!> @file !> @brief Subroutine that computes T, Q, U, V, P, and ICING on the flight levels (FD). !> !> This routine computes temperature, spec. hum, u wind component, !> and v wind component on the NFD=6 FD levels. The !> height of these levels (in meters) is given in the !> data statement below. The alogrithm proceeds as !> follows. (AGL-Above ground level in parentheses) !> !> At each mass point move up vertically from the LM-TH (lowest !> atmospheric) ETA layer. Find the ETA layers whose !> height (above ground) bounds the target FD level height. !> Vertically interpolate to get temperature at this FD !> level. Average the four surrounding winds !> to get a mass point wind. Vertically interpolate these !> mass point winds to the target FD level. Continue this !> process until all NFD=6 FD levels have been processed. !> Move on to the next mass point. !> !> Averaging the four above ground winds to the mass point !> was found to smooth the field and reduce the occurrence !> of point peak winds far in excess of the winds at !> adjacent points. Mass point values are returned. !> !> @param[in] ITYPE Flag that determines whether MSL (1) or AGL (2) Levels are used. !> @param[out] TFD Temperature (K) on FD levels. !> @param[out] QFD Spec hum on FD levels. !> @param[out] UFD U wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> @param[out] VFD V wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> @param[out] PFD Pressure (Pa) on FD levels. !> @param[out] ICINGFD Icing on FD levels (see https://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/grib2/grib2_doc/grib2_table4-207.shtml). !> !> ### Program History Log !> Date | Programmer | Comments !> -----|------------|--------- !> 1992-12-22 | Russ Treadon | Initial !> 1993-11-23 | Russ Treadon | Corrected routine to compute FD levels with respect to mean sea level !> 1994-01-04 | Mike Baldwin | Include options for computing either AGL or MSL !> 1998-06-15 | T Black | Conversion from 1-D to 2-D !> 2000-01-04 | Jim Tuccillo | MPI version !> 2002-01-15 | Mike Baldwin | WRF version !> 2011-12-14 | Sarah Lu | Add GOCART aerosol AERFD !> 2021-10-15 | JESSE MENG | 2D DECOMPOSITION !> 2022-09-22 | Li(Kate) Zhang | Remove Dust=> AERFD !> !> @author Russ Treadon W/NP2 @date 1992-12-22 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- !> fdlvl() Subroutine that computes T, Q, U, V, P, ICING on the flight levels (FD). !> !> @param[in] ITYPE Flag that determines whether MSL (1) or AGL (2) Levels are used. !> @param[out] TFD Temperature (K) on FD levels. !> @param[out] QFD Spec hum on FD levels. !> @param[out] UFD U wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> @param[out] VFD V wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> @param[out] PFD Pressure (Pa) on FD levels. !> @param[out] ICINGFD Icing on FD levels. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE FDLVL(ITYPE,TFD,QFD,UFD,VFD,PFD,ICINGFD) ! ! use vrbls3d, only: ZMID, T, Q, PMID, ICING_GFIP, UH, VH use vrbls2d, only: FIS use masks, only: LMH use params_mod, only: GI, G use ctlblk_mod, only: JSTA, JEND, SPVAL, JSTA_2L, JEND_2U, LM, JSTA_M, & JEND_M, HTFD, NFD, IM, JM, NBIN_DU, & MODELNAME, ISTA, IEND, ISTA_2L, IEND_2U, ISTA_M, IEND_M use gridspec_mod, only: GRIDTYPE !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit none ! ! SET NUMBER OF FD LEVELS. !jw integer,intent(in) :: NFD ! coming from calling subroutine ! ! DECLARE VARIABLES ! integer,intent(in) :: ITYPE(NFD) !jw real,intent(in) :: HTFD(NFD) real,dimension(ISTA:IEND,JSTA:JEND,NFD),intent(out) :: TFD,QFD,UFD,VFD,PFD,ICINGFD ! INTEGER LVL(NFD),LHL(NFD) INTEGER IVE(JM),IVW(JM) REAL DZABV(NFD), DZABH(NFD) LOGICAL DONEH, DONEV !jw integer I,J,JVS,JVN,IE,IW,JN,JS,JNT,L,LLMH,IFD,N integer ISTART,ISTOP,JSTART,JSTOP real htt,htsfc,httuv,dz,rdz,delt,delq,delu,delv,z1,z2,htabv,htabh,htsfcv ! ! SET FD LEVEL HEIGHTS IN METERS. ! DATA HTFD / 30.E0,50.E0,80.E0,100.E0,305.E0,457.E0,610.E0,914.E0,1524.E0, & ! 1829.E0,2134.E0,2743.E0,3658.E0,4572.E0,6000.E0/ ! !**************************************************************** ! START FDLVL HERE ! ! INITIALIZE ARRAYS. ! !$omp parallel do DO IFD = 1,NFD DO J=JSTA,JEND DO I=ISTA,IEND TFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL QFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL UFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL VFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL PFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL ICINGFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN JVN = 1 JVS = -1 do J=JSTA,JEND IVE(J) = MOD(J,2) IVW(J) = IVE(J)-1 enddo END IF IF(gridtype /= 'A')THEN CALL EXCH(FIS(ISTA_2L:IEND_2U,JSTA_2L:JEND_2U)) DO L=1,LM CALL EXCH(ZMID(ISTA_2L:IEND_2U,JSTA_2L:JEND_2U,L)) END DO ISTART = ISTA_M ISTOP = IEND_M JSTART = JSTA_M JSTOP = JEND_M ELSE ISTART = ISTA ISTOP = IEND JSTART = JSTA JSTOP = JEND END IF DO IFD = 1, NFD ! ! MSL FD LEVELS ! IF (ITYPE(IFD)==1) THEN ! write(6,*) 'computing above MSL' ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! IFD = 1 ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF T,Q,U,V, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! ! DO 22 IFD = 1, NFD DONEH=.FALSE. DONEV=.FALSE. DO L = LM,1,-1 HTT = ZMID(I,J,L) IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS HTTUV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L)) ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN IE = I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J HTTUV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L)) ELSE HTTUV = HTT END IF IF (.NOT. DONEH .AND. HTT>HTFD(IFD)) THEN LHL(IFD) = L DZABH(IFD) = HTT-HTFD(IFD) DONEH = .TRUE. ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL IF(HTSFC > HTFD(IFD)) THEN !mp LHL(IFD) = LM+1 ! CHUANG: changed to lm+1 !mp ENDIF ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL ! IFD = IFD + 1 ! IF (IFD>NFD) GOTO 30 END IF IF (.NOT. DONEV .AND. HTTUV>HTFD(IFD)) THEN LVL(IFD) = L DZABV(IFD) = HTTUV-HTFD(IFD) DONEV=.TRUE. ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL IF(HTSFC>HTFD(IFD)) THEN !mp LVL(IFD)=LM+1 ! CHUANG: changed to lm+1 !mp ENDIF ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL ! IFD = IFD + 1 ! IF (IFD>NFD) GOTO 30 ENDIF IF(DONEH .AND. DONEV) exit enddo ! end of l loop ! 22 CONTINUE ! ! COMPUTE T, Q, U, AND V AT FD LEVELS. ! ! DO 40 IFD = 1,NFD L = LHL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) RDZ = 1./DZ DELT = T(I,J,L)-T(I,J,L+1) DELQ = Q(I,J,L)-Q(I,J,L+1) TFD(I,J,IFD) = T(I,J,L) - DELT*RDZ*DZABH(IFD) QFD(I,J,IFD) = Q(I,J,L) - DELQ*RDZ*DZABH(IFD) PFD(I,J,IFD) = PMID(I,J,L) - (PMID(I,J,L)-PMID(I,J,L+1))*RDZ*DZABH(IFD) ICINGFD(I,J,IFD) = ICING_GFIP(I,J,L) - & (ICING_GFIP(I,J,L)-ICING_GFIP(I,J,L+1))*RDZ*DZABH(IFD) ELSEIF (L == LM) THEN TFD(I,J,IFD) = T(I,J,L) QFD(I,J,IFD) = Q(I,J,L) PFD(I,J,IFD) = PMID(I,J,L) ICINGFD(I,J,IFD) = ICING_GFIP(I,J,L) ENDIF L = LVL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN IF(gridtype == 'E')THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(I,JS,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN IE =I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(IE,JN,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) END IF RDZ = 1./DZ DELU = UH(I,J,L) - UH(I,J,L+1) DELV = VH(I,J,L) - VH(I,J,L+1) UFD(I,J,IFD) = UH(I,J,L) - DELU*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) VFD(I,J,IFD) = VH(I,J,L) - DELV*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) ELSEIF (L==LM) THEN UFD(I,J,IFD)=UH(I,J,L) VFD(I,J,IFD)=VH(I,J,L) ENDIF ! 40 CONTINUE ! ! COMPUTE FD LEVEL T, Q, U, AND V AT NEXT K. ! enddo ! end of i loop enddo ! end of j loop ! END OF MSL FD LEVELS ELSE ! write(6,*) 'computing above AGL' ! ! AGL FD LEVELS ! ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS HTSFCV = (FIS(IW,J)+FIS(IE,J)+FIS(I,JN)+FIS(I,JS))*(0.25/G) ELSE IF(gridtype == 'B')THEN IE = I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J HTSFCV = (FIS(IW,J)+FIS(IE,J)+FIS(I,JN)+FIS(IE,JN))*(0.25/G) END IF LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! IFD = 1 ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF T,U,V, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! ! DO 222 IFD = 1, NFD DONEH=.FALSE. DONEV=.FALSE. DO L = LLMH,1,-1 HTABH = ZMID(I,J,L)-HTSFC ! if(i==245.and.j==813)print*,'Debug FDL HTABH= ',htabh,zmid(i,j,l),htsfc IF(gridtype=='E')THEN HTABV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L))-HTSFCV ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN HTABV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L))-HTSFCV ELSE HTABV = HTABH END IF IF (.NOT. DONEH .AND. HTABH>HTFD(IFD)) THEN LHL(IFD) = L DZABH(IFD) = HTABH-HTFD(IFD) DONEH=.TRUE. ! IFD = IFD + 1 ! IF (IFD>NFD) GOTO 230 ENDIF IF (.NOT. DONEV .AND. HTABV>HTFD(IFD)) THEN LVL(IFD) = L DZABV(IFD) = HTABV-HTFD(IFD) DONEV = .TRUE. ! IFD = IFD + 1 ! IF (IFD>NFD) GOTO 230 ENDIF IF(DONEH .AND. DONEV) exit enddo ! end of l loop ! ! COMPUTE T, Q, U, AND V AT FD LEVELS. ! ! 222 CONTINUE ! ! DO 240 IFD = 1,NFD L = LHL(IFD) IF (L Computes FD level for u,v. !> !> This routine computes u/v wind component on NFD FD levels. !> The height of these levels (in meters) is passed as an !> input parameter. The alogrithm proceeds as !> follows. (AGL-Above ground level in parentheses) !> !> At each mass point move up vertically from the LM-TH (lowest !> atmospheric) ETA layer. Find the ETA layers whose !> height (above ground) bounds the target FD level height. !> Vertically interpolate to get temperature at this FD !> level. Average the four surrounding winds !> to get a mass point wind. Vertically interpolate these !> mass point winds to the target FD level. Continue this !> process until all NFD FD levels have been processed. !> Move on to the next mass point. !> !> Averaging the four above ground winds to the mass point !> was found to smooth the field and reduce the occurrence !> of point peak winds far in excess of the winds at !> adjacent points. Mass point values are returned. !> !> @param[in] ITYPE Flag that determines whether MSL (1) or AGL (2) Levels are used. !> @param[in] NFD Number of FD levels. !> @param[in] HTFD FD levels. !> @param[out] UFD U wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> @param[out] VFD V wind (m/s) on FD levels. !> !> ### Program History Log !> Date | Programmer | Comments !> -----|------------|--------- !> 1992-12-22 | Russ Treadon | Initial !> 1993-11-23 | Russ Treadon | Corrected routine to compute FD levels with respect to mean sea level !> 1994-01-04 | Mike Baldwin | Include options for computing either AGL or MSL !> 1998-06-15 | T Black | Conversion from 1-D to 2-D !> 2000-01-04 | Jim Tuccillo | MPI version !> 2002-01-15 | Mike Baldwin | WRF version !> 2011-12-14 | Sarah Lu | Add GOCART aerosol AERFD !> 2019-09-25 | Y Mao | Seperate U/V from mass !> !> @author Russ Treadon W/NP2 @date 1992-12-22 SUBROUTINE FDLVL_UV(ITYPE,NFD,HTFD,UFD,VFD) ! ! use vrbls3d, only: ZMID, PMID, UH, VH use vrbls2d, only: FIS use masks, only: LMH use params_mod, only: GI, G use ctlblk_mod, only: JSTA, JEND, SPVAL, JSTA_2L, JEND_2U, LM, JSTA_M, & JEND_M, IM, JM, MODELNAME, & ISTA, IEND, ISTA_2L, IEND_2U, ISTA_M, IEND_M use gridspec_mod, only: GRIDTYPE !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit none ! ! DECLARE VARIABLES ! integer,intent(in) :: ITYPE(NFD) integer,intent(in) :: NFD ! coming from calling subroutine real,intent(in) :: HTFD(NFD) real,dimension(ISTA_2L:IEND_2U,JSTA_2L:JEND_2U,NFD),intent(out) :: UFD,VFD ! INTEGER LVL(NFD) INTEGER IVE(JM),IVW(JM) REAL DZABV(NFD) !jw integer I,J,JVS,JVN,IE,IW,JN,JS,L,LLMH,IFD,N integer ISTART,ISTOP,JSTART,JSTOP real htt,htsfc,httuv,dz,rdz,delu,delv,z1,z2,htabv,htabh,htsfcv ! !**************************************************************** ! START FDLVL_UV HERE ! ! INITIALIZE ARRAYS. ! !$omp parallel do DO IFD = 1,NFD DO J=JSTA,JEND DO I=ISTA,IEND UFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL VFD(I,J,IFD) = SPVAL ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN JVN = 1 JVS = -1 do J=JSTA,JEND IVE(J) = MOD(J,2) IVW(J) = IVE(J)-1 enddo END IF IF(gridtype /= 'A')THEN CALL EXCH(FIS(ISTA_2L:IEND_2U,JSTA_2L:JEND_2U)) DO L=1,LM CALL EXCH(ZMID(ISTA_2L:IEND_2U,JSTA_2L:JEND_2U,L)) END DO ISTART = ISTA_M ISTOP = IEND_M JSTART = JSTA_M JSTOP = JEND_M ELSE ISTART = ISTA ISTOP = IEND JSTART = JSTA JSTOP = JEND END IF DO IFD = 1, NFD ! ! MSL FD LEVELS ! IF (ITYPE(IFD) == 1) THEN ! write(6,*) 'computing above MSL' ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF U,V, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! DO L = LM,1,-1 HTT = ZMID(I,J,L) IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS HTTUV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L)) ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN IE = I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J HTTUV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L)) ELSE HTTUV = HTT END IF IF (HTTUV > HTFD(IFD)) THEN LVL(IFD) = L DZABV(IFD) = HTTUV-HTFD(IFD) ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL IF(HTSFC > HTFD(IFD)) THEN !mp LVL(IFD)=LM+1 ! CHUANG: changed to lm+1 !mp ENDIF ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL exit ENDIF enddo ! end of l loop ! ! COMPUTE U V AT FD LEVELS. ! L = LVL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN IF(gridtype == 'E')THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(I,JS,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN IE =I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(IE,JN,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) END IF RDZ = 1./DZ DELU = UH(I,J,L) - UH(I,J,L+1) DELV = VH(I,J,L) - VH(I,J,L+1) UFD(I,J,IFD) = UH(I,J,L) - DELU*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) VFD(I,J,IFD) = VH(I,J,L) - DELV*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) ELSEIF (L == LM) THEN UFD(I,J,IFD)=UH(I,J,L) VFD(I,J,IFD)=VH(I,J,L) ELSE ! Underground UFD(I,J,IFD)=UH(I,J,LM) VFD(I,J,IFD)=VH(I,J,LM) ENDIF ! enddo ! end of i loop enddo ! end of j loop ! END OF MSL FD LEVELS ELSE ! write(6,*) 'computing above AGL' ! ! AGL FD LEVELS ! ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI IF(gridtype == 'E') THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS HTSFCV = (FIS(IW,J)+FIS(IE,J)+FIS(I,JN)+FIS(I,JS))*(0.25/G) ELSE IF(gridtype == 'B')THEN IE = I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J HTSFCV = (FIS(IW,J)+FIS(IE,J)+FIS(I,JN)+FIS(IE,JN))*(0.25/G) END IF LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF U,V, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! DO L = LLMH,1,-1 HTABH = ZMID(I,J,L)-HTSFC IF(gridtype=='E')THEN HTABV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L))-HTSFCV ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN HTABV = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L))-HTSFCV ELSE HTABV = HTABH END IF IF (HTABV > HTFD(IFD)) THEN LVL(IFD) = L DZABV(IFD) = HTABV-HTFD(IFD) ! IFD = IFD + 1 exit ENDIF enddo ! end of l loop ! ! COMPUTE U V AT FD LEVELS. ! L = LVL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN IF(gridtype == 'E')THEN IE = I+IVE(J) IW = I+IVW(J) JN = J+JVN JS = J+JVS Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(I,JS,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(I,JS,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE IF(gridtype=='B')THEN IE = I+1 IW = I JN = J+1 JS = J Z1 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L) & + ZMID(IE,J,L)+ZMID(I,JN,L)+ZMID(IE,JN,L)) Z2 = 0.25*(ZMID(IW,J,L+1) & + ZMID(IE,J,L+1)+ZMID(I,JN,L+1)+ZMID(IE,JN,L+1)) DZ = Z1-Z2 ELSE DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) END IF RDZ = 1./DZ DELU = UH(I,J,L)-UH(I,J,L+1) DELV = VH(I,J,L)-VH(I,J,L+1) UFD(I,J,IFD) = UH(I,J,L) - DELU*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) VFD(I,J,IFD) = VH(I,J,L) - DELV*RDZ*DZABV(IFD) ELSE UFD(I,J,IFD) = UH(I,J,L) VFD(I,J,IFD) = VH(I,J,L) ENDIF ! ! COMPUTE FD LEVEL T, U, AND V AT NEXT K. ! enddo ! end of i loop enddo ! end of j loop ! END OF AGL FD LEVELS ENDIF enddo ! end of IFD loop RETURN END !> Computes FD level for mass variables. !> !> This routine computes mass variables (temperature, spec. hum...) !> on NFD FD levels. The height of these levels (in meters) is !> passed as an input parameter. The alogrithm proceeds as !> follows. (AGL-Above ground level in parentheses) !> !> At each mass point move up vertically from the LM-TH (lowest !> atmospheric) ETA layer. Find the ETA layers whose !> height (above ground) bounds the target FD level height. !> Vertically interpolate to get temperature at this FD !> level. Average the four surrounding winds !> to get a mass point wind. Vertically interpolate these !> mass point winds to the target FD level. Continue this !> process until all NFD FD levels have been processed. !> Move on to the next mass point. !> !> Averaging the four above ground winds to the mass point !> was found to smooth the field and reduce the occurrence !> of point peak winds far in excess of the winds at !> adjacent points. Mass point values are returned. !> !> NOTES for Q fields by Y Mao: !> The following safety check should be executed by the caller of FDLVL subroutines. !> Safety check to avoid tiny QFD values. !> KRF: Need NCAR and NMM WRF cores in this check as well? !> @code !> IF(MODELNAME=='RAPR' .OR. MODELNAME=='NCAR' .OR. MODELNAME=='NMM') THEN ! !> DO IFD = 1,NFD !> DO J=JSTA,JEND !> DO I=1,IM !> if(QFD(I,J,IFD) < 1.0e-8) QFD(I,J,IFD)=0.0 !> ENDDO !> ENDDO !> ENDDO !> endif !> @endcode !> !> @param[in] ITYPE Flag that determines whether MSL (1) or AGL (2) Levels are used. !> @param[in] NFD Number of FD levels. !> @param[in] PTFD FD pressure levels. !> @param[in] HTFD FD height levels. !> @param[in] NIN Number of input fields. !> @param[in] QIN Array of mass point value on model levels. !> @param[in] QTYPE Charater array of variable type to differentiate underground interpolation. !>
!>                   C-5 Cloud Species
!>                   K-TURBULENT KINETIC ENERGY
!>                   Q-Specific Humidity
!>                   T-Temperature, 
!>                   W-Vertical Velocity or Omega
!> @param[out] QFD Array of mass point value on FD levels. !> !> ### Program History Log !> Date | Programmer | Comments !> -----|------------|--------- !> 1992-12-22 | Russ Treadon | Initial !> 1993-11-23 | Russ Treadon | Corrected routine to compute FD levels with respect to mean sea level !> 1994-01-04 | Mike Baldwin | Include options for computing either AGL or MSL !> 1998-06-15 | T Black | Conversion from 1-D to 2-D !> 2000-01-04 | Jim Tuccillo | MPI version !> 2002-01-15 | Mike Baldwin | WRF version !> 2011-12-14 | Sarah Lu | Add GOCART aerosol AERFD !> 2017-06-01 | Y Mao | Add FD levels for GTG(EDPARM CATEDR MWTURB) and allow levels input from control file !> 2019-09-25 | Y Mao | Seperate mass from UV allow array of mass input to interpolate multiple fields with the same levels at one time. Dust=> AERFD can be processed when NIN=NBIN_DU !> 2020-11-10 | Jesse Meng | Use UPP_PHYSICS module !> 2022-05-25 | Y Mao | Remove interpolation of w/omega/Hydrometeor fields on FD levels !> !> @author Russ Treadon W/NP2 @date 1992-12-22 SUBROUTINE FDLVL_MASS(ITYPE,NFD,PTFD,HTFD,NIN,QIN,QTYPE,QFD) use vrbls3d, only: T,Q,ZMID,PMID,PINT,ZINT use vrbls2d, only: FIS use masks, only: LMH use params_mod, only: GI, G, GAMMA,PQ0, A2, A3, A4, RHMIN,RGAMOG use ctlblk_mod, only: JSTA, JEND, SPVAL, JSTA_2L, JEND_2U, LM, JSTA_M, & JEND_M, IM, JM,global,MODELNAME, & ISTA, IEND, ISTA_2L, IEND_2U, ISTA_M, IEND_M use gridspec_mod, only: GRIDTYPE use physcons_post,only: CON_FVIRT, CON_ROG, CON_EPS, CON_EPSM1 use upp_physics, only: FPVSNEW !- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - implicit none ! ! SET NUMBER OF FD LEVELS. ! ! DECLARE VARIABLES ! real,parameter:: zshul=75.,tvshul=290.66 integer,intent(in) :: ITYPE(NFD) integer,intent(in) :: NFD ! coming from calling subroutine real, intent(in) :: PTFD(NFD) real,intent(in) :: HTFD(NFD) integer,intent(in) :: NIN real,intent(in) :: QIN(ISTA:IEND,JSTA:JEND,LM,NIN) character, intent(in) :: QTYPE(NIN) real,intent(out) :: QFD(ISTA:IEND,JSTA:JEND,NFD,NIN) ! INTEGER LHL(NFD) REAL :: DZABH(NFD) !jw integer I,J,L,LLMH,IFD,N integer ISTART,ISTOP,JSTART,JSTOP real htt,htsfc,dz,rdz,delq,htabh real :: tvu,tvd,gammas,part,ES,QSAT,RHL,PL,ZL,TL,QL real :: TVRL,TVRBLO,TBLO,QBLO real :: Z_P, STDPTFD(NFD), DPABH(NFD), RDP ! !**************************************************************** ! START FDLVL_MASS HERE ! ! INITIALIZE ARRAYS. ! !$omp parallel do DO N=1,NIN DO IFD = 1,NFD DO J=JSTA,JEND DO I=ISTA,IEND QFD(I,J,IFD,N) = SPVAL ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate STANDARD ATMOSPHERE PRESSURE DO IFD = 1,NFD STDPTFD(IFD)=Z_P(HTFD(IFD)) ENDDO IF(gridtype /= 'A')THEN ISTART = ISTA_M ISTOP = IEND_M JSTART = JSTA_M JSTOP = JEND_M ELSE ISTART = ISTA ISTOP = IEND JSTART = JSTA JSTOP = JEND END IF DO IFD = 1, NFD ! ! MSL FD LEVELS ! IF (ITYPE(IFD) == 1) THEN ! write(6,*) 'computing above MSL' ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF Q, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! DO L = LM,1,-1 HTT = ZMID(I,J,L) IF (HTT > HTFD(IFD)) THEN LHL(IFD) = L DZABH(IFD) = HTT-HTFD(IFD) DPABH(IFD) = PMID(I,J,L)-STDPTFD(IFD) ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL IF(HTSFC > HTFD(IFD)) THEN !mp LHL(IFD) = LM+1 ! CHUANG: changed to lm+1 !mp ENDIF ! THIS SHOULD SET BELOW GROUND VALUES TO SPVAL exit END IF ENDDO ! end of L loop ! ! COMPUTE Q AT FD LEVELS. ! L = LHL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) RDZ = 1./DZ RDP = 1./(PMID(I,J,L)-PMID(I,J,L+1)) DO N = 1, NIN if(QIN(I,J,L,N) zshul) then tvd = tvu + gamma*ZMID(I,J,LM) if(tvd > tvshul) then if(tvu > tvshul) then tvd = tvshul - 5.e-3*(tvu-tvshul)*(tvu-tvshul) else tvd = tvshul endif endif gammas = (tvu-tvd)/ZMID(I,J,LM) else gammas = 0. endif part = con_rog*(LOG(PTFD(IFD))-LOG(PMID(I,J,LM))) part = ZMID(I,J,LM) - tvu*part/(1.+0.5*gammas*part) part = T(I,J,LM) - gamma*(part-ZMID(I,J,LM)) if(QTYPE(N) == "T") QFD(I,J,IFD,N) = part if(QTYPE(N) == "Q") then ! Compute RH at lowest model layer because Iredell and Chuang decided to compute ! underground GFS Q to maintain RH ES = min(FPVSNEW(T(I,J,LM)), PMID(I,J,LM)) QSAT = CON_EPS*ES/(PMID(I,J,LM)+CON_EPSM1*ES) RHL = Q(I,J,LM)/QSAT ! compute saturation water vapor at isobaric level ES = min(FPVSNEW(part), PTFD(IFD)) QSAT = CON_EPS*ES/(PTFD(IFD)+CON_EPSM1*ES) ! Q at isobaric level is computed by maintaining constant RH QFD(I,J,IFD,N) = RHL*QSAT endif endif ELSE if(QTYPE(N) == "T" .or. QTYPE(N) == "Q") then PL = PINT(I,J,LM-1) ZL = ZINT(I,J,LM-1) TL = 0.5*(T(I,J,LM-2)+T(I,J,LM-1)) QL = 0.5*(Q(I,J,LM-2)+Q(I,J,LM-1)) QSAT = PQ0/PL*EXP(A2*(TL-A3)/(TL-A4)) RHL = QL/QSAT ! IF(RHL > 1.)THEN RHL = 1. QL = RHL*QSAT ENDIF ! IF(RHL < RHmin)THEN RHL = RHmin QL = RHL*QSAT ENDIF ! TVRL = TL*(1.+0.608*QL) TVRBLO = TVRL*(PTFD(IFD)/PL)**RGAMOG TBLO = TVRBLO/(1.+0.608*QL) QSAT = PQ0/PTFD(IFD)*EXP(A2*(TBLO-A3)/(TBLO-A4)) if(QTYPE(N) == "T") QFD(I,J,IFD,N) = TBLO QBLO = RHL*QSAT if(QTYPE(N) == "Q") QFD(I,J,IFD,N) = MAX(1.E-12,QBLO) endif END IF ! endif loop for deducing T and Q differently for GFS if(QTYPE(N) == "K") QFD(I,J,IFD,N)= max(0.0,0.5*(QIN(I,J,LM,N)+QIN(I,J,LM-1,N))) ! TKE END DO ENDIF ! Underground ! ! COMPUTE FD LEVEL Q AT NEXT K. ! enddo ! end of i loop enddo ! end of j loop ! END OF MSL FD LEVELS ELSE ! write(6,*) 'computing above AGL' ! ! AGL FD LEVELS ! ! ! LOOP OVER HORIZONTAL GRID. ! DO J=JSTART,JSTOP DO I=ISTART,ISTOP HTSFC = FIS(I,J)*GI LLMH = NINT(LMH(I,J)) ! ! LOCATE VERTICAL INDICES OF Q, LEVEL JUST ! ABOVE EACH FD LEVEL. ! DO L = LLMH,1,-1 HTABH = ZMID(I,J,L)-HTSFC IF ( HTABH > HTFD(IFD)) THEN LHL(IFD) = L DZABH(IFD) = HTABH-HTFD(IFD) exit ENDIF enddo ! end of l loop ! ! COMPUTE Q AT FD LEVELS. ! L = LHL(IFD) IF (L < LM) THEN DZ = ZMID(I,J,L)-ZMID(I,J,L+1) RDZ = 1./DZ DO N = 1, NIN if(QIN(I,J,L,N)