1850 2019 1861 2008 .00 AS BASE VALUE YEARLY TSI (W/M2) IN TIM SCALE 2019 1360.4600 2018 1360.5000 2017 1360.5900 2016 1360.7100 2015 1360.8800 2014 1361.0500 2013 1361.1300 2012 1361.0500 2011 1360.8000 2010 1360.4800 2009 1360.3100 2008 1360.2900 2007 1360.3000 2006 1360.4500 2005 1360.5500 2004 1360.8100 2003 1361.0200 2002 1361.5200 2001 1361.5800 2000 1361.7800 1999 1361.6400 1998 1361.3400 1997 1360.8800 1996 1360.6800 1995 1360.8400 1994 1360.9100 1993 1361.0800 1992 1361.4900 1991 1361.6200 1990 1361.5300 1989 1361.2100 1988 1360.6300 1987 1360.3000 1986 1360.2100 1985 1360.2200 1984 1360.3900 1983 1360.7200 1982 1360.8800 1981 1361.1300 1980 1361.5200 1979 1362.2500 1978 1361.1500 1977 1360.6100 1976 1360.4800 1975 1360.5100 1974 1360.6700 1973 1360.7000 1972 1360.9600 1971 1360.9400 1970 1361.2600 1969 1361.2600 1968 1361.2700 1967 1361.1600 1966 1360.7700 1965 1360.5000 1964 1360.4600 1963 1360.6100 1962 1360.6900 1961 1360.8300 1960 1361.3200 1959 1361.7100 1958 1361.9200 1957 1361.9700 1956 1361.5700 1955 1360.7000 1954 1360.4200 1953 1360.4900 1952 1360.6400 1951 1360.9600 1950 1361.0800 1949 1361.5100 1948 1361.5200 1947 1361.6500 1946 1361.1500 1945 1360.6600 1944 1360.4600 1943 1360.5200 1942 1360.6300 1941 1360.7800 1940 1360.9500 1939 1361.1200 1938 1361.3000 1937 1361.3400 1936 1361.0500 1935 1360.6800 1934 1360.4500 1933 1360.4300 1932 1360.4700 1931 1360.5600 1930 1360.6800 1929 1360.9200 1928 1361.0300 1927 1360.9600 1926 1360.9100 1925 1360.7500 1924 1360.5200 1923 1360.4300 1922 1360.5000 1921 1360.6000 1920 1360.6900 1919 1360.9100 1918 1361.0500 1917 1361.2500 1916 1360.8600 1915 1360.7800 1914 1360.4600 1913 1360.3900 1912 1360.4100 1911 1360.4300 1910 1360.5300 1909 1360.7500 1908 1360.7900 1907 1360.9000 1906 1360.8300 1905 1360.9100 1904 1360.7300 1903 1360.5800 1902 1360.4200 1901 1360.4000 1900 1360.4600 1899 1360.4800 1898 1360.6000 1897 1360.6000 1896 1360.7300 1895 1360.9100 1894 1361.0300 1893 1361.0900 1892 1360.9900 1891 1360.6800 1890 1360.4400 1889 1360.4300 1888 1360.4400 1887 1360.4900 1886 1360.5900 1885 1360.8100 1884 1360.9100 1883 1360.9100 1882 1360.8800 1881 1360.8300 1880 1360.6500 1879 1360.4300 1878 1360.4100 1877 1360.4800 1876 1360.4700 1875 1360.5200 1874 1360.7500 1873 1360.9300 1872 1361.2300 1871 1361.3100 1870 1361.5400 1869 1361.0000 1868 1360.6900 1867 1360.4400 1866 1360.5100 1865 1360.6300 1864 1360.7700 1863 1360.7500 1862 1360.8700 1861 1361.0300 1860 1361.1800 1859 1361.1600 1858 1360.8400 1857 1360.5700 1856 1360.4100 1855 1360.4300 1854 1360.5500 1853 1360.7100 1852 1360.8300 1851 1360.9200 1850 1360.9400 ******************************************************************* Data arrangement: 1st line: yr_start, yr_end, yr_cyc1, yr_cyc2, base_value (4i5,f8.2): yr_start, yr_end : starting and ending year of the table yr_cyc1, yr_cyc2 : marks for 1st and last cycles used for data beyond table range base_value : base value to be added 2nd line and so on: year, solcon in w/m2 (i4,f10.4) Total Solar Irradiance (W/m*m) in TIM scale (annual mean). The original table (minus 1360) was derived by Van den Dool (2011, Reconstruction of the solar constant back to 1750) as described below. "The above Table 1 shows S for 1850 through 2019 for use at NCEP. Add 1360 to the numbers shown to obtain S in W/(m*m). Each row represents the year on the left plus 0, 1, ..9. For 1979-2010 the values in this Table are as observed. For 1850-1978 the value is based on a regression between sunspots and the TSI data, the regression (0.81 correlation) being based on 1979-2010 data. The same for 2011-2019, where I use the NCEP-SWPC prediction of sunspots for the currently unfolding solar cycle. After all is said and done S varies by no more than 2 W/m2. Nore that the variance is higher during 1979-2010 than in other parts of the time series." .