Several days ago I sent you notes on Joint OSSEs (Observing System Simulation Experiments) and Joint OSSE Nature Runs (Proxy true atmosphere for OSSE. Previous E-mail attached.) The Nature run (NR) for the Joint OSSE in T511 (13 month long) and T799 (two 5 week long) are provided by ECMWF and we will concentrate on OSSE using these NRs for next few year. However, soon or later we have to work on higher resolution OSSEs with higher resolution nature run to study data impact in mesoscale events. This will involve regional DAS and possibly involve regional NRs. Since mesoscale OSSE consume large amount of resources, we need to work on long term plan. We will have a meeting on long term plan for meso scale OSSE on November 29 at 10am EST at NOAA/NCEP in Washington DC. In that meeting we will discuss about several candidates for the meso-scale NR. We are considering NICAM is one of the most strong candidate for the meso-scale NR. I hope I will be able to provide some progress in NICAM. I found web site However, there seems to be more material in member only web pages. I hope you will be able to provide more information about progress in NICAM. A few questions I have are: I think all movies on web sites are from 7km model. Is this correct? When I met Dr.Matsuno in January 2006, he mentioned 3.5km NICAM model will became unstable after 3 month integration. I wonder how long 3.5 km NICAM model runs these days. I have heard spectral of NICAM showed 3D turbulence characteristics. Do you have any diagram to present spectral characteristics of the NICAM? If you could provide any materials I can distribute to participants, I would be very grateful. I am expecting Steve Lord, Fezhong Weng, Tom Schlatter (ESRL), Hans Huang of NCAR, Ron Errico, Lars Peter Riishojgaard, Erik Andersson (ECMWF), Valentine Anantharaj (MSS) and other members Joint OSSE team. I expect, Boulder and EC will join through telecom. I posted a presentation about simulation of GOESR data by Fuzhong Weng, a draft presentation by Steve Lord to NOAA and some note on meso scale OSSE at. Any information appreciated. Thank you very much. Michiko Masutani (coordinator for Joint OSSEs)