SUBROUTINE ST_RMBL ( string, outstr, length, iret ) C************************************************************************ C* ST_RMBL * C* * C* This subroutine removes spaces and tabs from a string. The input * C* and output strings may be the same variable. * C* * C* ST_RMBL ( STRING, OUTSTR, LENGTH, IRET ) * C* * C* Input parameters: * C* STRING CHAR* String * C* * C* Output parameters: * C* OUTSTR CHAR* String without blanks * C* LENGTH INTEGER Length of output string * C* IRET INTEGER Return code * C* 0 = normal return * C** * C* Log: * C* M. desJardins/GSFC 8/84 * C* M. desJardins/GSFC 6/88 Documentation * C* M. desJardins/NMC 3/92 Add temporary variable ttt * C* L. Sager/NCEP 2/96 Increased size of sss and ttt * C* D. Kidwell/NCEP 10/96 Ported to Cray * C************************************************************************ C* GEMPRM.PRM C* C* This include file contains parameter definitions for the GEMPAK C* software routines in the ST_ and PR_ libraries. C* C* CRAY version C** C* Log: C* Kidwell/NCEP 07/96 Adapted a subset of gemprm.prm for Cray C************************************************************************ C! C! Missing data definitions C! PARAMETER ( RMISSD = -9999.0 ) C! Missing data value PARAMETER ( RDIFFD = 0.1 ) C! Missing value fuzziness PARAMETER ( IMISSD = -9999 ) C! Missing integer value LOGICAL ERMISS C! Declare for stmt func C! C! Physical and mathematical constants C! PARAMETER ( PI = 3.14159265 ) C! PI PARAMETER ( DTR = PI / 180. ) PARAMETER ( RTD = 180. / PI ) C! Degrees <--> Radians PARAMETER ( GRAVTY = 9.80616 ) C! Acceleration of gravity PARAMETER ( RDGAS = 287.04 ) PARAMETER ( RKAP = RDGAS / GRAVTY ) C! Gas constant of dry air PARAMETER ( RKAPPA = 2. / 7. ) C! Poisson constant PARAMETER ( GAMUSD = 6.5 ) C! US std atmos lapse rate PARAMETER ( TMCK = 273.15 ) C! Centigrade -> Kelvin C! C! ASCII character constants C! C! Since the Cray does not allow the use of a function (e.g., C! CHAR) to define a parameter, nor does it allow a character C! to be defined directly as a hex (X) value, the convolutions C! below are necessary to define the character values for Cray. C! C CHARACTER * 1 chnull, chtab, chspac, chtlda C CHARACTER * 8 c8null, c8tab, c8spac, c8tlda C INTEGER iigemc ( 4 ) C EQUIVALENCE ( chnull, c8null (8:8) ), ( chtab , c8tab (8:8) ), + ( chspac, c8spac (8:8) ), ( chtlda, c8tlda (8:8) ) C EQUIVALENCE ( iigemc ( 1), c8null ), ( iigemc ( 2), c8tab ), + ( iigemc ( 3), c8spac ), ( iigemc ( 4), c8tlda ) C DATA iigemc / X'00', X'09', X'20', X'7E' / C Null Tab Space Tilda C! C* CHARACTER*(*) string, outstr C* CHARACTER c*1, sss*160, ttt*160 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- iret = 0 length = 0 sss = string ttt = ' ' C C* Get length of input string. C CALL ST_LSTR ( sss, lens, iret ) C C* Check each character to see if it is a blank. C DO i = 1, lens c = sss (i:i) IF ( ( c .ne. CHSPAC ) .and. ( c .ne. CHTAB ) ) THEN length = length + 1 ttt ( length : length ) = c END IF END DO C* outstr = ttt C* RETURN END