#!/bin/ksh export PS4=' + ens_trak_ave.sh line $LINENO: ' set +x ############################################################################## echo " " echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo " +++ - Compute ensemble mean cyclone forecast track " echo "-----------------------------------------------------" echo "History: Dec 2015 - multiple model ensemble mean-----" echo " " echo "Current time is: `date`" echo " " ############################################################################## set -x ######################################## #msg="has begun for ${cmodel} at ${CYL}z" #postmsg "$jlogfile" "$msg" ######################################## # This script computes ensemble mean cyclone tracks. It dumps all # the cyclone tracks for a given ensemble forecast into one file, # then runs a fortran program to compute the ensemble mean, spread # and mode. In addition, strike probabilities are produced for # any storms in the Atlantic, EastPac and WestPac basins. # # Environmental variable inputs needed for this scripts: # PDY -- The date for data being processed, in YYYYMMDD format # cycle -- The cycle for data being processed (t00z, t06z, t12z, t18z) # cmodel -- Model being processed: ens (ncep ensemble), cens (CMC ensemble), # ece (ECMWF ensemble). # envir -- 'prod' or 'test' # SENDCOM -- 'YES' or 'NO' # # For testing script interactively in non-production, set following vars: # gltrkdir - Directory for output tracks # #-------J.Peng---2010-09-27------------------------- export PDY=$1 export CYL=$2 export CYCLE=t${CYL}z export cmodel=$3 export DATA=$4 export jlogfile=${DATA}/log_file_mean export pgmout=${DATA}/pgm_out_mean #export CYL=${CYL:-` echo ${cycle} | cut -c2-3`} ymdh=${PDY}${CYL} cent=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c1-2` yy=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c3-4` mm=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c5-6` dd=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c7-8` hh=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c9-10` syyyy=` echo ${ymdh} | cut -c1-4` ymd=${yy}${mm}${dd} yyyymmdd=${cent}${yy}${mm}${dd} export cyc=${hh} ndate=/nwprod/util/exec/ndate #-------J.Peng---2010-09-27------------------------- export envir=${envir:-test} export SENDCOM=${SENDCOM:-NO} #export exectrkdir=${exectrkdir:-/nwprod/util/exec} #export gltrkdir=${gltrkdir:-/com/hur/${envir}/ensemble} export gltrkdir=${gltrkdir:-/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/${envir}/track} #export ATCFdir=${ATCFdir:-/com/tpc/prod/atcf} export ATCFdir=/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/${envir}/atcf if [ ! -d $DATA ] then mkdir -p $DATA cd $DATA else cd $DATA fi /nwprod/util/ush/setup.sh case ${cmodel} in ref) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ Tom ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="GRMN" ; amodel="grmn" ; # achar="a" ; COM=${COM:-/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/refor/data/ens.${PDY}${CYL}} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; ukes) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ UKMET ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="UKMN" ; amodel="ukmn" ; # achar="u" ; # COM=${COM:-/com/gens/prod/cmce.${PDY}/${CYL}} ; # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/cmce} ; #--J.Peng------2010-11-09------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/cmce} ; COM=${COM:-/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/track/ukes.${PDY}${CYL}} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; fres) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ FRANCE ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="FRMN" ; amodel="frmn" ; # achar="u" ; # COM=${COM:-/com/gens/prod/cmce.${PDY}/${CYL}} ; # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/cmce} ; #--J.Peng------2010-11-09------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/cmce} ; COM=${COM:-/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/track/fres.${PDY}${CYL}} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2010-10-29------------------------------------------- g2c) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ NCEP+CMC ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="2EMN" ; amodel="2emn" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-09-------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/gefs2cmce} ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-18------------------------------------------- gce4) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP+CMC+FNMOC ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="4EMN" ; amodel="4emn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2011-08-02------------------------------------------- gce5) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP+CMC+FNMOC+UK ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="5EMN" ; amodel="5emn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2011-08-02------------------------------------------- gce6) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP+CMC+FNMOC+UK+HFIP ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="MIX6" ; amodel="mix6" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; neu3) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP+UK ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="3NEU" ; amodel="3neu" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2011-01-07------------------------------------------- ncf3) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ NCEP+CMC+FNMOC ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="3NCF" ; amodel="3ncf" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2016-10-18------------------------------------------- ens) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ GEFS-legacy ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="AEMN" ; amodel="aemn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2012-04-27------------------------------------------- naf2) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ NCEP+FNMOC ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="2NAF" ; amodel="2naf" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-02------------------------------------------- gce3) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP+CMC ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="3EMN" ; amodel="3emn" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-09-------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/gce3} ; # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/gce3} ; COM=${DATA} SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2011-10-19------------------------------------------- nae2) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="2NAE" ; amodel="2nae" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-09-------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/gce3} ; # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/gce3} ; COM=${DATA} SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2014-05-21------------------------------------------- inae) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ ECMWF+NCEP ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="NAEI" ; amodel="naei" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-09-------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/gce3} ; # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/gce3} ; COM=${DATA} SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-08------------------------------------------- gce3a) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ eemn+2EMN ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="SEMN" ; amodel="semn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/gce3a} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-15------------------------------------------- gce3b) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ eemn+cemn+aemn ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="PEMN" ; amodel="pemn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/gce3b} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; sing) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ AVNO+EMX+CMC tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="3DET" ; amodel="3det" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-10---------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/single} ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/single} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; tot6) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ AVNO+EMX+CMC+AEMN+CEMN+EEMN tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="6EMN" ; amodel="6emn" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-10---------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/6emn} ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; six6) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ EEMN+AEMN+CEMN+FEMN+UKMN+HPMN tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="SIXM" ; amodel="sixm" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-10---------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/6emn} ; COM=${DATA} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; totw) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ AVNO+EMX+CMC+AEMN+CEMN+EEMN tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="6EMW" ; amodel="6emw" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-10---------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/6emn} ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/6emn_weight/atcfunix} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; tot4) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ AVNO+EMX+CMC+3EMN tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="T4MN" ; amodel="t4mn" ; # achar="A" ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/t4mn} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; tot2) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ 3EMN+3DET tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="S6MN" ; amodel="s6mn" ; # achar="A" ; #--J.Peng--------2010-11-15---------------------------------------- # COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2009/6emn} ; COM=${COM:-/hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/s6mn} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; sref) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " ++ Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " ++ SREF ensemble tracks will be averaged...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; AMODEL="SFMN" ; amodel="sfmn" ; achar="s" ; # COM=${COM:-/com/sref/${envir}/sref.${PDY}/${CYL}/track}; COM=${COM:-/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/track/sref.${PDY}${CYL}} ; SENDDBN=NO ; SENDTRACKER=NO ;; *) set +x ; echo " " ; echo " !! INPUT CMODEL PARAMETER IS NOT RECOGNIZED." ; echo " !! Input cmodel parameter = ${cmodel}...." ; echo " " ; set -x ; err_exit " FAILED ${jobid} -- UNKNOWN cmodel IN TRACK-AVERAGING SCRIPT - ABNORMAL EXIT";; esac #--------------------------------------------------- # Run the program that calculates the ensemble mean # track and generates the probability files.... #--------------------------------------------------- echo "TIMING: Time before any of the track-averaging stuff is `date`" >trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} # for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/${achar}[np]*.t${cyc}z.cyclone.trackatcfunix` #------J.Peng----2010-10-28----------------------- #for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/${achar}[np]*.t${cyc}z.cyclone.trackatcfunix` #for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.${achar}P??.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` #----J.Peng-----2010-10-29----and 2010-11-02 --------------------- if [ ${cmodel} = "g2c" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce4" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce5" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce6" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc} ${COM}/track.${PDY}${cyc}.GE??` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "neu3" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "ncf3" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done #----J.Peng-----2016-10-18-------------------------------- elif [ ${cmodel} = "ens" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.ap*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done #----J.Peng-----2012-04-27-------------------------------- elif [ ${cmodel} = "naf2" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce3a" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce3b" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "sing" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "tot6" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "six6" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "totw" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "tot4" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "tot2" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "ref" ]; then # for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.gr*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` # do # cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} # done cat ${COM}/*gr01* ${COM}/*gr02* ${COM}/*gr03* ${COM}/*gr04* ${COM}/*gr05* ${COM}/*gr06* ${COM}/*gr07* ${COM}/*gr08* ${COM}/*gr09* ${COM}/*gr10* >trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} elif [ ${cmodel} = "ukes" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.uk[012]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "fres" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.fr[0123]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "sref" ]; then # for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.${achar}[aenr]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "gce3" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.[ace][np]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "nae2" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.[ae][np]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done elif [ ${cmodel} = "inae" ]; then for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done else for tfile in `ls -1 ${COM}/trak.${achar}[NP]*.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc}` do cat $tfile >>trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} done fi numrecs=` cat trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} | wc -l` if [ ${numrecs} -gt 0 ]; then echo else echo " " echo "+++ NOTE: NO MEMBER TRACKS EXIST FOR ${ymdh}" echo "+++ EXITING...." exit 0 fi for dt in 65 do set +x echo "TIMING: Time just before call to trakave for dt= $dt is `date`" set -x export pgm=ens_trak_ave . prep_step rm -rf fort.11 fort.51 fort.53 fort.54 fort.55 fort.56 fort.57 ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.allperts.atcfunix.${amodel}.${ymdh} fort.11 ln -s -f ${DATA}/${amodel}.trkprob.${ymdh}.${dt}.ctlinfo.txt fort.51 # Unit 52: Created internally, may be 1 to 15 files... ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.atcfunix.${ymdh} fort.53 ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.atcf.${ymdh} fort.54 ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.all.${ymdh} fort.55 ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.spread.${ymdh} fort.56 ln -s -f ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.mode.${ymdh} fort.57 #----J.Peng----2011-03-01------------------------------------------- # ln -s -f /hfip/noscrub/Jiayi.Peng/2010/super_new/weight/weight.dat fort.92 namelist=${DATA}/input.${ymdh}.nlist echo "&datain dthresh=${dt}.0,cmodel='${cmodel}'/" >${namelist} # /ptmpp1/wx20tm/trakout/2009082600/ens_trak_ave <${namelist} >${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout # ${exectrkdir}/ens_trak_ave <${namelist} >${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout # /ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/meantker/ens_trak_ave.fd_new/ens_trak_ave <${namelist} >${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout /ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/meantkerN/ens_trak_ave.fd/ens_trak_ave <${namelist} >${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout #/ensemble/save/Jiayi.Peng/ens_tracker.v1.0.0/sorc/ens_trak_ave.fd/ens_trak_ave <${namelist} >${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout ens_trak_ave_rcc=$? set +x echo "TIMING: Time just after call to trakave for dt= $dt is `date`" set -x done set +x echo "TIMING: Time after loop to get mean & probabilities for $ymdh is `date`" set -x if [ ${ens_trak_ave_rcc} -ne 0 ] then set +x echo " " echo "!!! ERROR -- An error occurred while running ens_trak_ave.x, " echo "!!! which is the program that computes the mean track." echo "!!! Return code from ens_trak_ave.x = ${ens_trak_ave_rcc}" echo "!!! model= ${amodel}, forecast initial time = ${PDY}${CYL}" echo "!!! Exiting...." echo " " set -x err_exit " FAILED ${jobid} - ERROR RUNNING ENS_TRAK_AVE.X - ABNORMAL EXIT" fi #----------------------------------------------------- # Parse out the atcfunix records and send them to the # correct tpcprd directory and file. if [ ${SENDCOM} = 'YES' ] then glatuxarch=${glatuxarch:-${gltrkdir}/tracks.atcfunix.${yy}} cat ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.atcfunix.${ymdh} >>${glatuxarch} glmodearch=${glmodearch:-${gltrkdir}/tracks.ens_mode.atcfunix.${yy}} cat ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.mode.${ymdh} >>${glmodearch} cp ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.atcfunix.${ymdh} ${COM}/${amodel}.t${CYL}z.cyclone.trackatcfunix cp ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.spread.${ymdh} ${COM}/${amodel}.t${CYL}z.cyclone.trackspread cp ${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.mode.${ymdh} ${COM}/${amodel}.t${CYL}z.cyclone.trackmode cp ${DATA}/${amodel}.trkprob.*${ymdh}*.ieee ${COM}/. cp ${DATA}/${amodel}.trkprob.${ymdh}.${dt}.ctlinfo.txt ${COM}/. export SENDDBN=${SENDDBN:-NO} export SENDTRACKER=${SENDTRACKER:-NO} if [ ${SENDDBN} = 'YES' -o ${SENDTRACKER} = 'YES' ] then if [ $cmodel != 'ece' ]; then $DBNROOT/bin/dbn_alert ATCFUNIX GFS_NAVY $job ${COM}/${amodel}.t${CYL}z.cyclone.trackatcfunix fi fi # We need to parse apart the atcfunix file and distribute the forecasts to # the necessary directories. To do this, first sort the atcfunix records # by forecast hour (k6), then sort again by ocean basin (k1), storm number (k2) # and then quadrant radii wind threshold (k12). Once you've got that organized # file, break the file up by putting all the forecast records for each storm # into a separate file. Then, for each file, find the corresponding atcfunix # file in the /tpcprd directory and dump the atcfunix records for that storm # in there. auxfile=${DATA}/trak.${amodel}.atcfunix.${PDY}${cyc} sort -k6 ${auxfile} | sort -k1 -k2 -k12 >atcfunix.sorted old_string="XX, XX" ict=0 while read unixrec do storm_string=` echo "${unixrec}" | cut -c1-6` if [ "${storm_string}" = "${old_string}" ] then echo "${unixrec}" >>atcfunix_file.${ict} else let ict=ict+1 echo "${unixrec}" >atcfunix_file.${ict} old_string="${storm_string}" fi done <atcfunix.sorted nhcct=0 if [ $ict -gt 0 ] then mct=0 while [ $mct -lt $ict ] do let mct=mct+1 at=` head -1 atcfunix_file.$mct | cut -c1-2 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'` NO=` head -1 atcfunix_file.$mct | cut -c5-6` if [ -d /tpcprd/atcf_unix/${at}${NO}${syyyy} ] then cat atcfunix_file.$mct >>/tpcprd/atcf_unix/${at}${NO}${syyyy}/a${at}${NO}${syyyy}.dat set +x echo " " echo "+++ Adding records to TPC ATCFUNIX directory: /tpcprd/atcf_unix/${at}${NO}${syyyy}" echo " " set -x else set +x echo " " echo "There is no TPC ATCFUNIX directory for: /tpcprd/atcf_unix/${at}${NO}${syyyy}" set -x fi if [ $at = 'al' -o $at = 'ep' ]; then let nhcct=nhcct+1 fi done fi cat ${DATA}/ens_trak_ave.${ymdh}.${dt}.fout fi