Model Configuration: ----------------- 40.01 LATITUDE..(N > 0.00 (+); S < 0.00 (-)) 88.37 LONGITUDE.(W > 0.00 (+); E < 0.00 (-)) -1 IBINOUT...(+/-) Output type: +1=Binary(GrADS), -1=ASCII(*.TXT) 1 JDAY......Initial julian day of simulation (1-366) 30 TIME......Initial time "hhmm", where: hh=hour(0-23), mm=min(0-59) 1 NCYCLES...Cycles the forcing data (useful for spin-up runs) 365 SYDAYS....DAYS IN SPIN-UP YEAR(ea. SpUp yr has Sysec/dt t_steps) .false. L2nd_data.Uses 2nd forcing data file (useful after spin-up runs) 17520 NRUN......Total # of simulation time steps 1800.0000 DT........Time step for integration in sec (not more than 3600) 4 NSOIL.....Number of soil layers (2-20) 6.0000 Z.........Height (above ground) of the forcing wind vector (m) 0.100 0.300 0.600 1.000 K=1,NSOIL...thickness of each soil layer (m) -------------------------------------------------- Filenames of atmospheric data used for input forcing (1 and 2): -------------------------------------------------- obs98.dat obs98.dat ------------------------------------------------------------- Integer indexes designating soil type, veg type and slope type: ------------------------------------------------------------- 2 SOILTYP...Soil type index 1-9 7 VEGTYP....Vegetation type index 1-13 1 SLOPETYP..Slope type index 1-9 ____ Monthly ALBEDO (snow free albedo): J* F M A* M J J* A S O* N D 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.16 0.15 ____ Monthly SHDFAC (green vegetation fraction): J F M A M J J A S O N D 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.17 0.27 0.58 0.93 0.96 0.65 0.24 0.11 0.02 -- 0.7500 SNOALB....Max albedo over very deep snow 0 SEA ICE...Sea ice flag (keep as integer 0 to designate non-sea) ------------------ Physical parameters: ------------------ 285. TBOT......Annual constant bottom boundary soil temperature (K) ---------------------- Initial state variables: ---------------------- 263.949921 T1........Initial skin temperature (K) 266.032043 273.881073 276.553528 280.100433 K=1,NSOIL Initial soil layer temp (K) 0.325228751 0.319474697 0.317216367 0.30780527 K=1,NSOIL Initial soil lyr tot moist 0.166004255 0.282800674 0.317216367 0.30780527 K=1,NSOIL Initial soil lyr liq moist 4.046993272E-4 CMC.......Initial canopy water content (m) 0.0 SNOWH.....Initial actual snow depth (m) 0.0 SNEQV.....Initial water equivalent snow depth (m) -------------------------------------- ----- END OF READABLE CONTROLFILE -----------------------------------------------