!>@brief The module 'compns_stochy_mod' contains the subroutine compns_stochy module compns_stochy_mod implicit none contains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !>@brief The module 'compns_stochy_mod' set the default namelist options reads in the stochastic physics namelist !! and sets logicals and other parameters based on the namelist !>@details Namelist can be either a file, or an internal namelist subroutine compns_stochy (me,sz_nml,input_nml_file,fn_nml,nlunit,deltim,iret) !$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block ! ! Subprogram: compns Check and compute namelist frequencies ! Prgmmr: Iredell Org: NP23 Date: 1999-01-26 ! ! Abstract: This subprogram checks global spectral model namelist ! frequencies in hour units for validity. If they are valid, ! then the frequencies are computed in timestep units. ! The following rules are applied: ! 1. the timestep must be positive; ! ! Program History Log: ! 2016-10-11 Phil Pegion make the stochastic physics stand alone ! ! Usage: call compns_stochy (me,deltim,nlunit, stochy_namelist,iret) ! Input Arguments: ! deltim - real timestep in seconds ! Output Arguments: ! iret - integer return code (0 if successful or ! between 1 and 8 for which rule above was broken) ! stochy_namelist ! ! Attributes: ! Language: Fortran 90 ! !$$$ use stochy_namelist_def implicit none integer, intent(out) :: iret integer, intent(in) :: nlunit,me,sz_nml character(len=*), intent(in) :: input_nml_file(sz_nml) character(len=64), intent(in) :: fn_nml real, intent(in) :: deltim real tol,l_min real :: rerth,circ,tmp_lat integer k,ios integer,parameter :: four=4 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! namelist /nam_stochy/ntrunc,lon_s,lat_s,sppt,sppt_tau,sppt_lscale,sppt_logit, & iseed_shum,iseed_sppt,shum,shum_tau,& shum_lscale,stochini,skeb_varspect_opt,sppt_sfclimit, & skeb,skeb_tau,skeb_vdof,skeb_lscale,iseed_skeb,skeb_vfilt,skeb_diss_smooth, & skeb_sigtop1,skeb_sigtop2,skebnorm,sppt_sigtop1,sppt_sigtop2,& shum_sigefold,spptint,shumint,skebint,skeb_npass,use_zmtnblck,new_lscale, & epbl,epbl_lscale,epbl_tau,iseed_epbl, & ocnsppt,ocnsppt_lscale,ocnsppt_tau,iseed_ocnsppt,pbl_taper namelist /nam_sfcperts/lndp_type,lndp_model_type, lndp_var_list, lndp_prt_list, & iseed_lndp,lndpint,lndp_tau,lndp_lscale ! For SPP physics parameterization perterbations namelist /nam_sppperts/spp_var_list, spp_prt_list, iseed_spp, & sppint,spp_tau,spp_lscale,spp_sigtop1,spp_sigtop2,spp_stddev_cutoff rerth =6.3712e+6 ! radius of earth (m) tol=0.01 ! tolerance for calculations ! spectral resolution defintion ntrunc=-999 lon_s=-999 lat_s=-999 ! can specify up to 5 values for the stochastic physics parameters ! (each is an array of length 5) sppt = -999. ! stochastic physics tendency amplitude shum = -999. ! stochastic boundary layer spf hum amp skeb = -999. ! stochastic KE backscatter amplitude lndp_var_list = 'XXX' lndp_prt_list = -999. spp_var_list = 'XXXXXXXXXX' spp_prt_list = -999. ! logicals do_sppt = .false. use_zmtnblck = .false. new_lscale = .false. do_shum = .false. do_skeb = .false. do_spp = .false. ! C. Draper July 2020. ! input land pert variables: ! LNDP_TYPE = 0 ! no explicit land perturbations ! LNDP_Type = 1 ! this is the initial land sfc pert scheme, introduced and tested for impact on GEFS forecasts. ! see https://journals.ametsoc.org/doi/full/10.1175/MWR-D-18-0057.1 ! perturbations are assigned once at the start of the forecast ! LNDP_TYPE = 2 ! this is the newer land pert scheme, introduced and tested for impact on UFS/GDAS cycling stsyem ! see https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/hydr/22/8/JHM-D-21-0016.1.xml lndp_type = 0 ! ! LNDP_MODEL_TYPE ! integer indicating the model type for applying perturbations for lndp_type=2 scheme. ! 1 - global model ! (cycling of prognostic variables between DA cycles, ! parameters may be periodically updated during forecast) ! 2 - regional model ! (short foreast, prognotic variables re-initialized each forecast, ! parameters not updated during forecast) ! 3 - special case to apply perturbations only at start of forecast. lndp_model_type = 0 ! lndp_lscale = -999. ! length scales lndp_tau = -999. ! time scales iseed_lndp = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) ! for SKEB random patterns. skeb_vfilt = 0 skebint = 0 spptint = 0 shumint = 0 skeb_npass = 11 ! number of passes of smoother for dissipation estiamte sppt_tau = -999. ! time scales shum_tau = -999. skeb_tau = -999. skeb_vdof = 5 ! proxy for vertical correlation, 5 is close to 40 passes of the 1-2-1 filter in the GFS skebnorm = 0 ! 0 - random pattern is stream function, 1- pattern is kenorm, 2- pattern is vorticity sppt_lscale = -999. ! length scales shum_lscale = -999. skeb_lscale = -999. iseed_sppt = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) iseed_shum = 0 iseed_skeb = 0 ! parameters to control vertical tapering of stochastic physics with ! height sppt_sigtop1 = 0.1 sppt_sigtop2 = 0.025 skeb_sigtop1 = 0.1 skeb_sigtop2 = 0.025 shum_sigefold = 0.2 spp_sigtop1 = 0.1 spp_sigtop2 = 0.025 ! reduce amplitude of sppt near surface (lowest 2 levels) sppt_sfclimit = .false. pbl_taper = (/0.0,0.5,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0/) ! gaussian or power law variance spectrum for skeb (0: gaussian, 1: ! power law). If power law, skeb_lscale interpreted as a power not a ! length scale. skeb_varspect_opt = 0 sppt_logit = .false. ! logit transform for sppt to bounded interval [-1,+1] stochini = .false. ! true= read in pattern, false=initialize from seed ! For SPP perturbations spp_lscale = -999. ! length scales spp_tau = -999. ! time scales spp_stddev_cutoff = 0 ! cutoff/limit for std-dev (zero==no limit applied) iseed_spp = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) sppint = 0 ! SPP interval in seconds lndpint = 0 ! lndp interval in seconds #ifdef INTERNAL_FILE_NML read(input_nml_file, nml=nam_stochy) #else rewind (nlunit) open (unit=nlunit, file=fn_nml, action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=ios) read(nlunit,nam_stochy) #endif #ifdef INTERNAL_FILE_NML read(input_nml_file, nml=nam_sfcperts) #else rewind (nlunit) open (unit=nlunit, file=fn_nml, action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=ios) read(nlunit,nam_sfcperts) #endif #ifdef INTERNAL_FILE_NML read(input_nml_file, nml=nam_sppperts, iostat=ios) #else rewind (nlunit) open (unit=nlunit, file=fn_nml, action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=ios) read(nlunit,nam_sppperts) #endif if (me == 0) then print *,' in compns_stochy' print*,'spp_lscale=',spp_lscale print*,'spp_tau=',spp_tau print*,'spp_stddev_cutoff=',spp_stddev_cutoff endif ! PJP stochastic physics additions IF (sppt(1) > 0 ) THEN do_sppt=.true. ENDIF IF (shum(1) > 0 ) THEN do_shum=.true. ! shum parameter has units of 1/hour, to remove time step ! dependence. ! change shum parameter units from per hour to per timestep DO k=1,5 IF (shum(k) .gt. 0.0) shum(k)=shum(k)*deltim/3600.0 ENDDO ENDIF IF (skeb(1) > 0 ) THEN do_skeb=.true. if (skebnorm==0) then ! stream function norm skeb=skeb*1.111e3*sqrt(deltim) endif if (skebnorm==1) then ! stream function norm skeb=skeb*0.00222*sqrt(deltim) endif if (skebnorm==2) then ! vorticty function norm skeb=skeb*1.111e-9*sqrt(deltim) endif ENDIF IF (spp_prt_list(1) > 0 ) THEN do_spp=.true. ENDIF ! compute frequencty to estimate dissipation timescale IF (do_skeb) THEN IF (skebint == 0.) skebint=deltim nsskeb=nint(skebint/deltim) ! skebint in seconds IF(nsskeb<=0 .or. abs(nsskeb-skebint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "SKEB interval is invalid",skebint iret=9 return ENDIF ENDIF IF (do_sppt) THEN IF (spptint == 0.) spptint=deltim nssppt=nint(spptint/deltim) ! spptint in seconds IF(nssppt<=0 .or. abs(nssppt-spptint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "SPPT interval is invalid",spptint iret=9 return ENDIF ENDIF IF (do_shum) THEN IF (shumint == 0.) shumint=deltim nsshum=nint(shumint/deltim) ! shumint in seconds IF(nsshum<=0 .or. abs(nsshum-shumint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "SHUM interval is invalid",shumint iret=9 return ENDIF ENDIF IF (do_spp) THEN IF (sppint == 0.) sppint=deltim nsspp=nint(sppint/deltim) ! sppint in seconds IF(nsspp<=0 .or. abs(nsspp-sppint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "SPP interval is invalid",sppint iret=9 return ENDIF ENDIF IF (lndp_type > 0) THEN IF (lndpint == 0.) lndpint=deltim nslndp=nint(lndpint/deltim) IF(nslndp<=0 .or. abs(nslndp-lndpint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "lndp interval is invalid",lndpint iret=9 return ENDIF ENDIF !calculate ntrunc if not supplied if (ntrunc .LT. 1) then if (me==0) print*,'ntrunc not supplied, calculating' circ=2*3.1415928*rerth ! start with lengthscale that is circumference of the earth l_min=circ do k=1,5 if (sppt(k).GT.0) l_min=min(sppt_lscale(k),l_min) if (shum(k).GT.0) l_min=min(shum_lscale(k),l_min) if (skeb(k).GT.0) l_min=min(skeb_lscale(k),l_min) enddo if (lndp_type.GT.0) l_min=min(lndp_lscale(1),l_min) if (spp_prt_list(1).GT.0) l_min=min(spp_lscale(1),l_min) !ntrunc=1.5*circ/l_min ntrunc=circ/l_min if (me==0) print*,'ntrunc calculated from l_min',l_min,ntrunc endif ! ensure lat_s is a mutiple of 4 with a reminader of two ntrunc=INT((ntrunc+1)/four)*four+2 if (me==0) print*,'NOTE ntrunc adjusted for even nlats',ntrunc ! set up gaussian grid for ntrunc if not already defined. if (lon_s.LT.1 .OR. lat_s.LT.1) then lat_s=ntrunc*1.5+1 lon_s=lat_s*2+4 ! Grid needs to be larger since interpolation is bi-linear lat_s=lat_s*2 lon_s=lon_s*2 if (me==0) print*,'gaussian grid not set, defining here',lon_s,lat_s endif ! ! land perts - parse nml input ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - select case (lndp_type) case (0) if (me==0) print*, & 'no land perturbations selected' case (1,2) ! count requested pert variables n_var_lndp= 0 do k =1,size(lndp_var_list) if ( (lndp_var_list(k) .EQ. 'XXX') .or. (lndp_prt_list(k) .LE. 0.) ) then cycle else n_var_lndp=n_var_lndp+1 lndp_var_list( n_var_lndp) = lndp_var_list(k) lndp_prt_list( n_var_lndp) = lndp_prt_list(k) endif enddo if (n_var_lndp > max_n_var_lndp) then print*, 'ERROR: land perturbation requested for too many parameters', & 'increase max_n_var_lndp' iret = 10 return endif if (lndp_type==1) then if (me==0) print*, & 'lndp_type=1, land perturbations will be applied to selected paramaters, using older scheme designed for S2S fcst spread with the noah LSM' ! sanity-check requested input do k =1,n_var_lndp select case (lndp_var_list(k)) case('rz0','rzt','shc','lai','vgf','alb') if (me==0) print*, 'land perturbation will be applied to ', lndp_var_list(k) case default print*, 'ERROR: land perturbation requested for unknown parameter', lndp_var_list(k) iret = 10 return end select enddo elseif(lndp_type==2) then if (me==0) print*, & 'land perturbations will be applied to selected paramaters, using newer scheme designed for DA ens spread' ! check requested parameters have been coded. ! note, Noah-MP specific checks will be done later (since need to know lsm type) do k =1,n_var_lndp select case (lndp_var_list(k)) case('vgf','smc','stc','alb', 'sal','emi','zol') if (me==0) print*, 'land perturbation will be applied to ', lndp_var_list(k) case default print*, 'ERROR: land perturbation requested for new parameter - will need to be coded in lndp_apply_pert', lndp_var_list(k) iret = 10 return end select enddo if ( (lndp_model_type < 1) .or. (lndp_model_type > 3) ) then print*, 'ERROR: for lndp_type=2, must have lndp_model_type = 1,2,3' iret = 10 return endif endif case default if (me==0) print*, & 'lndp_type out of range, set to 0 (none), 1 (for fcst spread), 2 (for cycling DA spread)' iret = 10 return end select ! ! SPP perts - parse nml input ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! count requested pert variables n_var_spp= 0 do k =1,size(spp_var_list) if ( (spp_var_list(k) .EQ. 'XXXXXXXXXX') .or. (spp_prt_list(k) .LE. 0.) ) then cycle else n_var_spp=n_var_spp+1 spp_var_list( n_var_spp) = spp_var_list(k) ! spp_prt_list( n_var_spp) = spp_prt_list(k) endif enddo IF (n_var_spp > 0 ) THEN do_spp=.true. ENDIF if (n_var_spp > max_n_var_spp) then print*, 'ERROR: SPP physics perturbation requested for too many parameters', & 'increase max_n_var_spp' iret = 10 return endif if (me==0) print*, & 'SPP physics perturbations will be applied to selected parameters', n_var_spp do k =1,n_var_spp select case (spp_var_list(k)) case('pbl','sfc', 'mp','rad','gwd','cu_deep') if (me==0) print*, 'SPP physics perturbation will be applied to ', spp_var_list(k) case default print*, 'ERROR: SPP physics perturbation requested for new parameter - will need to be coded in spp_apply_pert', spp_var_list(k) iret = 10 return end select enddo ! ! All checks are successful. ! if (me == 0) then print *, 'stochastic physics' print *, ' do_sppt : ', do_sppt print *, ' do_shum : ', do_shum print *, ' do_skeb : ', do_skeb print *, ' lndp_type : ', lndp_type print *, ' lndp_model_type : ', lndp_model_type if (lndp_type .NE. 0) print *, ' n_var_lndp : ', n_var_lndp print *, ' do_spp : ', do_spp print *, ' n_var_spp : ', n_var_spp endif iret = 0 ! return end subroutine compns_stochy subroutine compns_stochy_ocn (deltim,iret) !$$$ Subprogram Documentation Block ! ! Subprogram: compns Check and compute namelist frequencies ! Prgmmr: Iredell Org: NP23 Date: 1999-01-26 ! ! Abstract: This subprogram checks global spectral model namelist ! frequencies in hour units for validity. If they are valid, ! then the frequencies are computed in timestep units. ! The following rules are applied: ! 1. the timestep must be positive; ! ! Program History Log: ! 2016-10-11 Phil Pegion make the stochastic physics stand alone ! ! Usage: call compns_stochy (me,deltim,nlunit, stochy_namelist,iret) ! Input Arguments: ! deltim - real timestep in seconds ! Output Arguments: ! iret - integer return code (0 if successful or ! between 1 and 8 for which rule above was broken) ! stochy_namelist ! ! Attributes: ! Language: Fortran 90 ! !$$$ use stochy_namelist_def use mpp_mod ,only: mpp_pe,mpp_root_pe implicit none real, intent(in) :: deltim integer, intent(out) :: iret real tol,l_min real :: rerth,circ integer k,ios,nlunit integer,parameter :: four=4 ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! namelist /nam_stochy/ntrunc,lon_s,lat_s,sppt,sppt_tau,sppt_lscale,sppt_logit, & iseed_shum,iseed_sppt,shum,shum_tau, & shum_lscale,stochini,skeb_varspect_opt,sppt_sfclimit, & skeb,skeb_tau,skeb_vdof,skeb_lscale,iseed_skeb,skeb_vfilt,skeb_diss_smooth, & skeb_sigtop1,skeb_sigtop2,skebnorm,sppt_sigtop1,sppt_sigtop2,& shum_sigefold,spptint,shumint,skebint,skeb_npass,use_zmtnblck,new_lscale, & epbl,epbl_lscale,epbl_tau,iseed_epbl, & ocnsppt,ocnsppt_lscale,ocnsppt_tau,iseed_ocnsppt,pbl_taper namelist /nam_sfcperts/lndp_type,lndp_model_type,lndp_var_list, lndp_prt_list, iseed_lndp, & lndp_tau,lndp_lscale rerth =6.3712e+6 ! radius of earth (m) tol=0.01 ! tolerance for calculations nlunit=322 ! spectral resolution defintion ntrunc=-999 lon_s=-999 lat_s=-999 ! can specify up to 5 values for the stochastic physics parameters ! (each is an array of length 5) epbl = -999. ! stochastic physics tendency amplitude ocnsppt = -999. ! stochastic physics tendency amplitude ! logicals pert_epbl = .false. do_ocnsppt = .false. new_lscale = .false. epblint = 0 ocnspptint = 0 epbl_tau = -999. ! time scales ocnsppt_tau = -999. ! time scales epbl_lscale = -999. ! length scales ocnsppt_lscale = -999. ! length scales iseed_epbl = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) iseed_epbl2 = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) iseed_ocnsppt = 0 ! random seeds (if 0 use system clock) rewind (nlunit) open (unit=nlunit, file='input.nml', action='READ', status='OLD', iostat=ios) read(nlunit,nam_stochy) if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) then print *,' in compns_stochy_ocn' endif ! PJP stochastic physics additions IF (epbl(1) > 0 ) THEN pert_epbl=.true. ENDIF IF (ocnsppt(1) > 0 ) THEN do_ocnsppt=.true. ENDIF ! compute frequencty to update random pattern IF (epblint == 0.) epblint=deltim nsepbl=nint(epblint/deltim) ! epblint in seconds IF(nsepbl<=0 .or. abs(nsepbl-epblint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "ePBL interval is invalid",epblint iret=9 return ENDIF IF (ocnspptint == 0.) ocnspptint=deltim nsocnsppt=nint(ocnspptint/deltim) ! ocnspptint in seconds IF(nsocnsppt<=0 .or. abs(nsocnsppt-ocnspptint/deltim)>tol) THEN WRITE(0,*) "ePBL interval is invalid",ocnspptint iret=9 return ENDIF !calculate ntrunc if not supplied if (ntrunc .LT. 1) then if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) print*,'ntrunc not supplied, calculating' circ=2*3.1415928*rerth ! start with lengthscale that is circumference of the earth l_min=circ do k=1,5 if (epbl(k).GT.0) l_min=min(epbl_lscale(k),l_min) if (ocnsppt(k).GT.0) l_min=min(ocnsppt_lscale(k),l_min) enddo !ntrunc=1.5*circ/l_min ntrunc=circ/l_min if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) print*,'ntrunc calculated from l_min',l_min,ntrunc endif ! ensure lat_s is a mutiple of 4 with a reminader of two ntrunc=INT((ntrunc+1)/four)*four+2 if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) print*,'NOTE ntrunc adjusted for even nlats',ntrunc ! set up gaussian grid for ntrunc if not already defined. if (lon_s.LT.1 .OR. lat_s.LT.1) then lat_s=ntrunc*1.5+1 lon_s=lat_s*2+4 ! Grid needs to be larger since interpolation is bi-linear lat_s=lat_s*2 lon_s=lon_s*2 if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) print*,'gaussian grid not set, defining here',lon_s,lat_s endif ! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! ! All checks are successful. ! if (mpp_pe()==mpp_root_pe()) then print *, 'ocean stochastic physics' print *, ' pert_epbl : ', pert_epbl print *, ' do_ocnsppt : ', do_ocnsppt endif iret = 0 if (iseed_epbl(1) > 0) iseed_epbl2(1)=iseed_epbl(1)-1234567 ! return end subroutine compns_stochy_ocn end module compns_stochy_mod