import os import datetime as datetime import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd import warnings warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') """!@namespace plot_util @brief Provides utility functions for METplus plotting use case. """ def get_date_arrays(date_type, date_beg, date_end, fcst_valid_hour, fcst_init_hour, obs_valid_hour, obs_init_hour, lead): """! Create arrays of requested dates plotting and dates expected to be in MET .stat files Args: date_type - string of describing the treatment of dates, either VALID or INIT date_beg - string of beginning date, either blank or %Y%m%d format date_end - string of end date, either blank or %Y%m%d format fcst_valid_hour - string of forecast valid hour(s) information, blank or in %H%M%S fcst_init_hour - string of forecast init hour(s) information, blank or in %H%M%S obs_valid_hour - string of observation valid hour(s) information, blank or in %H%M%S obs_init_hour - string of observation hour(s) information, blank or in %H%M%S lead - string of forecast lead, in %H%M%S format Returns: plot_time_dates - array of ordinal dates based on user provided information expected_stat_file_dates - array of dates that are expected to be found in the MET .stat files based on user provided information, formatted as %Y%m%d_%H%M%S """ lead_hour_seconds = int(int(lead[:-4])%24) * 3600 lead_min_seconds = int(lead[-4:-2]) * 60 lead_seconds = int(lead[-2:]) valid_init_time_info = { 'fcst_valid_time': list(filter(None, fcst_valid_hour.split(', '))), 'fcst_init_time': list(filter(None, fcst_init_hour.split(', '))), 'obs_valid_time': list(filter(None, obs_valid_hour.split(', '))), 'obs_init_time': list(filter(None, obs_init_hour.split(', '))), } # Extract missing information, if possible for type in ['fcst', 'obs']: valid_time_list = valid_init_time_info[type+'_valid_time'] init_time_list = valid_init_time_info[type+'_init_time'] if (len(valid_time_list) == 0 and len(init_time_list) > 0): for itime in init_time_list: itime_hour_seconds = int(int(itime[0:2])%24) * 3600 itime_min_seconds = int(itime[2:4]) * 60 itime_seconds = int(itime[4:]) offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=lead_hour_seconds + lead_min_seconds + lead_seconds + itime_hour_seconds + itime_min_seconds + itime_seconds) tot_sec = offset.total_seconds() valid_hour = int(tot_sec//3600) valid_min = int((tot_sec%3600) // 60) valid_sec = int((tot_sec%3600)%60) valid_time = ( str(valid_hour).zfill(2) +str(valid_min).zfill(2) +str(valid_sec).zfill(2) ) valid_init_time_info[type+'_valid_time'].append(valid_time) if (len(init_time_list) == 0 and len(valid_time_list) > 0): for vtime in valid_time_list: vtime_hour_seconds = int(int(vtime[0:2])%24) * 3600 vtime_min_seconds = int(vtime[2:4]) * 60 vtime_seconds = int(vtime[4:]) offset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=lead_hour_seconds + lead_min_seconds + lead_seconds - vtime_hour_seconds - vtime_min_seconds - vtime_seconds) tot_sec = offset.total_seconds() init_hour = int(tot_sec//3600) init_min = int((tot_sec%3600) // 60) init_sec = int((tot_sec%3600)%60) init_time = ( str(init_hour).zfill(2) +str(init_min).zfill(2) +str(init_sec).zfill(2) ) valid_init_time_info[type+'_init_time'].append(init_time) for type in ['valid', 'init']: fcst_time_list = valid_init_time_info['fcst_'+type+'_time'] obs_time_list = valid_init_time_info['obs_'+type+'_time'] if len(fcst_time_list) == 0: if len(obs_time_list) > 0: valid_init_time_info['fcst_'+type+'_time'] = ( valid_init_time_info['obs_'+type+'_time'] ) if len(obs_time_list) == 0: if len(fcst_time_list) > 0: valid_init_time_info['obs_'+type+'_time'] = ( valid_init_time_info['fcst_'+type+'_time'] ) date_info = {} for type in ['fcst_'+date_type.lower(), 'obs_'+date_type.lower()]: time_list = valid_init_time_info[type+'_time'] if len(time_list) != 0: time_beg = min(time_list) time_end = max(time_list) if time_beg == time_end or len(time_list) == 1: delta_t = datetime.timedelta(seconds=86400) else: delta_t_list = [] for t in range(len(time_list)): if time_list[t] == time_end: delta_t_list.append( ( datetime.datetime.strptime('235959','%H%M%S') - (datetime.datetime.strptime(time_list[t], '%H%M%S')) ) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 1) ) else: delta_t_list.append( datetime.datetime.strptime(time_list[t+1], '%H%M%S') - datetime.datetime.strptime(time_list[t], '%H%M%S') ) delta_t_array = np.array(delta_t_list) if np.all(delta_t_array == delta_t_array[0]): delta_t = delta_t_array[0] else: delta_t = np.min(delta_t_array) beg = datetime.datetime.strptime( date_beg+time_beg, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' ) end = datetime.datetime.strptime( date_end+time_end, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' ) dates = np.arange( beg, end+delta_t, delta_t ).astype(datetime.datetime) else: dates = [] date_info[type+'_dates'] = dates # Build opposite dates if date_type == 'VALID': oppo_date_type = 'INIT' elif date_type == 'INIT': oppo_date_type = 'VALID' lead_timedelta = datetime.timedelta( seconds=(int(int(lead[:-4])) * 3600 + lead_min_seconds + lead_seconds) ) if oppo_date_type == 'INIT': lead_timedelta = -1 * lead_timedelta for type in ['fcst', 'obs']: date_info[type+'_'+oppo_date_type.lower()+'_dates'] = ( date_info[type+'_'+date_type.lower()+'_dates'] + lead_timedelta ) # Use fcst_*_dates for dates # this makes the assumption that # fcst_*_dates and obs_*_dates # are the same, and they should be for # most cases dates = date_info['fcst_'+date_type.lower()+'_dates'] fv_dates = date_info['fcst_valid_dates'] plot_time_dates = [] expected_stat_file_dates = [] for date in dates: dt = date.time() seconds = (dt.hour * 60 + dt.minute) * 60 + dt.second plot_time_dates.append(date.toordinal() + seconds/86400.) # MET .stat files saves valid dates in file fv_dates = date_info['fcst_valid_dates'] expected_stat_file_dates = [] for fv_date in fv_dates: expected_stat_file_dates.append(fv_date.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')) return plot_time_dates, expected_stat_file_dates def format_thresh(thresh): """! Format thresholds for file naming Args: thresh - string of the treshold(s) Return: thresh_symbol - string of the threshold(s) with symbols thresh_letters - string of the threshold(s) with letters """ thresh_list = thresh.split(' ') thresh_symbol = '' thresh_letter = '' for thresh in thresh_list: if thresh == '': continue thresh_value = thresh for opt in ['>=', '>', '==','!=','<=', '<', 'ge', 'gt', 'eq', 'ne', 'le', 'lt']: if opt in thresh_value: thresh_opt = opt thresh_value = thresh_value.replace(opt, '') if thresh_opt in ['>', 'gt']: thresh_symbol+='>'+thresh_value thresh_letter+='gt'+thresh_value elif thresh_opt in ['>=', 'ge']: thresh_symbol+='>='+thresh_value thresh_letter+='ge'+thresh_value elif thresh_opt in ['<', 'lt']: thresh_symbol+='<'+thresh_value thresh_letter+='lt'+thresh_value elif thresh_opt in ['<=', 'le']: thresh_symbol+='<='+thresh_value thresh_letter+='le'+thresh_value elif thresh_opt in ['==', 'eq']: thresh_symbol+='=='+thresh_value thresh_letter+='eq'+thresh_value elif thresh_opt in ['!=', 'ne']: thresh_symbol+='!='+thresh_value thresh_letter+='ne'+thresh_value return thresh_symbol, thresh_letter def get_stat_file_base_columns(met_version): """! Get the standard MET .stat file columns based on version number Args: met_version - string of MET version number being used to run stat_analysis Returns: stat_file_base_columns - list of the standard columns shared among the different line types """ met_version = float(met_version) if met_version < 8.1: stat_file_base_columns = [ 'VERSION', 'MODEL', 'DESC', 'FCST_LEAD', 'FCST_VALID_BEG', 'FCST_VALID_END', 'OBS_LEAD', 'OBS_VALID_BEG', 'OBS_VALID_END', 'FCST_VAR', 'FCST_LEV', 'OBS_VAR', 'OBS_LEV', 'OBTYPE', 'VX_MASK', 'INTERP_MTHD', 'INTERP_PNTS', 'FCST_THRESH', 'OBS_THRESH', 'COV_THRESH', 'ALPHA', 'LINE_TYPE' ] else: stat_file_base_columns = [ 'VERSION', 'MODEL', 'DESC', 'FCST_LEAD', 'FCST_VALID_BEG', 'FCST_VALID_END', 'OBS_LEAD', 'OBS_VALID_BEG', 'OBS_VALID_END', 'FCST_VAR', 'FCST_UNITS', 'FCST_LEV', 'OBS_VAR', 'OBS_UNITS', 'OBS_LEV', 'OBTYPE', 'VX_MASK', 'INTERP_MTHD', 'INTERP_PNTS', 'FCST_THRESH', 'OBS_THRESH', 'COV_THRESH', 'ALPHA', 'LINE_TYPE' ] return stat_file_base_columns def get_stat_file_line_type_columns(logger, met_version, line_type): """! Get the MET .stat file columns for line type based on version number Args: met_version - string of MET version number being used to run stat_analysis line_type - string of the line type of the MET .stat file being read Returns: stat_file_line_type_columns - list of the line type columns """ met_version = float(met_version) if line_type == 'SL1L2': if met_version >= 6.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'FBAR', 'OBAR', 'FOBAR', 'FFBAR', 'OOBAR', 'MAE' ] elif line_type == 'SAL1L2': if met_version >= 6.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'FABAR', 'OABAR', 'FOABAR', 'FFABAR', 'OOABAR', 'MAE' ] elif line_type == 'VL1L2': if met_version <= 6.1: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'UFBAR', 'VFBAR', 'UOBAR', 'VOBAR', 'UVFOBAR', 'UVFFBAR', 'UVOOBAR' ] elif met_version >= 7.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'UFBAR', 'VFBAR', 'UOBAR', 'VOBAR', 'UVFOBAR', 'UVFFBAR', 'UVOOBAR', 'F_SPEED_BAR', 'O_SPEED_BAR' ] elif line_type == 'VAL1L2': if met_version >= 6.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'UFABAR', 'VFABAR', 'UOABAR', 'VOABAR', 'UVFOABAR', 'UVFFABAR', 'UVOOABAR' ] elif line_type == 'VCNT': if met_version >= 7.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'FBAR', 'FBAR_NCL', 'FBAR_NCU', 'OBAR', 'OBAR_NCL', 'OBAR_NCU', 'FS_RMS', 'FS_RMS_NCL', 'FS_RMS_NCU', 'OS_RMS', 'OS_RMS_NCL', 'OS_RMS_NCU', 'MSVE', 'MSVE_NCL', 'MSVE_NCU', 'RMSVE', 'RMSVE_NCL', 'RMSVE_NCU', 'FSTDEV', 'FSTDEV_NCL', 'FSTDEV_NCU', 'OSTDEV', 'OSTDEV_NCL', 'OSTDEV_NCU', 'FDIR', 'FDIR_NCL', 'FDIR_NCU', 'ODIR', 'ODIR_NCL', 'ODIR_NCU', 'FBAR_SPEED', 'FBAR_SPEED_NCL', 'FBAR_SPEED_NCU', 'OBAR_SPEED', 'OBAR_SPEED_NCL', 'OBAR_SPEED_NCU', 'VDIFF_SPEED', 'VDIFF_SPEED_NCL', 'VDIFF_SPEED_NCU', 'VDIFF_DIR', 'VDIFF_DIR_NCL', 'VDIFF_DIR_NCU', 'SPEED_ERR', 'SPEED_ERR_NCL', 'SPEED_ERR_NCU', 'SPEED_ABSERR', 'SPEED_ABSERR_NCL', 'SPEED_ABSERR_NCU', 'DIR_ERR', 'DIR_ERR_NCL', 'DIR_ERR_NCU', 'DIR_ABSERR', 'DIR_ABSERR_NCL', 'DIR_ABSERR_NCU' ] else: logger.error("VCNT is not a valid LINE_TYPE in METV"+met_version) exit(1) elif line_type == 'CTC': if met_version >= 6.0: stat_file_line_type_columns = [ 'TOTAL', 'FY_OY', 'FY_ON', 'FN_OY', 'FN_ON' ] return stat_file_line_type_columns def get_clevels(data, spacing): """! Get contour levels for plotting differences or bias (centered on 0) Args: data - array of data to be contoured spacing - float for spacing for power function, value of 1.0 gives evenly spaced contour intervals Returns: clevels - array of contour levels """ if np.abs(np.nanmin(data)) > np.nanmax(data): cmax = np.abs(np.nanmin(data)) cmin = np.nanmin(data) else: cmax = np.nanmax(data) cmin = -1 * np.nanmax(data) if cmax > 100: cmax = cmax - (cmax * 0.2) cmin = cmin + (cmin * 0.2) elif cmax > 10: cmax = cmax - (cmax * 0.1) cmin = cmin + (cmin * 0.1) if cmax > 1: cmin = round(cmin-1,0) cmax = round(cmax+1,0) else: cmin = round(cmin-0.1,1) cmax = round(cmax+0.1,1) steps = 6 span = cmax dx = 1.0 / (steps-1) pos = np.array([0 + (i*dx)**spacing*span for i in range(steps)], dtype=float) neg = np.array(pos[1:], dtype=float) * -1 clevels = np.append(neg[::-1], pos) return clevels def calculate_average(logger, average_method, stat, model_dataframe, model_stat_values): """! Calculate average of dataset Args: logger - logging file average_method - string of the method to use to calculate the average stat - string of the statistic the average is being taken for model_dataframe - dataframe of model .stat columns model_stat_values - array of statistic values Returns: average_array - array of average value(s) """ average_array = np.empty_like(model_stat_values[:,0]) if average_method == 'MEAN': for l in range(len(model_stat_values[:,0])): average_array[l] =[l,:]) elif average_method == 'MEDIAN': for l in range(len(model_stat_values[:,0])):[l,:])) average_array[l] =[l,:]) elif average_method == 'AGGREGATION': ndays = model_dataframe.shape[0] model_dataframe_aggsum = ( model_dataframe.groupby('model_plot_name').agg(['sum']) ) model_dataframe_aggsum.columns = ( model_dataframe_aggsum.columns.droplevel(1) ) avg_values, avg_array, stat_plot_name = ( calculate_stat(logger, model_dataframe_aggsum/ndays, stat) ) for l in range(len(avg_array[:,0])): average_array[l] = avg_array[l] else: logger.error("Invalid entry for MEAN_METHOD, " +"use MEAN, MEDIAN, or AGGREGATION") exit(1) return average_array def calculate_ci(logger, ci_method, modelB_values, modelA_values, total_days, stat, average_method, randx): """! Calculate confidence intervals between two sets of data Args: logger - logging file ci_method - string of the method to use to calculate the confidence intervals modelB_values - array of values modelA_values - array of values total_days - float of total number of days being considered, sample size stat - string of the statistic the confidence intervals are being calculated for average_method - string of the method to use to calculate the average randx - 2D array of random numbers [0,1) Returns: intvl - float of the confidence interval """ if ci_method == 'EMC': modelB_modelA_diff = modelB_values - modelA_values ndays = total_days - modelB_modelA_diff_mean = modelB_modelA_diff.mean() modelB_modelA_std = np.sqrt( ((modelB_modelA_diff - modelB_modelA_diff_mean)**2).mean() ) if ndays >= 80: intvl = 1.960*modelB_modelA_std/np.sqrt(ndays-1) elif ndays >= 40 and ndays < 80: intvl = 2.000*modelB_modelA_std/np.sqrt(ndays-1) elif ndays >= 20 and ndays < 40: intvl = 2.042*modelB_modelA_std/np.sqrt(ndays-1) elif ndays < 20 and ndays > 0: intvl = 2.228*modelB_modelA_std/np.sqrt(ndays-1) elif ndays == 0: intvl = '--' elif ci_method == 'EMC_MONTE_CARLO': ntest, ntests = 1, 10000 dates = [] for idx_val in modelB_values.index.values: dates.append(idx_val[1]) ndays = len(dates) rand1_data_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['rand1'], np.arange(1, ntests+1, dtype=int), dates], names=['model_plot_name', 'ntest', 'dates'] ) rand2_data_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [['rand2'], np.arange(1, ntests+1, dtype=int), dates], names=['model_plot_name', 'ntest', 'dates'] ) rand1_data = pd.DataFrame( np.nan, index=rand1_data_index, columns=modelB_values.columns ) rand2_data = pd.DataFrame( np.nan, index=rand2_data_index, columns=modelB_values.columns ) ncolumns = len(modelB_values.columns) rand1_data_values = np.empty([ntests, ndays, ncolumns]) rand2_data_values = np.empty([ntests, ndays, ncolumns]) randx_ge0_idx = np.where(randx - 0.5 >= 0) randx_lt0_idx = np.where(randx - 0.5 < 0) rand1_data_values[randx_ge0_idx[0], randx_ge0_idx[1],:] = ( modelA_values.iloc[randx_ge0_idx[1],:] ) rand2_data_values[randx_ge0_idx[0], randx_ge0_idx[1],:] = ( modelB_values.iloc[randx_ge0_idx[1],:] ) rand1_data_values[randx_lt0_idx[0], randx_lt0_idx[1],:] = ( modelB_values.iloc[randx_lt0_idx[1],:] ) rand2_data_values[randx_lt0_idx[0], randx_lt0_idx[1],:] = ( modelA_values.iloc[randx_lt0_idx[1],:] ) ntest = 1 while ntest <= ntests: rand1_data.loc[('rand1', ntest)] = rand1_data_values[ntest-1,:,:] rand2_data.loc[('rand2', ntest)] = rand2_data_values[ntest-1,:,:] ntest+=1 intvl = np.nan rand1_stat_values, rand1_stat_values_array, stat_plot_name = ( calculate_stat(logger, rand1_data, stat) ) rand2_stat_values, rand2_stat_values_array, stat_plot_name = ( calculate_stat(logger, rand2_data, stat) ) rand1_average_array = ( calculate_average(logger, average_method, stat, rand1_data, rand1_stat_values_array[0,0,:,:]) ) rand2_average_array = ( calculate_average(logger, average_method, stat, rand2_data, rand2_stat_values_array[0,0,:,:]) ) scores_diff = rand2_average_array - rand1_average_array scores_diff_mean = np.sum(scores_diff)/ntests scores_diff_var = np.sum((scores_diff-scores_diff_mean)**2) scores_diff_std = np.sqrt(scores_diff_var/(ntests-1)) intvl = 1.96*scores_diff_std else: logger.error("Invalid entry for MAKE_CI_METHOD, " +"use EMC, EMC_MONTE_CARLO") exit(1) return intvl def get_stat_plot_name(logger, stat): """! Get the formalized name of the statistic being plotted Args: stat - string of the simple statistic name being plotted Returns: stat_plot_name - string of the formal statistic name being plotted """ if stat == 'bias': stat_plot_name = 'Bias' elif stat == 'rmse': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error' elif stat == 'msess': stat_plot_name = "Murphy's Mean Square Error Skill Score" elif stat == 'rsd': stat_plot_name = 'Ratio of Standard Deviation' elif stat == 'rmse_md': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error from Mean Error' elif stat == 'rmse_pv': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error from Pattern Variation' elif stat == 'pcor': stat_plot_name = 'Pattern Correlation' elif stat == 'acc': stat_plot_name = 'Anomaly Correlation Coefficient' elif stat == 'fbar': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast Averages' elif stat == 'fbar_obar': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast and Observation Averages' elif stat == 'speed_err': stat_plot_name = ( 'Difference in Average FCST and OBS Wind Vector Speeds' ) elif stat == 'dir_err': stat_plot_name = ( 'Difference in Average FCST and OBS Wind Vector Direction' ) elif stat == 'rmsve': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Difference Vector Error' elif stat == 'vdiff_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Difference Vector Speed' elif stat == 'vdiff_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Difference Vector Direction' elif stat == 'fbar_obar_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Average Wind Vector Speed' elif stat == 'fbar_obar_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Average Wind Vector Direction' elif stat == 'fbar_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Average Forecast Wind Vector Speed' elif stat == 'fbar_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Average Forecast Wind Vector Direction' elif stat == 'orate': stat_plot_name = 'Observation Rate' elif stat == 'baser': stat_plot_name = 'Base Rate' elif stat == 'frate': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast Rate' elif stat == 'orate_frate': stat_plot_name = 'Observation and Forecast Rates' elif stat == 'baser_frate': stat_plot_name = 'Base and Forecast Rates' elif stat == 'accuracy': stat_plot_name = 'Accuracy' elif stat == 'fbias': stat_plot_name = 'Frequency Bias' elif stat == 'pod': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of Detection' elif stat == 'hrate': stat_plot_name = 'Hit Rate' elif stat == 'pofd': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of False Detection' elif stat == 'farate': stat_plot_name = 'False Alarm Rate' elif stat == 'podn': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of Detection of the Non-Event' elif stat == 'faratio': stat_plot_name = 'False Alarm Ratio' elif stat == 'csi': stat_plot_name = 'Critical Success Index' elif stat == 'ts': stat_plot_name = 'Threat Score' elif stat == 'gss': stat_plot_name = 'Gilbert Skill Score' elif stat == 'ets': stat_plot_name = 'Equitable Threat Score' elif stat == 'hk': stat_plot_name = 'Hanssen-Kuipers Discriminant' elif stat == 'tss': stat_plot_name = 'True Skill Score' elif stat == 'pss': stat_plot_name = 'Peirce Skill Score' elif stat == 'hss': stat_plot_name = 'Heidke Skill Score' else: logger.error(stat+" is not a valid option") exit(1) return stat_plot_name def calculate_stat(logger, model_data, stat): """! Calculate the statistic from the data from the read in MET .stat file(s) Args: model_data - Dataframe containing the model(s) information from the MET .stat files stat - string of the simple statistic name being plotted Returns: stat_values - Dataframe of the statistic values stat_values_array - array of the statistic values stat_plot_name - string of the formal statistic name being plotted """ model_data_columns = model_data.columns.values.tolist() if model_data_columns == [ 'TOTAL' ]: logger.warning("Empty model_data dataframe") line_type = 'NULL' if (stat == 'fbar_obar' or stat == 'orate_frate' or stat == 'baser_frate'): stat_values = model_data.loc[:][['TOTAL']] stat_values_fbar = model_data.loc[:]['TOTAL'] stat_values_obar = model_data.loc[:]['TOTAL'] else: stat_values = model_data.loc[:]['TOTAL'] else: if all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['FBAR', 'OBAR', 'MAE']): line_type = 'SL1L2' fbar = model_data.loc[:]['FBAR'] obar = model_data.loc[:]['OBAR'] fobar = model_data.loc[:]['FOBAR'] ffbar = model_data.loc[:]['FFBAR'] oobar = model_data.loc[:]['OOBAR'] elif all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['FABAR', 'OABAR', 'MAE']): line_type = 'SAL1L2' fabar = model_data.loc[:]['FABAR'] oabar = model_data.loc[:]['OABAR'] foabar = model_data.loc[:]['FOABAR'] ffabar = model_data.loc[:]['FFABAR'] ooabar = model_data.loc[:]['OOABAR'] elif all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['UFBAR', 'VFBAR']): line_type = 'VL1L2' ufbar = model_data.loc[:]['UFBAR'] vfbar = model_data.loc[:]['VFBAR'] uobar = model_data.loc[:]['UOBAR'] vobar = model_data.loc[:]['VOBAR'] uvfobar = model_data.loc[:]['UVFOBAR'] uvffbar = model_data.loc[:]['UVFFBAR'] uvoobar = model_data.loc[:]['UVOOBAR'] elif all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['UFABAR', 'VFABAR']): line_type = 'VAL1L2' ufabar = model_data.loc[:]['UFABAR'] vfabar = model_data.loc[:]['VFABAR'] uoabar = model_data.loc[:]['UOABAR'] voabar = model_data.loc[:]['VOABAR'] uvfoabar = model_data.loc[:]['UVFOABAR'] uvffabar = model_data.loc[:]['UVFFABAR'] uvooabar = model_data.loc[:]['UVOOABAR'] elif all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['VDIFF_SPEED', 'VDIFF_DIR']): line_type = 'VCNT' fbar = model_data.loc[:]['FBAR'] obar = model_data.loc[:]['OBAR'] fs_rms = model_data.loc[:]['FS_RMS'] os_rms = model_data.loc[:]['OS_RMS'] msve = model_data.loc[:]['MSVE'] rmsve = model_data.loc[:]['RMSVE'] fstdev = model_data.loc[:]['FSTDEV'] ostdev = model_data.loc[:]['OSTDEV'] fdir = model_data.loc[:]['FDIR'] odir = model_data.loc[:]['ODIR'] fbar_speed = model_data.loc[:]['FBAR_SPEED'] obar_speed = model_data.loc[:]['OBAR_SPEED'] vdiff_speed = model_data.loc[:]['VDIFF_SPEED'] vdiff_dir = model_data.loc[:]['VDIFF_DIR'] speed_err = model_data.loc[:]['SPEED_ERR'] dir_err = model_data.loc[:]['DIR_ERR'] elif all(elem in model_data_columns for elem in ['FY_OY', 'FN_ON']): line_type = 'CTC' total = model_data.loc[:]['TOTAL'] fy_oy = model_data.loc[:]['FY_OY'] fy_on = model_data.loc[:]['FY_ON'] fn_oy = model_data.loc[:]['FN_OY'] fn_on = model_data.loc[:]['FN_ON'] else: logger.error("Could not recognize line type from columns") exit(1) if stat == 'bias': stat_plot_name = 'Bias' if line_type == 'SL1L2': stat_values = fbar - obar elif line_type == 'VL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt(uvffbar) - np.sqrt(uvoobar) elif line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = fbar - obar elif line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = (fy_oy + fy_on)/(fy_oy + fn_oy) elif stat == 'rmse': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error' if line_type == 'SL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt(ffbar + oobar - 2*fobar) elif line_type == 'VL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt(uvffbar + uvoobar - 2*uvfobar) elif stat == 'msess': stat_plot_name = "Murphy's Mean Square Error Skill Score" if line_type == 'SL1L2': mse = ffbar + oobar - 2*fobar var_o = oobar - obar*obar stat_values = 1 - mse/var_o elif line_type == 'VL1L2': mse = uvffbar + uvoobar - 2*uvfobar var_o = uvoobar - uobar*uobar - vobar*vobar stat_values = 1 - mse/var_o elif stat == 'rsd': stat_plot_name = 'Ratio of Standard Deviation' if line_type == 'SL1L2': var_f = ffbar - fbar*fbar var_o = oobar - obar*obar stat_values = np.sqrt(var_f)/np.sqrt(var_o) elif line_type == 'VL1L2': var_f = uvffbar - ufbar*ufbar - vfbar*vfbar var_o = uvoobar - uobar*uobar - vobar*vobar stat_values = np.sqrt(var_f)/np.sqrt(var_o) elif line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = fstdev/ostdev elif stat == 'rmse_md': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error from Mean Error' if line_type == 'SL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt((fbar-obar)**2) elif line_type == 'VL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt((ufbar - uobar)**2 + (vfbar - vobar)**2) elif stat == 'rmse_pv': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Error from Pattern Variation' if line_type == 'SL1L2': var_f = ffbar - fbar**2 var_o = oobar - obar**2 R = (fobar - (fbar*obar))/(np.sqrt(var_f*var_o)) stat_values = np.sqrt(var_f + var_o - 2*np.sqrt(var_f*var_o)*R) elif line_type == 'VL1L2': var_f = uvffbar - ufbar*ufbar - vfbar*vfbar var_o = uvoobar - uobar*uobar - vobar*vobar R = (uvfobar - ufbar*uobar - vfbar*vobar)/(np.sqrt(var_f*var_o)) stat_values = np.sqrt(var_f + var_o - 2*np.sqrt(var_f*var_o)*R) elif stat == 'pcor': stat_plot_name = 'Pattern Correlation' if line_type == 'SL1L2': var_f = ffbar - fbar*fbar var_o = oobar - obar*obar stat_values = (fobar - fbar*obar)/(np.sqrt(var_f*var_o)) elif line_type == 'VL1L2': var_f = uvffbar - ufbar*ufbar - vfbar*vfbar var_o = uvoobar - uobar*uobar - vobar*vobar stat_values = (uvfobar - ufbar*uobar - vfbar*vobar)/(np.sqrt( var_f*var_o)) elif stat == 'acc': stat_plot_name = 'Anomaly Correlation Coefficient' if line_type == 'SAL1L2': stat_values = \ (foabar - fabar*oabar)/(np.sqrt( (ffabar - fabar*fabar)*(ooabar - oabar*oabar))) elif line_type == 'VAL1L2': stat_values = (uvfoabar)/(np.sqrt(uvffabar*uvooabar)) elif stat == 'fbar': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast Averages' if line_type == 'SL1L2': stat_values = fbar elif line_type == 'VL1L2': stat_values = np.sqrt(uvffbar) elif line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = fbar elif stat == 'fbar_obar': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast and Observation Averages' if line_type == 'SL1L2': stat_values = model_data.loc[:][['FBAR', 'OBAR']] stat_values_fbar = model_data.loc[:]['FBAR'] stat_values_obar = model_data.loc[:]['OBAR'] elif line_type == 'VL1L2': stat_values = model_data.loc[:][['UVFFBAR', 'UVOOBAR']] stat_values_fbar = np.sqrt(model_data.loc[:]['UVFFBAR']) stat_values_obar = np.sqrt(model_data.loc[:]['UVOOBAR']) elif line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = model_data.loc[:][['FBAR', 'OBAR']] stat_values_fbar = model_data.loc[:]['FBAR'] stat_values_obar = model_data.loc[:]['OBAR'] elif stat == 'speed_err': stat_plot_name = ( 'Difference in Average FCST and OBS Wind Vector Speeds' ) if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = speed_err elif stat == 'dir_err': stat_plot_name = ( 'Difference in Average FCST and OBS Wind Vector Direction' ) if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = dir_err elif stat == 'rmsve': stat_plot_name = 'Root Mean Square Difference Vector Error' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = rmsve elif stat == 'vdiff_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Difference Vector Speed' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = vdiff_speed elif stat == 'vdiff_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Difference Vector Direction' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = vdiff_dir elif stat == 'fbar_obar_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Average Wind Vector Speed' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = model_data.loc[:][('FBAR_SPEED', 'OBAR_SPEED')] elif stat == 'fbar_obar_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Average Wind Vector Direction' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = model_data.loc[:][('FDIR', 'ODIR')] elif stat == 'fbar_speed': stat_plot_name = 'Average Forecast Wind Vector Speed' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = fbar_speed elif stat == 'fbar_dir': stat_plot_name = 'Average Forecast Wind Vector Direction' if line_type == 'VCNT': stat_values = fdir elif stat == 'orate' or stat == 'baser': if stat == 'orate': stat_plot_name = 'Observation Rate' elif stat == 'baser': stat_plot_name = 'Base Rate' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = (fy_oy + fn_oy)/total elif stat == 'frate': stat_plot_name = 'Forecast Rate' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = (fy_oy + fy_on)/total elif stat == 'orate_frate' or stat == 'baser_frate': if stat == 'orate_frate': stat_plot_name = 'Observation and Forecast Rates' elif stat == 'baser_frate': stat_plot_name = 'Base and Forecast Rates' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values_fbar = (fy_oy + fy_on)/total stat_values_obar = (fy_oy + fn_oy)/total stat_values = pd.concat([stat_values_fbar, stat_values_obar], axis=1) elif stat == 'accuracy': stat_plot_name = 'Accuracy' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = (fy_oy + fn_on)/total elif stat == 'fbias': stat_plot_name = 'Frequency Bias' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = (fy_oy + fy_on)/(fy_oy + fn_oy) elif stat == 'pod' or stat == 'hrate': if stat == 'pod': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of Detection' elif stat == 'hrate': stat_plot_name = 'Hit Rate' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = fy_oy/(fy_oy + fn_oy) elif stat == 'pofd' or stat == 'farate': if stat == 'pofd': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of False Detection' elif stat == 'farate': stat_plot_name = 'False Alarm Rate' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = fy_on/(fy_on + fn_on) elif stat == 'podn': stat_plot_name = 'Probability of Detection of the Non-Event' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = fn_on/(fy_on + fn_on) elif stat == 'faratio': stat_plot_name = 'False Alarm Ratio' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = fy_on/(fy_on + fy_oy) elif stat == 'csi' or stat == 'ts': if stat == 'csi': stat_plot_name = 'Critical Success Index' elif stat == 'ts': stat_plot_name = 'Threat Score' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = fy_oy/(fy_oy + fy_on + fn_oy) elif stat == 'gss' or stat == 'ets': if stat == 'gss': stat_plot_name = 'Gilbert Skill Score' elif stat == 'ets': stat_plot_name = 'Equitable Threat Score' if line_type == 'CTC': C = ((fy_oy + fy_on)*(fy_oy + fn_oy))/total stat_values = (fy_oy - C)/(fy_oy + fy_on+ fn_oy - C) elif stat == 'hk' or stat == 'tss' or stat == 'pss': if stat == 'hk': stat_plot_name = 'Hanssen-Kuipers Discriminant' elif stat == 'tss': stat_plot_name = 'True Skill Score' elif stat == 'pss': stat_plot_name = 'Peirce Skill Score' if line_type == 'CTC': stat_values = ( ((fy_oy*fn_on)-(fy_on*fn_oy))/((fy_oy+fn_oy)*(fy_on+fn_on)) ) elif stat == 'hss': stat_plot_name = 'Heidke Skill Score' if line_type == 'CTC': Ca = (fy_oy+fy_on)*(fy_oy+fn_oy) Cb = (fn_oy+fn_on)*(fy_on+fn_on) C = (Ca + Cb)/total stat_values = (fy_oy + fn_on - C)/(total - C) else: logger.error(stat+" is not a valid option") exit(1) nindex = stat_values.index.nlevels if stat == 'fbar_obar' or stat == 'orate_frate' or stat == 'baser_frate': if nindex == 1: index0 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) stat_values_array_fbar = ( stat_values_fbar.values.reshape(index0) ) ) index0 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) stat_values_array_obar = ( stat_values_obar.values.reshape(index0) ) ) elif nindex == 2: index0 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) stat_values_array_fbar = ( stat_values_fbar.values.reshape(index0,index1) ) ) index0 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) stat_values_array_obar = ( stat_values_obar.values.reshape(index0,index1) ) ) elif nindex == 3: index0 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) index2 = len(stat_values_fbar.index.get_level_values(2).unique()) stat_values_array_fbar = ( stat_values_fbar.values.reshape(index0,index1,index2) ) ) index0 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) index2 = len(stat_values_obar.index.get_level_values(2).unique()) stat_values_array_obar = ( stat_values_obar.values.reshape(index0,index1,index2) ) ) stat_values_array =[stat_values_array_fbar, stat_values_array_obar]) else: if nindex == 1: index0 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) stat_values_array = ( stat_values.values.reshape(1,index0) ) ) elif nindex == 2: index0 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) stat_values_array = ( stat_values.values.reshape(1,index0,index1) ) ) elif nindex == 3: index0 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(0).unique()) index1 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(1).unique()) index2 = len(stat_values.index.get_level_values(2).unique()) stat_values_array = ( stat_values.values.reshape(1,index0,index1,index2) ) ) return stat_values, stat_values_array, stat_plot_name def get_lead_avg_file(stat, input_filename, fcst_lead, output_base_dir): lead_avg_filename = stat + '_' + os.path.basename(input_filename) \ .replace('_dump_row.stat', '') # if fcst_leadX is in filename, replace it with fcst_lead_avgs # and add .txt to end of filename if f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}' in lead_avg_filename: lead_avg_filename = ( lead_avg_filename.replace(f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}', 'fcst_lead_avgs') ) lead_avg_filename += '.txt' # if not, remove mention of forecast lead and # add fcst_lead_avgs.txt to end of filename elif 'fcst_lead_avgs' not in input_filename: lead_avg_filename = lead_avg_filename.replace(f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}', '') lead_avg_filename += '_fcst_lead_avgs.txt' lead_avg_file = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'data', lead_avg_filename) return lead_avg_file def get_ci_file(stat, input_filename, fcst_lead, output_base_dir, ci_method): CI_filename = stat + '_' + os.path.basename(input_filename) \ .replace('_dump_row.stat', '') # if fcst_leadX is in filename, replace it with fcst_lead_avgs # and add .txt to end of filename if f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}' in CI_filename: CI_filename = CI_filename.replace(f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}', 'fcst_lead_avgs') # if not and fcst_lead_avgs isn't already in filename, # remove mention of forecast lead and # add fcst_lead_avgs.txt to end of filename elif 'fcst_lead_avgs' not in CI_filename: CI_filename = CI_filename.replace(f'fcst_lead{fcst_lead}', '') CI_filename += '_fcst_lead_avgs' CI_filename += '_CI_' + ci_method + '.txt' CI_file = os.path.join(output_base_dir, 'data', CI_filename) return CI_file