//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TC-Gen configuration file. // // For additional information, please see the MET User's Guide. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // ATCF file format reference: // http://www.nrlmry.navy.mil/atcf_web/docs/database/new/abrdeck.html // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Genesis event definition criteria // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Model initialization frequency in hours, starting at 0 // init_freq = 6; // // Valid hour frequency to be analyzed in hours, starting at 0 // valid_freq = 6; // // Forecast hours to be searched for genesis events // fcst_hr_window = { beg = 0; end = 120; } // // Minimum track duration for genesis event in hours // min_duration = 12; // // Forecast genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified // intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level // pressure threshold. The forecast genesis time is the valid time of the first // track point where all of these criteria are met. // fcst_genesis = { vmax_thresh = NA; mslp_thresh = NA; } // // BEST track genesis event criteria. Defined as tracks reaching the specified // intensity category, maximum wind speed threshold, and minimum sea-level // pressure threshold. The BEST track genesis time is the valid time of the // first track point where all of these criteria are met. // best_genesis = { technique = "BEST"; category = [ "TD", "TS" ]; vmax_thresh = NA; mslp_thresh = NA; } // // Operational track technique name // oper_technique = "CARQ"; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Track filtering options // May be specified separately in each filter array entry. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Array of dictionaries containing the track filtering options // If empty, a single filter is defined using the top-level settings. // filter = []; // // Description written to output DESC column // desc = "ALL"; // // Forecast ATCF ID's // If empty, all ATCF ID's found will be processed. // Statistics will be generated separately for each ATCF ID. // model = []; // // BEST and operational track storm identifiers // storm_id = []; // // BEST and operational track storm names // storm_name = []; // // Forecast and operational initialization times to include or exclude // init_beg = ""; init_end = ""; init_inc = []; init_exc = []; // // Forecast, BEST, and operational valid time window // valid_beg = ""; valid_end = ""; // // Forecast and operational initialization hours // init_hour = []; // // Forecast and operational lead times in hours // lead = []; // // Spatial masking region (path to gridded data file or polyline file) // vx_mask = ""; // // Spatial masking of hurricane basin names from the basin_file // basin_mask = ["AL"]; // // Distance to land threshold // dland_thresh = NA; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Matching and scoring options // May be specified separately in each filter array entry. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Genesis matching logic. Compare the forecast genesis point to all points in // the Best track (TRUE) or the single Best track genesis point (FALSE). // genesis_match_point_to_track = TRUE; // // Radius in km to search for a matching genesis event // genesis_match_radius = 500; // // Time window in hours, relative to the model genesis time, to search for a // matching Best track point // genesis_match_window = { beg = 0; end = 0; } // // Radius in km for a development scoring method hit // dev_hit_radius = 500; // // Time window in hours, relative to the model genesis time, for a development // scoring method hit // dev_hit_window = { beg = -24; end = 24; } // // Time window in hours for the Best track genesis minus model initialization // time difference for an operational scoring method hit // ops_hit_window = { beg = 0; end = 48; } // // Discard genesis forecasts for initializations at or after the matching // BEST track genesis time // discard_init_post_genesis_flag = TRUE; // // Scoring methods to be applied // dev_method_flag = TRUE; ops_method_flag = TRUE; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Output options // May be specified separately in each filter array entry. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Confidence interval alpha value // ci_alpha = 0.05; // // Statistical output types // output_flag = { fho = NONE; ctc = BOTH; cts = BOTH; genmpr = BOTH; } // // NetCDF genesis pair counts // nc_pairs_flag = { latlon = TRUE; fcst_genesis = TRUE; fcst_tracks = TRUE; fcst_fy_oy = TRUE; fcst_fy_on = TRUE; best_genesis = TRUE; best_tracks = TRUE; best_fy_oy = TRUE; best_fn_oy = TRUE; } // // Specify which track points should be counted by thresholding the track point // valid time minus genesis time difference. // valid_minus_genesis_diff_thresh = NA; // // Count unique BEST track genesis event locations (TRUE) versus counting the // location for all pairs (FALSE). // best_unique_flag = TRUE; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Global settings // May only be specified once. // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Specify the NetCDF output of the gen_dland tool containing a gridded // representation of the minimum distance to land. // dland_file = "MET_BASE/tc_data/dland_global_tenth_degree.nc"; // // Specify the NetCDF file containing a gridded representation of the // global basins. // basin_file = "MET_BASE/tc_data/basin_global_tenth_degree.nc"; // // NetCDF genesis pairs grid // nc_pairs_grid = "G003"; // // Indicate a version number for the contents of this configuration file. // The value should generally not be modified. // version = "V10.0.0";