Important notices for directory co2dat_4a: This directory is the repository of all co2 data processed (using a smoothing algorithm) at EMC for NCEP forecast models. (1) a: Data files ended with '.txt' and without any suffix are from observations. Due to time delay when obtaining the data (usually one year or later), these data files are not suitable for real-time or future forecasts. However, in addition for hindcast, the data are used for projection of next year's data and beyond. (For example: near the end of 2012, most of 2011 data are collected and used to produce observational 2011 data set, and to update the previous projection for 2012. Then this updated 2012 projection and 2011 or earlier observations are used to project 2013 data for the continuation of regular forecasts.) b: Data files ended with '_proj' are data projections from the updated current year's projection (_proj_u) and prior 5-year's observed data. Those data are also copied to the directory 'fix_co2_proj' and the suffix '_proj' is removed in that directory. Those projected data are suitable for real-time and future forecast. (note: data for _2009.txt_proj is the same as _2009.txt_proj_u) c: Data files ended with '_proj_u' are updated projections from prior 6-year's actual observations. As explained in item a, those updated data sets are usually not produced early enough for actual forecasts use. But will be used for future projections. Those data are copied into directory 'fix_co2_updated' but the suffix '_proj_u' is removed there. (2) Starting from 2008, a new data processing algorithm that includes a 9-point grid average is used to replace the previous algorithm to reduce noise in the global distribution map. All data in this directory are from the new smoothing method, including reprocessed data earlier than 2008. This presents a little differences for the early data sets (1956-2007) that from the original unsmoothing method (the early data are still kept in the operational /nwprod/fix directory for the purpose of preserve model's reproducibility). Since year 2008, all data sets in the operational directory are coming from this repository.