# [dir] INPUT_BASE = INPUT_BASE_template OUTPUT_BASE = OUTPUT_BASE_template MET_INSTALL_DIR = METBASE_template # # CONFIGURATION # [config] # Looping by times: steps through each 'task' in the PROCESS_LIST for each # defined time, and repeats until all times have been evaluated. LOOP_ORDER = processes # 'Tasks' to be run PROCESS_LIST = TCPairs LOOP_BY = INIT # The init time begin and end times, increment, and last init hour. INIT_TIME_FMT = %Y%m%d%H INIT_BEG = INIT_BEG_template INIT_END = INIT_END_template # This is the step-size. Increment in seconds from the begin time to the end time # set to 6 hours = 21600 seconds INIT_INCREMENT = 21600 # # Run MET tc_pairs by indicating the top-level directories for the A-deck and B-deck files. Set to 'yes' to # run using top-level directories, 'no' if you want to run tc_pairs on files paired by the wrapper. TC_PAIRS_READ_ALL_FILES = no # # MET TC-Pairs # # List of models to be used (white space or comma separated) eg: DSHP, LGEM, HWRF # If no models are listed, then process all models in the input file(s). #MODEL = MODELLIST_template # List of storm ids of interest (space or comma separated) e.g.: AL112012, AL122012 # If no storm ids are listed, then process all storm ids in the input file(s). #TC_PAIRS_STORM_ID = AL092022 # Basins (of origin/region). Indicate with space or comma-separated list of regions, eg. AL: for North Atlantic, # WP: Western North Pacific, CP: Central North Pacific, SH: Southern Hemisphere, IO: North Indian Ocean, LS: Southern # Hemisphere TC_PAIRS_BASIN = TC_PAIRS_BASIN_template # Cyclone, a space or comma-separated list of cyclone numbers. If left empty, all cyclones will be used. TC_PAIRS_CYCLONE = TC_PAIRS_CYCLONE_template #TC-pair consensus TC_PAIRS_CONSENSUS1_NAME = MD01 TC_PAIRS_CONSENSUS1_MEMBERS = AP01,AP02,AP03,AP04,AP05,AP06,AP07,AP08,AP09,AP10,AP11,AP12,AP13,AP14,AP15,AP16,AP17,AP18,AP19,AP20,AP21,AP22,AP23,AP24,AP25,AP26,AP27,AP28,AP29,AP30 TC_PAIRS_CONSENSUS1_REQUIRED = false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false,false TC_PAIRS_CONSENSUS1_MIN_REQ = 12 # DLAND file, the full path of the file that contains the gridded representation of the # minimum distance from land. TC_PAIRS_DLAND_FILE = MET_BASE/tc_data/dland_global_tenth_degree.nc # setting this so that when verifying against analysis track, the union of points are written TC_PAIRS_MET_CONFIG_OVERRIDES = match_points = TRUE; #// Specify if the code should check for duplicate ATCF lines TC_PAIRS_CHECK_DUP = true #// Specify special processing to be performed for interpolated models. #// Set to NONE, FILL, or REPLACE. TC_PAIRS_INTERP12 = none # # DIRECTORIES # # Location of input track data directory # for ADECK and BDECK data TC_PAIRS_ADECK_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE} TC_PAIRS_BDECK_INPUT_DIR = {INPUT_BASE} TC_PAIRS_ADECK_TEMPLATE = a{basin}{cyclone}{init?fmt=%Y}.dat TC_PAIRS_BDECK_TEMPLATE = b{basin}{cyclone}{init?fmt=%Y}.dat #TC_PAIRS_ADECK_TEMPLATE = track.{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}.dat #TC_PAIRS_BDECK_TEMPLATE = b{basin?fmt=%s}{cyclone?fmt=%s}{date?fmt=%Y}.dat TC_PAIRS_OUTPUT_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/tc_pairs TC_PAIRS_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = tc_pairs.{basin}{cyclone}{init?fmt=%Y}