' kdt',kdt ! enddo call m_micro_driver (im, ix, levs, Model%flipv, dtp, Statein%prsl, & Statein%prsi, Statein%phil, Statein%phii, & Statein%vvl, clw(1,1,2), QLCN, clw(1,1,1), QICN, & Radtend%htrlw, Radtend%htrsw, w_upi, cf_upi, & FRLAND, Diag%HPBL, CNV_MFD, CNV_PRC3, CNV_DQLDT, & CLCN, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, Diag%dusfc, & Diag%dvsfc, dusfc1, dvsfc1, dusfc1, dvsfc1, & CNV_FICE, CNV_NDROP, CNV_NICE, Stateout%gq0(1,1,1), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntcw), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntiw), Stateout%gt0, rain1, & Diag%sr, Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntlnc), & Stateout%gq0(1,1,ntinc), Model%fprcp, qrn, & qsnw, qgl, ncpr, ncps, ncgl, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,1), kbot, & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,2),Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,3), & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,4),Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,5), & Tbd%phy_f3d(1,1,kk), & Model%aero_in, skip_macro, cn_prc, cn_snr, lprnt, & ! ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon) ipr, kdt, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon, rhc) ! do k=1,levs ! write(1000+me,*)' maxwatnca=',maxval(Stateout%gq0(1:im,k,ntlnc)),' k=',k,' kdt=',kdt ! enddo ! write(1000+me,*)' at latitude = ',lat ! tx1 = 1000.0 ! call moist_bud(im,ix,ix,levs,me,kdt,con_g,tx1,del,rain1 ! &, txa, clw(1,1,2), clw(1,1,1) ! &, gq0(1,1,1),gq0(1,1,ntcw),gq0(1,1,ntcw+1),' m_micro ') ! if (lprnt) write(0,*) ' rain1=',rain1(ipr)*86400.0, & ! &' rainc=',diag%rainc(ipr)*86400.0 & ! &,' cn_prc=',cn_prc(ipr),' cn_snr=',cn_snr(ipr) ! if(lprnt) write(0,*) ' aftgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*) ' aftlsgq0=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clw1aft=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,ntiw),' kdt=',kdt ! if (ntgl > 0 .and. lprnt) & ! write(0,*)' cgw1aft=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,ntgl),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cloudsm=',tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clw2aft=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,ntcw),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qrna=',qrn(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qsnwa=',qsnw(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qglba',qgl(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt if (abs(Model%fprcp) == 1 .or. mg3_as_mg2) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im if (abs(qrn(i,k)) < qsmall) qrn(i,k) = 0.0 if (abs(qsnw(i,k)) < qsmall) qsnw(i,k) = 0.0 Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) = qrn(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) = qsnw(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) = ncpr(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) = ncps(i,k) enddo enddo elseif (Model%fprcp > 1) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im if (abs(qrn(i,k)) < qsmall) qrn(i,k) = 0.0 if (abs(qsnw(i,k)) < qsmall) qsnw(i,k) = 0.0 if (abs(qgl(i,k)) < qsmall) qgl(i,k) = 0.0 Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) = qrn(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) = qsnw(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) = qgl(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrnc) = ncpr(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsnc) = ncps(i,k) Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgnc) = ncgl(i,k) enddo enddo endif ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' cloudsm=',tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clw2aft=',stateout%gq0(ipr,:,ntcw),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qrna=',qrn(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qsnwa=',qsnw(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' qglba',qgl(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! elseif (imp_physics == 11) then ! GFDL MP ! ------- do i = 1, im land (i,1) = frland(i) area (i,1) = Grid%area(i) rain0 (i,1) = 0.0 snow0 (i,1) = 0.0 ice0 (i,1) = 0.0 graupel0 (i,1) = 0.0 enddo do k = 1, levs kk = levs-k+1 do i = 1, im qn1 (i,1,k) = 0.0 qv_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 ql_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 qr_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 qi_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 qs_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 qg_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 qa_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 pt_dt(i,1,k) = 0.0 udt (i,1,k) = 0.0 vdt (i,1,k) = 0.0 ! qv1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,1) ql1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntcw) qr1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntrw) qi1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntiw) qs1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntsw) qg1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntgl) qa1 (i,1,k) = Stateout%gq0(i,kk,ntclamt) pt (i,1,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,kk) w (i,1,k) = -Statein%vvl(i,kk)*(one+con_fvirt*qv1(i,1,k)) & * Stateout%gt0(i,kk) / Statein%prsl(i,kk) * (con_rd*onebg) uin (i,1,k) = Stateout%gu0(i,kk) vin (i,1,k) = Stateout%gv0(i,kk) delp (i,1,k) = del(i,kk) dz (i,1,k) = (Statein%phii(i,kk)-Statein%phii(i,kk+1)) * onebg enddo enddo call gfdl_cloud_microphys_driver(qv1, ql1, qr1, qi1, qs1, qg1, qa1, & qn1, qv_dt, ql_dt, qr_dt, qi_dt, & qs_dt, qg_dt, qa_dt, pt_dt, pt, w, & uin, vin, udt, vdt, dz, delp, & area, dtp, land, rain0, snow0, & ice0, graupel0, .false., .true., & 1, im, 1, 1, 1, levs, 1, levs, & seconds) tem = dtp * con_p001 / con_day do i = 1, im rain0(i,1) = max(con_d00, rain0(i,1)) snow0(i,1) = max(con_d00, snow0(i,1)) ice0(i,1) = max(con_d00, ice0(i,1)) graupel0(i,1) = max(con_d00, graupel0(i,1)) rain1(i) = (rain0(i,1)+snow0(i,1)+ice0(i,1)+graupel0(i,1)) * tem Diag%ice(i) = ice0 (i,1) * tem Diag%snow(i) = snow0 (i,1) * tem Diag%graupel(i) = graupel0(i,1) * tem if ( rain1(i) > rainmin ) then Diag%sr(i) = (snow0(i,1) + ice0(i,1) + graupel0(i,1)) & / (rain0(i,1) + snow0(i,1) + ice0(i,1) + graupel0(i,1)) else Diag%sr(i) = 0.0 endif enddo do k = 1, levs kk = levs-k+1 do i=1,im Stateout%gq0(i,k,1 ) = qv1(i,1,kk) + qv_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntcw) = ql1(i,1,kk) + ql_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntrw) = qr1(i,1,kk) + qr_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntiw) = qi1(i,1,kk) + qi_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntsw) = qs1(i,1,kk) + qs_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntgl) = qg1(i,1,kk) + qg_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gq0(i,k,ntclamt) = qa1(i,1,kk) + qa_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gt0(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) + pt_dt(i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gu0(i,k) = Stateout%gu0(i,k) + udt (i,1,kk) * dtp Stateout%gv0(i,k) = Stateout%gv0(i,k) + vdt (i,1,kk) * dtp enddo enddo endif ! end of if(Model%imp_physics) endif ! end if_ncld ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' rain1 after ls=',rain1(ipr) ! if (Model%cscnv .and. Model%do_aw) then ! Arakawa-Wu adjustment of large-scale microphysics tendencies: ! reduce by factor of (1-sigma) ! these are microphysics increments. We want to keep (1-sigma) of the increment, ! we will remove sigma*increment from final values ! fsigma = 0. ! don't apply any AW correction, in addition comment next line ! fsigma = sigmafrac ! adjust sfc rainrate for conservation ! vertically integrate reduction of water increments, reduce precip by that amount temrain1(:) = 0.0 do k = 1,levs do i = 1,im tem1 = sigmafrac(i,k) Stateout%gt0(i,k) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) - tem1 * (Stateout%gt0(i,k)-dtdt(i,k)) tem2 = tem1 * (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,1) - tem2 temrain1(i) = temrain1(i) - (Statein%prsi(i,k)-Statein%prsi(i,k+1)) & * tem2 * onebg enddo enddo ! add convective clouds if (Model%do_shoc) then do k = 1,levs do i = 1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,ntot3d-2) = min(1.0, Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,ntot3d-2) & + sigmafrac(i,k)) enddo enddo if (ncld == 5) then Stateout%gq0(:,:,ntclamt) = Tbd%phy_f3d(:,:,ntot3d-2) endif elseif (ncld == 2) then do k = 1,levs do i = 1,im Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) = min(1.0, Tbd%phy_f3d(i,k,1) + sigmafrac(i,k)) enddo enddo endif ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' gt0aftpraw=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt,'me=',me do n=ntcw,ntcw+nncl-1 do k = 1,levs do i = 1,im tem1 = sigmafrac(i,k) * (Stateout%gq0(i,k,n)-dqdt(i,k,n)) Stateout%gq0(i,k,n) = Stateout%gq0(i,k,n) - tem1 temrain1(i) = temrain1(i) - (Statein%prsi(i,k)-Statein%prsi(i,k+1)) & * tem1 * onebg enddo enddo enddo ! write(1000+me,*)' rain1=',rain1(4),' temrain1=',temrain1(i)*0.001 do i = 1,im rain1(i) = max(rain1(i) - temrain1(i)*0.001, 0.0_kind_phys) enddo endif Diag%rain(:) = Diag%rainc(:) + frain * rain1(:) if (Model%cal_pre) then ! hchuang: add dominant precipitation type algorithm ! call calpreciptype (kdt, Model%nrcm, im, ix, levs, levs+1, & Tbd%rann, Grid%xlat, Grid%xlon, Stateout%gt0, & Stateout%gq0, Statein%prsl, Statein%prsi, & Diag%rain, Statein%phii, Sfcprop%tsfc, & !input domr, domzr, domip, doms) ! output ! ! if (lprnt) print*,'debug calpreciptype: DOMR,DOMZR,DOMIP,DOMS ' ! &,DOMR(ipr),DOMZR(ipr),DOMIP(ipr),DOMS(ipr) ! do i=1,im ! if (abs(xlon(i)*57.29578-114.0) .lt. 0.2 .and. ! & abs(xlat(i)*57.29578-40.0) .lt. 0.2) ! & print*,'debug calpreciptype: DOMR,DOMZR,DOMIP,DOMS ', ! & DOMR(i),DOMZR(i),DOMIP(i),DOMS(i) ! end do ! HCHUANG: use new precipitation type to decide snow flag for LSM snow accumulation if (Model%imp_physics /= 11) then do i=1,im Sfcprop%tprcp(i) = max(0.0, Diag%rain(i) ) if(doms(i) > 0.0 .or. domip(i) > 0.0) then Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 1. else Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 0. end if enddo endif endif if (Model%lssav) then ! if (Model%me == 0) print *,'in phys drive, kdt=',Model%kdt, & ! 'totprcpb=', Diag%totprcpb(1),'totprcp=',Diag%totprcp(1), & ! 'rain=',Diag%rain(1) do i=1,im Diag%totprcp (i) = Diag%totprcp (i) + Diag%rain(i) Diag%totice (i) = Diag%totice (i) + Diag%ice(i) Diag%totsnw (i) = Diag%totsnw (i) + Diag%snow(i) Diag%totgrp (i) = Diag%totgrp (i) + Diag%graupel(i) Diag%totprcpb(i) = Diag%totprcpb(i) + Diag%rain(i) Diag%toticeb (i) = Diag%toticeb (i) + Diag%ice(i) Diag%totsnwb (i) = Diag%totsnwb (i) + Diag%snow(i) Diag%totgrpb (i) = Diag%totgrpb (i) + Diag%graupel(i) ! if (Model%cal_pre) then Diag%tdomr(i) = Diag%tdomr(i) + domr(i) * dtf Diag%tdomzr(i) = Diag%tdomzr(i) + domzr(i) * dtf Diag%tdomip(i) = Diag%tdomip(i) + domip(i) * dtf Diag%tdoms(i) = Diag%tdoms(i) + doms(i) * dtf endif enddo if (Model%ldiag3d) then do k=1,levs do i=1,im Diag%dt3dt(i,k,6) = Diag%dt3dt(i,k,6) + (Stateout%gt0(i,k)-dtdt(i,k)) * frain Diag%dq3dt(i,k,4) = Diag%dq3dt(i,k,4) + (Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)-dqdt(i,k,1)) * frain enddo enddo endif endif ! --- ... estimate t850 for rain-snow decision t850(1:im) = Stateout%gt0(1:im,1) do k = 1, levs-1 do i = 1, im if (Statein%prsl(i,k) > p850 .and. Statein%prsl(i,k+1) <= p850) then t850(i) = Stateout%gt0(i,k) - (Statein%prsl(i,k)-p850) / & (Statein%prsl(i,k)-Statein%prsl(i,k+1)) * & (Stateout%gt0(i,k)-Stateout%gt0(i,k+1)) endif enddo enddo if (Model%imp_physics == 11) then ! determine convective rain/snow by surface temperature ! determine large-scale rain/snow by rain/snow coming out directly from MP do i = 1, im Sfcprop%tprcp(i) = max(0.0, Diag%rain(i) )! clu: rain -> tprcp Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 0. ! clu: default srflag as 'rain' (i.e. 0) if (Sfcprop%tsfc(i) .ge. 273.15) then crain = Diag%rainc(i) csnow = 0.0 else crain = 0.0 csnow = Diag%rainc(i) endif if ((snow0(i,1)+ice0(i,1)+graupel0(i,1)+csnow) > (rain0(i,1)+crain)) then Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 1. ! clu: set srflag to 'snow' (i.e. 1) endif enddo elseif( .not. Model%cal_pre) then do i = 1, im Sfcprop%tprcp(i) = max(0.0, Diag%rain(i) )! clu: rain -> tprcp Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 0. ! clu: default srflag as 'rain' (i.e. 0) if (t850(i) <= 273.16) then Sfcprop%srflag(i) = 1. ! clu: set srflag to 'snow' (i.e. 1) endif enddo endif ! --- ... coupling insertion if (Model%cplflx) then do i = 1, im if (t850(i) > 273.16) then Coupling%rain_cpl(i) = Coupling%rain_cpl(i) + Diag%rain(i) else Coupling%snow_cpl(i) = Coupling%snow_cpl(i) + Diag%rain(i) endif enddo endif ! --- ... end coupling insertion !!! update surface diagnosis fields at the end of phys package !!! this change allows gocart to use filtered wind fields !!! if (Model%lgocart) then call sfc_diag (im, Statein%pgr, Stateout%gu0, Stateout%gv0, & Stateout%gt0, Stateout%gq0, Sfcprop%tsfc, qss, & Sfcprop%f10m, Diag%u10m, Diag%v10m, Sfcprop%t2m, & Sfcprop%q2m, work3, evap, Sfcprop%ffmm, & Sfcprop%ffhh, fm10, fh2) if (Model%lssav) then do i=1,im Diag%tmpmax (i) = max(Diag%tmpmax (i),Sfcprop%t2m(i)) Diag%tmpmin (i) = min(Diag%tmpmin (i),Sfcprop%t2m(i)) Diag%spfhmax(i) = max(Diag%spfhmax(i),Sfcprop%q2m(i)) Diag%spfhmin(i) = min(Diag%spfhmin(i),Sfcprop%q2m(i)) enddo !find max wind speed then decompose do i=1, im tem = sqrt(Diag%u10m(i)**2 + Diag%v10m(i)**2 ) if (tem > Diag%wind10mmax(i)) then Diag%wind10mmax(i) = tem Diag%u10mmax(i) = Diag%u10m(i) Diag%v10mmax(i) = Diag%v10m(i) endif !Compute dew point, first using vapor pressure tem = max(Statein%pgr(i) * Sfcprop%q2m(i) / ( con_eps - con_epsm1 * Sfcprop%q2m(i)), 1.e-8) Diag%dpt2m(i) = 243.5 / ( ( 17.67 / log(tem/611.2) ) - 1.) + 273.14 enddo endif endif ! --- ... total runoff is composed of drainage into water table and ! runoff at the surface and is accumulated in unit of meters if (Model%lssav) then tem = dtf * 0.001 do i=1,im Diag%runoff(i) = Diag%runoff(i) + (drain(i)+runof(i)) * tem Diag%srunoff(i) = Diag%srunoff(i) + runof(i) * tem enddo endif ! --- ... xw: return updated ice thickness & concentration to global array do i = 1, im if (islmsk(i) == 2) then Sfcprop%hice(i) = zice(i) Sfcprop%fice(i) = cice(i) Sfcprop%tisfc(i) = tice(i) else Sfcprop%hice(i) = 0.0 Sfcprop%fice(i) = 0.0 Sfcprop%tisfc(i) = Sfcprop%tsfc(i) endif enddo ! --- ... return updated smsoil and stsoil to global arrays do k=1,lsoil do i=1,im Sfcprop%smc(i,k) = smsoil(i,k) Sfcprop%stc(i,k) = stsoil(i,k) Sfcprop%slc(i,k) = slsoil(i,k) enddo enddo ! --- ... calculate column precipitable water "pwat" Diag%pwat(:) = 0.0 do k = 1, levs do i=1,im work1(i) = 0.0 enddo if (ncld > 0) then do ic = ntcw, ntcw+nncl-1 do i=1,im work1(i) = work1(i) + Stateout%gq0(i,k,ic) enddo enddo endif do i=1,im Diag%pwat(i) = Diag%pwat(i) + del(i,k)*(Stateout%gq0(i,k,1)+work1(i)) enddo ! if (lprnt .and. i == ipr) write(0,*)' gq0=', ! &gq0(i,k,1),' qgrs=',qgrs(i,k,1),' work2=',work2(i),' k=',k enddo do i=1,im Diag%pwat(i) = Diag%pwat(i) * onebg enddo ! tem = dtf * 0.03456 / 86400.0 ! write(1000+me,*)' pwat=',pwat(i),'i=',i,', ! &' rain=',rain(i)*1000.0,' dqsfc1=',dqsfc1(i)*tem,' kdt=',kdt ! &,' e-p=',dqsfc1(i)*tem-rain(i)*1000.0 ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' pwat=',pwat(ipr),', ! &' rain=',rain(ipr)*1000.0,' dqsfc1=',dqsfc1(ipr)*tem,' kdt=',kdt ! &,' e-p=',dqsfc1(ipr)*tem-rain(ipr)*1000.0 ! ! if (lprnt .and. rain(ipr) > 5) call mpi_quit(5678) ! if (lat == 45) write(1000+me,*)' pwat=',pwat(1),' kdt=',kdt ! if (lprnt) then ! write(7000,*) ' endgu0=',gu0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(7000,*) ' endgv0=',gv0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt,' nnp=',nnp ! write(0,*) ' endgt0=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' endgq0=',Stateout%gq0(ipr,:,1),' kdt=',kdt ! write(0,*) ' endgw0=',gq0(ipr,:,3),' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat ! endif if (Model%do_sppt) then !--- radiation heating rate Tbd%dtdtr(1:im,:) = Tbd%dtdtr(1:im,:) + dtdtc(1:im,:)*dtf do i = 1, im if (t850(i) > 273.16) then !--- change in change in rain precip Tbd%drain_cpl(i) = Diag%rain(i) - Tbd%drain_cpl(i) else !--- change in change in snow precip Tbd%dsnow_cpl(i) = Diag%rain(i) - Tbd%dsnow_cpl(i) endif enddo endif deallocate (clw) if (allocated(cnvc)) deallocate(cnvc) if (allocated(cnvw)) deallocate(cnvw) if (allocated(qrn)) deallocate(qrn) if (allocated(qsnw)) deallocate(qsnw) if (allocated(qgl)) deallocate(qgl) if (allocated(ncpl)) deallocate(ncpl) if (allocated(ncpi)) deallocate(ncpi) if (allocated(ncpr)) deallocate(ncpr) if (allocated(ncps)) deallocate(ncps) if (allocated(ncgl)) deallocate(ncgl) if (allocated(liq0)) deallocate(liq0) if (allocated(ice00)) deallocate(ice00) ! deallocate (fscav, fswtr) ! ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' end of gbphys maxu=', ! &maxval(gu0(1:im,1:levs)),' minu=',minval(gu0(1:im,1:levs)) ! &,' maxv=',maxval(gv0(1:im,1:levs)),' minv=', ! & minval(gv0(1:im,1:levs)),' kdt=',kdt,' lat=',lat,' nnp=',nnp ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' end of gbphys gv0=',gv0(:,120:128) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' end of gbphys at kdt=',kdt, ! &' rain=',rain(ipr),' rainc=',rainc(ipr) ! if (lprnt) call mpi_quit(7) ! if (kdt > 2 ) call mpi_quit(70) ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)'qt0out=',Stateout%gt0(ipr,:) & ! ,'xlon=',grid%xlon(ipr)*57.29578,' xlat=',grid%xlat(ipr)*57.29578 ! if (lprnt) write(0,*)' clouddriverend=',Tbd%phy_f3d(ipr,:,1)*100,' kdt=',kdt deallocate (qlcn, qicn, w_upi, cf_upi, CNV_MFD, CNV_PRC3, & CNV_DQLDT, clcn, cnv_fice, cnv_ndrop, cnv_nice) if (imp_physics == 11) then deallocate (delp, dz, uin, vin, pt, qv1, ql1, qr1, & qg1, qa1, qn1, qi1, qs1, pt_dt, qa_dt, udt, vdt, & w, qv_dt, ql_dt, qr_dt, qi_dt, qs_dt, qg_dt) endif return !................................... end subroutine GFS_physics_driver !----------------------------------- subroutine moist_bud(im,ix,ix2,levs,me,kdt,grav,dtp,delp,rain, & qv0,ql0,qi0,qv1,ql1,qi1,comp) ! nov 2016 - S. Moorthi - routine to compute local moisture budget use machine, only : kind_phys implicit none character*10 :: comp integer :: im,ix,ix2,levs,me,kdt real (kind=kind_phys) :: grav, rain(im), dtp real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix,levs) :: qv0,ql0,qi0,delp real (kind=kind_phys), dimension(ix2,levs) :: qv1,ql1,qi1 REAL (kind=kind_phys), dimension(im) :: sumq, sumqv, sumql, sumqi integer :: i, k ! do i=1,im sumqv(i) = 0.0 sumql(i) = 0.0 sumqi(i) = 0.0 sumq (i) = 0.0 enddo do k=1,levs do i=1,im sumqv(i) = sumqv(i) + (qv1(i,k) - qv0(i,k)) * delp(i,k) sumql(i) = sumql(i) + (ql1(i,k) - ql0(i,k)) * delp(i,k) sumqi(i) = sumqi(i) + (qi1(i,k) - qi0(i,k)) * delp(i,k) enddo enddo do i=1,im sumqv(i) = - sumqv(i) * (1.0/grav) sumql(i) = - sumql(i) * (1.0/grav) sumqi(i) = - sumqi(i) * (1.0/grav) sumq (i) = sumqv(i) + sumql(i) + sumqi(i) enddo do i=1,im write(1000+me,*)' in moist_bud:',' i=',i,' sumq=',sumq(i), & ' sumqv=',sumqv(i),' sumql=',sumql(i),' sumqi=',sumqi(i), & ' rain=',rain(i)*dtp,' kdt=',kdt,' component=',comp, & ' qv:=',qv1(i,1),qv0(i,1),' ql=',ql1(i,1),ql0(i,1), & ' qi=',qi1(i,1), qi0(i,1) ! if(sumq(i) > 100) then ! write(1000+me,*)' i=',i,' sumq=',sumq(i) ! write(1000+me,*)' qv1=',(qv1(i,k),k=1,levs) ! write(1000+me,*)' qv0=',(qv0(i,k),k=1,levs) ! write(1000+me,*)' ql1=',(ql1(i,k),k=1,levs) ! write(1000+me,*)' ql0=',(ql0(i,k),k=1,levs) ! write(1000+me,*)' qi1=',(qi1(i,k),k=1,levs) ! write(1000+me,*)' qi0=',(qi0(i,k),k=1,levs) ! endif enddo return end subroutine moist_bud ! mg, sfc-perts *** ! the routines below are used in the percentile matching algorithm for the ! albedo and vegetation fraction perturbations subroutine cdfnor(z,cdfz) use machine implicit none real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: cdfz real(kind=kind_phys),intent(in) :: z ! local vars integer iflag real(kind=kind_phys) del,x,cdfx,eps eps = 1.0E-5 ! definition of passed parameters ! ! z = value for which the normal CDF is to be computed ! eps = the absolute accuracy requirment for the CDF ! iflag = error indicator on output 0->no errors, 1->errorflag from ! cdfgam, 2->errorflag from cdfgam ! cdfz = the CDF of the standard normal distribution evaluated at z del = 2.0*eps if (z.eq.0.0) then cdfz = 0.5 else x = 0.5*z*z call cdfgam(x,0.5,del,iflag, cdfx) if ( return if ( then cdfz = 0.5+0.5*cdfx else cdfz = 0.5-0.5*cdfx endif endif return end subroutine cdfgam(x,alpha,eps,iflag,cdfx) use machine implicit none real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: cdfx real(kind=kind_phys),intent(in) :: x, alpha, eps ! local vars integer iflag,i,j,k, imax logical LL real(kind=kind_phys) dx, dgln, p,u,epsx,pdfl, eta, bl, uflo data imax, uflo / 5000, 1.0E-37 / ! definition of passed parameters ! ! x = value for which the CDF is to be computed ! alpha = parameter of gamma function (>0) ! eps = the absolute accuracy requirment for the CDF ! iflag = error indicator on output 0->no errors, 1->either alpha or eps ! is <= oflo, 2->number of terms evaluated in the infinite series exceeds ! imax. ! cdf = the CDF evaluated at x cdfx = 0.0 if (alpha.le.uflo.or.eps.le.uflo) then iflag=1 return endif iflag=0 ! check for special case of x if (x.le.0) return dx = x call dgamln(alpha,dgln) pdfl = (alpha-1.0)*log(dx)-dx-dgln if ( then if ( cdfx = 1.0 else p = alpha u = exp(pdfl) LL = .true. if ( then k = int(p) if (p.le.real(k)) k = k-1 eta = p - real(k) call dgamln(eta,dgln) bl = (eta-1)*log(dx)-dx-dgln LL = endif epsx = eps/x if (LL) then do i=0,imax if (u.le.epsx*(p-x)) return u = x*u/p cdfx = cdfx+u p = p+1.0 enddo iflag = 2 else do j=1,k p=p-1.0 if (u.le.epsx*(x-p)) continue cdfx = cdfx+u u = p*u/x enddo cdfx = 1.0-cdfx endif endif return end subroutine cdfgam subroutine dgamln(x,dgamlnout) use machine implicit none real(kind=kind_phys), intent(in) :: x real(kind=kind_phys), intent(out) :: dgamlnout ! local vars integer i, n real(kind=kind_phys) absacc, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8 real(kind=kind_phys) c, dx, q, r, xmin, xn data xmin, absacc / 6.894d0, 1.0E-15 / data c / 0.918938533204672741780329736d0 / data b1 / 0.833333333333333333333333333d-1 / data b2 / - 0.277777777777777777777777778d-2 / data b3 / 0.793650793650793650793650794d-3 / data b4 / - 0.595238095238095238095238095d-3 / data b5 / 0.841750841750841750841750842d-3 / data b6 / - 0.191752691752691752691752692d-2 / data b7 / 0.641025641025641025641025641d-2 / data b8 / - 0.295506535947712418300653595d-1 / if (x.le.0.0) stop '*** x<=0.0 in function dgamln ***' dx = x n = max(0,int(xmin - dx + 1.0d0) ) xn = dx + n r = 1.0d0/xn q = r*r dgamlnout = r*( b1+q*( b2+q*( b3+q*( b4+q*( b5+q*( b6+q*( b7+q*b8 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) +c + (xn-0.5d0)*log(xn)-xn if ( then q = 1.0d0 do i=0, n-1 q = q*(dx+i) enddo dgamlnout = dgamlnout-log(q) endif if (dgamlnout + absacc.eq.dgamlnout) then print *,' ********* WARNING FROM FUNCTION DGAMLN *********' print *,' REQUIRED ABSOLUTE ACCURACY NOT ATTAINED FOR X = ',x endif return end subroutine dgamln ! *** mg, sfc-perts !> @} end module module_physics_driver