# input parameters for GTG indices driver and scoring routines # input model assignment parameters input_model =56; | input model 56=GEFS fv3v13 native input_model_domain =1; | input model domain input_model_vcoord =2; | input model vertical coordinate (1=isentropic, 2=sigma, 3=p, 4=z IM =1536; | input model x grid points (nominally west-east) ! ATEC DPG ARWRF D3 JM =768; | input model y grid points (nominally south-north) ! ATEC DPG ARWRF D3 LM =127; | input model z grid points (nominally vertical) ! ATEC DPG ARWRF D3 # gtg run parameters crunid ='GEFSV13NAT_4203'; | label for output files zsmin = 0.0; | minimum altitude to compute zsmax = 80000.; | maximum altitude to compute start_year = 2023; | ifyearmin start_month = 02; | ifmonmin start_day = 01; | ifdaymin end_year = 2023; | ifyearmax end_month = 02; | ifmonmax end_day = 01; | ifdaymax ihours = 06; | list of init hours, e.g. 09,12,15...nitimes fhours = 12; | list of fcst hours, e.g. 06,12,18...nftimes nensembles = 1; | Number of NWP ensembles skipfile = 1; | skip frequency (days) between start and end times CutoutDimensions = 0,0,0; | 70,70,45;| x,y,z dimensions of output file cutout (0,0,0=full grid) CutoutCenter = 225,168; | i,j of center of cutout domain ic = 225; | row to print during indices execution jc = 168; | column to print during indices execution kc = 38; | level to print during indices execution assignlatlons =.FALSE.; | if true assigns ic,jc based on lats,lons lats =+30.0; | lat for ic,jc if assignlatlons=T lons =+91.0; | lon for ic,jc if assignlatlons=T nhalo =2; | number of points in halo preserve_nwp_input =.TRUE.; | F=OK to overwrite input nwp data debug_on =0; | 0=No print(proc) output files, minimal prints (i.e. production run), 1=print according printflag # index/GTG computation options comp_CIT =.TRUE.; | compute possible CIT parameters QCLDmin =1.0E-6; | cloud mixing ratio threshold (kg/kg) - NCEP NOFILT =.FALSE.; | Disable all smoothing and filtering of indices (T=disable) select_GTG_only =.TRUE.; | compute all indices according to ipickindx remap_GTG =.FALSE.; | remap GTG combo using fit usetropregion23 =.TRUE.; | Use trop ht for region2-3 boundary use_default_zi =.TRUE.; | T=Set output interpolated alts of FL010-600, otherwise hardcode in gtg_algo gtg_comp_option =0; | 0=avg,1=median,2=80thpercentile use_equal_wts =.TRUE.; | Use equal weights in GTG combo, otherwise use weight from config file comp_gtg_probs =.FALSE.; | compute GTG probabilities and write to output files use_all_indices_prob =.FALSE.; | use all computed indices or just gtg deterministic combo prob_thresholds =0.1,0.2,0.30,0.45; | probability thresholds to compute (up to 10) GTGSPVAL =9.9E10; | missing value to be used within GTG computations OUTSPVAL =9.9E10; | missing value to be output # machine learning model mlmodel_opt =.FALSE.; | activates the use of machine learning model for GTG calculation mlmodel_opt_lowmid =.FALSE.; | activates the use of low/mid levels machine learning model for GTG calculation mlmodel_dir =''; | machine learning model info directory mlmodel_name =''; | ML model name mlmodel_name_lowmid =''; | ML model name mlmodel_ntree =100; |; | 100; | number of trees conforming the random forest mlmodel_kinc =50; | number of vertical grid points for ML model batch size mlmodel_maxopt =1; | option for GTGMAX (==0: across trees; ==1: same as GTGDEF) # assign input directories/files fosgpfDir =''; DALgpfDir =''; ANZgpfDir =''; MFAgpfDir =''; AFrgpfDir =''; monthlyedrDir =''; IATAedrDir =''; NTDAedrDir =''; udeDir =''; nldnDir =''; entlnlgtDir =''; nwpDir =''; nwpFileFormat ='netcdf'; | input file format 'netcdf' or 'grib' config_name ='gtg.config.gefs'; actypefile =''; NTDAHGTFile =''; | terrain ht file to use with NTDA gridded data # assign output directories cwdDir =''; FcstOutDir =''; PrintOutDir =''; PDFOutDir =''; SCOREOutDir =''; PIOutDir =''; # output options defaultprintflag =0; | default printflag (0,1,2, etc) 0=no print ioutputflag =2; | 0=nowrite, 1=write F,Q files, 2=use 4darray and write F,Q files outputFileFormat ='binary'; | output file format ("netcdf" or "binary") SaveQ =.FALSE.; | 1=write Q files (required for SAVEPDFs or saveplotsQ options) writencFout =0; | save F data in netcdf format (0=don't save, 1=GTG combo only, 2=GTG combo+indices) writencQout =0; | save Q data in netcdf format (0=don't save, 1=GTG combo only, 2=GTG combo+indices) writencPout =0; | final output interpolated pressure data netcdf option (0=don't save, 1=GTG combo only, 2=GTG combo+indices) writeRemappedInd =.FALSE.; | final output of indices (T=remapped to EDR) in netcdf and score files SAVE_SCORES =.FALSE.; | create file of index-obs values for later scoring SAVEPDFs =.FALSE.; | creates PDFS (histogram) files of indices nbins =180; | Number of bins to be used in PDFS (histogram) nbmin =20; | Minimum number of items/bin to be used in PDFS (histogram) binning_option_mask =1,0,1; | bin (incloud,out-of-cloud,in/out cloud) saveplotsF =0; | writes .F binary plot file (0=don't save, 1=GTG combos only, 2=GTG combos+NWP, 3=GTG combos+NWP+indices) saveplotsQ =0; | writes .Q binary plot file (0=don't save, 1=GTG combos only, 2=GTG combos+NWP, 3=GTG combos+NWP+indices) save_obs =.FALSE.; | write obs data used to separate output ascii file savebinary =.FALSE.; | Saves binary .F,.Q files (T=save,F=delete at end of execution-default) # scoring options rscore =0.; | scoring radius from observation (m) dzscore =500.; | scoring altitude increment from observation (ft) INCPIREPS =.FALSE.; | use pireps in scoring,weighting INCDALPIREPS =.FALSE.; | use NWA/DAL pireps in scoring,weighting INCANZPIREPS =.FALSE.; | use Air New Zealand pireps in scoring,weighting INCMFAIREPS =.FALSE.; | use Meteo France aireps in scoring,weighting INCAFPIREPS =.FALSE.; | use Air France pireps in scoring,weighting TransitionAltitude =10000.; | transition altitude to flight levels (ft MSL) usewakeclass =.FALSE.; | Use wake/weight class to convert to edr dptimef =0.5; | pirep forward time window (hrs) dptimeb =0.5; | pirep backward time window (hrs) lower_alt_limit =0.; | lowest obs altitude to use (ft) upper_alt_limit =60000; | highest obs altitude to use (ft) INCINSITUEDR =.FALSE.; | use insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting INCUALEDR =.FALSE.; | use UAL insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting INCDALEDR =.FALSE.; | use DAL insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting INCSWAEDR =.FALSE.; | use SWA insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting INCSWREDR =.FALSE.; | use SWISS saved insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting USE_INTERPOLATED_NULLS =.FALSE.; | use interpolated nulls nulls from edr reports (DAL,SWA) USE_Triggered_Only =.FALSE.; | use only triggered edr reports (DAL,SWA) dedrtime =0.5; | edr forward/backward time window (hrs) INCIATAEDR =.FALSE.; | use IATA insitu edr reports in scoring,weighting INCNTDAEDR =.FALSE.; | use NTDA edr reports in scoring,weighting dntdatime =0.1; | ntda edr forward/backward time window (hrs) INCUDE =.FALSE.; | use Ude reports in scoring,weighting dudetime =1.0; | Ude forward/backward time window (hrs) INCLIGHTNING =.FALSE.; | use lightning data to identify CIT observations LFILT =.FALSE.; | filter observations within lgtrad dist and dltime lgtrad =50.0E3; | lightning filter radius (m) dltime =0.5; | lightning filter time window (hr) # Optional climo run parameters save_obs_climo =.FALSE.; | Associate GTG output with observations save_climo_ncfiles =.FALSE.; | Save run climatological parameters to netcdf file save_vert_climo =.FALSE.; | Output vertical profile at observation save_climo_bins =.FALSE.; | Output binned data of obs vs scales use_insitu_only =.FALSE.; | include_trop_region =.FALSE.; | Bin extra regions +/- 1km of tropopause output_p_levels =.FALSE.; | Output climo netcdf files on p levels comp_minabsvort =.FALSE.; | compute min abs vorticity to check for inertial instability ClimoDir =''; | output netcdf file directory ##