# [dir] INPUT_BASE = INPUT_BASE_template OUTPUT_BASE = OUTPUT_BASE_template MET_INSTALL_DIR = METBASE_template # CONFIGURATION # [config] #set looping method to processes-each 'task' in the process list runs to # completion (for all init times) before the next 'task' is run # List of 'tasks' to run LOOP_ORDER = processes PROCESS_LIST = TCStat LOOP_BY = INIT # The init time begin and end times, increment, and last init hour. INIT_TIME_FMT = %Y%m%d%H INIT_BEG = INIT_BEG_template INIT_END = INIT_END_template # This is the step-size. Increment in seconds from the begin time to the end time # set to 6 hours = 21600 seconds INIT_INCREMENT = 6H # DIRECTORIES # # TC-Stat input data (-lookin argument) # uses output from tc-pairs TC_STAT_LOOKIN_DIR = {INPUT_BASE} # TC-Stat output data (creates .tcst ASCII files which can be read or used as # input to TCMPR_Plotter_wrapper (the Python wrapper to plot_tcmpr.R) to create plots. TC_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/tc_stat TC_STAT_OUTPUT_TEMPLATE = tc_stat.out # Leave blank or remove to use wrapped config file in parm/met_config TC_STAT_CONFIG_FILE = {PARM_BASE}/met_config/TCStatConfig_wrapped TC_STAT_JOB_ARGS = -job summary LEAD_template -line_type TCMPR -match_points true -event_equal true -column AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND -column ABS(AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND) -column ALTK_ERR -column CRTK_ERR -column ABS(TK_ERR) -column ABS(TRACK_SPREAD) -column ABS(MAX_WIND_STDEV) -by LEAD -by AMODEL -out_alpha 0.05000 -dump_row {TC_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR}/tc_stat_summary.tcst # 5-days' statistics #TC_STAT_JOB_ARGS = -job summary -lead 000000 -lead 120000 -lead 240000 -lead 360000 -lead 480000 -lead 600000 -lead 720000 -lead 840000 -lead 960000 -lead 1080000 -lead 1200000 -line_type TCMPR -match_points true -event_equal true -column AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND -column ABS(AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND) -column ALTK_ERR -column CRTK_ERR -column ABS(TK_ERR) -by LEAD -by AMODEL -out_alpha 0.05000 -dump_row {TC_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR}/tc_stat_summary.tcst # 7-days' statistics #TC_STAT_JOB_ARGS = -job summary -lead 000000 -lead 120000 -lead 240000 -lead 360000 -lead 480000 -lead 600000 -lead 720000 -lead 840000 -lead 960000 -lead 1080000 -lead 1200000 -lead 1320000 -lead 1440000 -lead 1560000 -lead 1680000 -line_type TCMPR -match_points true -event_equal true -column AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND -column ABS(AMAX_WIND-BMAX_WIND) -column ALTK_ERR -column CRTK_ERR -column ABS(TK_ERR) -by LEAD -by AMODEL -out_alpha 0.05000 -dump_row {TC_STAT_OUTPUT_DIR}/tc_stat_summary.tcst # #The line_type field stratifies by the line_type column. TC_STAT_LINE_TYPE = TCMPR # # Stratify by these columns: TC_STAT_AMODEL = MODELLIST_template TC_STAT_BMODEL = BEST TC_STAT_DESC = TC_STAT_STORM_ID = TC_STAT_BASIN = TC_STAT_CYCLONE = TC_STAT_STORM_NAME = # # # Stratify by init times via a comma-separate list of init times to # # include or exclude. Time format defined as YYYYMMDD_HH or YYYYMMDD_HHmmss TC_STAT_INIT_BEG = TC_STAT_INIT_BEG_temp TC_STAT_INIT_END = TC_STAT_INIT_END_temp TC_STAT_INIT_INCLUDE = TC_STAT_INIT_EXCLUDE = TC_STAT_INIT_HOUR = # # # Stratify by valid times via a comma-separate list of valid times to # # include or exclude. Time format defined as YYYYMMDD_HH or YYYYMMDD_HHmmss TC_STAT_VALID_BEG = TC_STAT_VALID_END = TC_STAT_VALID_INCLUDE = TC_STAT_VALID_EXCLUDE = TC_STAT_VALID_HOUR = TC_STAT_LEAD_REQ = TC_STAT_INIT_MASK = TC_STAT_VALID_MASK = # Stratify by the valid time and lead time via comma-separated list of # # times in format HH[MMSS] TC_STAT_VALID_HOUR = TC_STAT_LEAD = # # # Stratify over the watch_warn column in the tcst file. Setting this to # # 'ALL' will match HUWARN, HUWATCH, TSWARN, TSWATCH TC_STAT_TRACK_WATCH_WARN = # # # Stratify by applying thresholds to numeric data columns. Specify with # # comma-separated list of column names and thresholds to be applied. # # The length of TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_NAME should be the same as # # TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_VAL. TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_NAME = TC_STAT_COLUMN_THRESH_VAL = # # # Stratify by a list of comma-separated columns names and values corresponding # # to non-numeric data columns of the values of interest. TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_NAME = LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL,LEVEL TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_VAL = TY,TC,HU,SD,SS,TS,TD,EX # # Stratify by applying thresholds to numeric data columns only when lead=0. # # If lead=0 and the value does not meet the threshold, discard the entire # # track. The length of TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_NAME must equal the length of # # TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_VAL. TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_NAME = TC_STAT_INIT_THRESH_VAL = # Stratify by applying thresholds to numeric data columns only when lead = 0. # # If lead = 0 but the value doesn't meet the threshold, discard the entire # # track. TC_STAT_INIT_STR_NAME = TC_STAT_INIT_STR_VAL = # # # Excludes any points where distance to land is <=0. When set to TRUE, once land # # is encountered, the remainder of the forecast track is NOT used for the # # verification, even if the track moves back over water. TC_STAT_WATER_ONLY = FALSE # # # TRUE or FALSE. To specify whether only those track points occurring near # # landfall should be retained. Landfall is the last bmodel track point before # # the distance to land switches from water to land. TC_STAT_LANDFALL = # # # Define the landfall retention window, which is defined as the hours offset # # from the time of landfall. Format is in HH[MMSS]. Default TC_STAT_LANDFALL_BEG # # is set to -24, and TC_STAT_LANDFALL_END is set to 00 TC_STAT_LANDFALL_BEG = -24 TC_STAT_LANDFALL_END = 00 # # # Specify whether only those track points common to both the ADECK and BDECK # # tracks should be written out TC_STAT_MATCH_POINTS = true #TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_EXC_NAME = ##TC_STAT_COLUMN_STR_EXC_VAL = # ##TC_STAT_INIT_STR_EXC_NAME = ##TC_STAT_INIT_STR_EXC_VAL = # ## IMPORTANT Refer to the README_TC for details on setting up analysis ## jobs (located in {MET_INSTALL_DIR}/share/met/config