&RP_INPUT !##############################################################################! ! CPTEC emission model CPTEC/INPE ! ! version 1: 20/may/2008 ! ! developed/coded by Saulo Freitas and Karla Longo ! ! contact: saulo.freitas@cptec.inpe.br web: meioambiente.cptec.inpe.br ! !############################################################################### !---------------- grid_type of the grid output grid_type= 'fim', ! !'polar' = polar stereo. grid output ! 'gg' = gaussian grid output ! 'll' = lat/lon grid output ! 'fim' = FIM model grid !---------------- date of emission ! ihour=00, iday=09, imon=07, iyear=2008, ihour=, iday=, imon=, iyear=, !---------------- select the sources datasets to be used use_retro=0, ! 1 = yes, 0 = not retro_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/RETRO/anthro', ! use_edgar=0, ! edgar_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/EDGAR/anthro', ! # use_edgar = 1 : 2000 EDGAR (1 degree data) ! # use_edgar = 2 : 2005 EDGAR (.1 degree data) use_edgar=0, edgar_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/EDGARV4', use_gocart=0, gocart_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/GOCART/emissions', use_bioge=0, bioge_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/biogenic_emissions', use_fwbawb=0, fwbawb_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/Emissions_Yevich_Logan', use_gfedv2=0, gfedv2_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/GFEDv2-8days', use_bbem=1, use_bbem_plumerise=1, !---------------- if the merging of gfedv2 with 3bem is desired (=1, yes, 0 = no) merge_GFEDv2_bbem =0, !---------------- Fire product for BBBEM/BBBEM-plumerise emission models bbem_wfabba_data_dir ='/public/data/sat/ssec/goes11/wf_abba/f', ! bbem_modis_data_dir ='/lfs0/projects/rtfim/MODIS_DATA/2010/Fires.', ! OVERWRITE __MODIS_YEAR__ bbem_modis_data_dir ='/pan2/projects/fim-njet/FIMX_10YR_FIRES/MODIS_DATA/__MODIS_YEAR__/Fires.', bbem_inpe_data_dir ='/home/freitas/emission_data/fires/DSA/Focos', bbem_extra_data_dir ='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/fires_data/BLMALASKA/current.dat', !---------------- veg type data set (dir + prefix) veg_type_data_dir ='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/surface_data/GL_IGBP_MODIS_INPE/MODIS', !---------------- carbon density data set (dir + prefix) carbon_density_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/surface_data/GL_OGE_INPE/OGE', fuel_data_dir ='', !---------------- gocart background use_gocart_bg=0, gocart_bg_data_dir='/lfs0/projects/wrf-chem/wrfchemv33/Emission_data/GOCART', use_volcanoes=0, VOLCANO_INDEX=1454 use_these_values='NONE' begin_eruption='201105211200' !---------------- for grid type 'll' or 'gg' only grid_resolucao_lon=1., ! degrees grid_resolucao_lat=1., ! degrees nlat=320, ! if gg (only global grid) lon_beg = -180., ! (-180.:+180.) long-begin of the output file lat_beg = -90., ! ( -90.:+90. ) lat -begin of the output file delta_lon= 360., ! total long extension of the domain (360 for global) delta_lat= 180., ! total lat extension of the domain (180 for global) !---------------- For regional grids (polar or lambert) NGRIDS = 1, ! Number of grids to run NNXP = 190,50,86,46, ! Number of x gridpoints NNYP = 140,50,74,46, ! Number of y gridpoints NXTNEST = 0,1,1,1, ! Grid number which is the next coarser grid DELTAX = 27000., DELTAY = 27000., ! X and Y grid spacing ! Nest ratios between this grid and the next coarser grid. NSTRATX = 1,2,3,4, ! x-direction NSTRATY = 1,2,3,4 ! y-direction POLELAT = 38., ! If polar, latitude/longitude of pole point POLELON = -97., ! If lambert, lat/lon of grid origin (x=y=0.) STDLAT1 = 45., ! If polar, unused STDLAT2 = 35., ! If lambert, standard latitudes of projection CENTLAT = 38., -23., 27.5, 27.5, CENTLON = -97., -46.,-80.5, -80.5, !---------------- project grid to lat/lon: 'YES' or 'NOT' (only set up for GrADS visualization) proj_to_ll='NO', !---------------- model output domain for each grid (only set up for GrADS visualization) lati = -90., -90., -90., latf = +90., +90., +90., loni = -180., -180., -180., lonf = 180., 180., 180., !---------------- output file prefix (may include directory other than the current) chem_out_prefix = 'FIM', chem_out_format = 'vfm', ! don't change' this !---------------- convert to WRF/CHEM (yes,no) ! convert_to_wrf = 'yes', special_output_to_wrf = 'yes', /