NICAM: Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model

Icosahedral grids

What is NICAM?
NICAM is a Nonhydrostatic ICosahedral Atmospheric Model (NICAM),
used as a Global Cloud Resolving Model (GCRM).
A 3.5km-mesh global simulation is already performed using the Earth Simulator.

NICAM is also used as a low-resolution Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM),
and as a regional cloud resolving model based on stretched grids (Stretch-NICAM).
NICAM is first developed by H.Tomita (FRCGC, JAMSTEC) and M.Satoh,
and is now under development in cooperation with CCSR and JAMSTEC.

Most recent introduction to NICAM is Satoh et al.(2007, J.Comp. Physics).
NICAM is also referred to in the article of Science (Kerr, 2006).

NICAM is seleceted as one of the target applications of next-generation supurcomputer (reference).
See RIKEN Next-generation supercomputer R&D Center for detail.

Please contact Masaki Satoh if you are interested in NICAM.

NICAM introduction (pdf,Japanese)





nicam nwp exp. for research

nicam nwp exp.(members only)

NICAM information (members only)

NICAM data users (members only)

First realisic experiment (by H.Miura)

OLR (by H.Miura)

Aqua Planet Experiment Gallery (by H.Tomita)

OLR (by H.Miura)

Cloud 3D (by H.Miura) (20MB)

OLR animations (by T.Nasuno)
scc-0-80E-10SN-olr scc-40-80E-6SN-olr


mc-50-65E-olr mc-65-75E-olr

Cloud top height & shallow cloud water animations (by T.Nasuno)
mc-50-65E-cldtp-qc2 mc-65-75E-cldtp-qc2

These figures are produced at CCSR & JAMSTEC, FRCGC.
If you want to use these figures, please let Masaki Satoh know.
since 2005/06/27